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a day trp to Jordan (village in Niagara)

Randy and decided to enjoy the last nice day before the forecast days of rain arrive tonight. So we went down to the pretty village of Jordan in Niagara this morning.

Fall color is quite advanced there now so there wasn't much left of the gardens that line the h*llstrip and front gardens on the main part of Main Street, so I didn't get any pictures of that.

We stopped in at the Copper Leaf garden store to see what was new. They had a couple of fountains that I'd love to make a garden around. Fortunately neither of them would really suit this garden - fortunate because I couldn't afford them! I didn't check the price on this one:

but this black marble one was $2700 or so:


There were a couple of very pretty variegated hydrangeas in the small garden at the store.

The lady didn't know their name so, on the way home, we detoured via Vineland Nursery to see if they might know what they were and have one. They weren't sure exactly which hydrangeas they were but they had a variegated one called 'Quadricolor', so I got that one. It's a macrophylla so is unlikely to bloom for me most years! But that's OK because I really want it for its foliage.

We had a very nice lunch at a small cafe there. And picked up some nice fudge at a small store. So it was a nice day out. By the time we were coming back, the temperature had dropped quite a bit and a lot of fog was rolling in from the lake. When we got home I noticed that the aster that is growing in to dwarf lilac near the south gate is still putting on a nice show - the purple asters along the driveway are fading fast now.


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