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Idyll #281 - That Fall Feeling

18 years ago

Another summer winding down ... what Will we do with ourselves?? Carry on .....


Comments (102)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    PATTI PAGE : Try To Remember LyricsTry To Remember
    by Patti Page

    Try to remember the kind of September
    When life was slow and oh, so mellow
    Try to remember the kind of September
    When grass was green and grain was yellow
    Try to remember the kind of September
    When you were a tender and callow fellow
    Try to remember and if you remember
    Then follow, follow.

    Try to remember when life was so tender
    That no one wept except the willow
    Try to remember the time of September
    When love was an ember about to billow
    Try to remember and if you remember
    Then follow, follow.

    Deep in December It's nice to remember
    Although you know the snow will follow
    Deep in December It's nice to remember
    The fire of September that made us mellow
    Deep in December our hearts should remember
    And follow, follow, follow...

    Marian-standing in for Ei ( But with Patti Page) :-)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Idylls! I havent forgotten you. In fact, I chat w/you in my head all the time! I havent had time or have been too pooped to read and catch up.

    I need a new body. I cant tell which part aches more although my forearms are screaming! The front landscape is coming along. So far Ive moved a rhodo, azalea and knockout rose to the back garden, planted 3 Cornus alba "Bailhalo and Hydrangea Lady in Red. In the front, Ive planted 23 boxwood, 5 W&R Weigeilas, 12 Sedum Angelinas, 7 Azalea Silverswords, removed sod and black diamond edging and created new bed outlines in two areas and moved boulders into a new retaining wall next to the paver walkway. The latter is not as easy as it looks. Luckily, I havent smashed my hands or feet. Yesterday I spent all day on the retaining wall with an iron pry bar and hand truck, inching and/or tugging the boulders into place. Ive been working on it on and off b/c its so tiring and I dont want to hurt myself in the process. We still have 2 yds of topsoil in the driveway to finish grading the beds.

    The 6 Weeping Norway Spruce (gorgeous!) was delivered "to the hole" yesterday at noon. So last night DH and I removed the wire cage and burlap, mixed in compost, topsoil and peat moss with the soil, and got it planted. We also added extra soil to properly grade the area away from the house. Since that was the area we had dug out to waterproof the basement wall from the outside, we left the rootball 4-5" above grade to allow room for it to settle in. I hope its happy there b/c it is such a pretty tree.

    Deanne, we were bad for dinner last nite so I understand your frustration. At DH's suggestion, he got us carry-out coney dogs and fries! Oooooo, it was so yummy! We'll have to climb back on the diet bandwagon today. I agree, it's so discouraging when a little diet misstep results in immediate weight gain. We're in a 'holding' pattern now but hope we continue to take off more lbs after sweet corn and tomato season is over. We'll probably have to watch what we eat for the rest of our lives, too.

    Tuesday, I met Eden out at a nursery near her and bot a Ninebark Summer Wine for the back garden. Eden, after much consideration, I think Im going to buy the Magnolia Leonard Messel we saw and use it instead of a tri-color beech. Its huge, perhaps 6 x 8. Hopefully, theyll increase the sale discount before I get out there again to get it.

    On the way home I stopped at another nursery and saw a gorgeous Acer palmatum Fireglow. I think Im going back to get that today as well as a couple double knockout roses (half off sale at another nursery), and rescue a Daphne Carol Mackie I saw at one of the HDs Ive stopped at in the last couple days. Hmmmm. I wonder which store?

    Of course, Ive picked up misc. plants in my travels -- 3 Polemonium Bressingham Purple, a couple ferns, Obsidian Heucheras, a Bergenia, Hakonchloa All Gold etc., etc. Im not sure where theyre all going yet, tho.

    Today is the farmers market in town so I have to get this program underway. I also have to get another load of compost from the twp.

    Thinking of you guys and especially the IU3.5 Ill be missing. Ill be back. TTYL.

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    Idyll #454 Parachuting Into a Perfect Fall


    Comments (100)
    Good Morning all! Yes, another school year has begun. TCS was nervous so he went on the bus and I raced over to the schoolyard to meet him. He was not completely thrilled with his new teacher (the school no-nonsense champ) and I was completely thrilled. Many of his friends are in his class so I think he will do fine. I had a case of the "poor me"s this week for a few days, and then I got sick, so one was probably leading to the other. Better now, and, as Mary says - that bittersweet time when you have freedom and don't quite know what to do with it! We spent last week preparing for the Perth Fair. TCS made an Inukshuk, some bread, a rice crispie pumpkin, two flower entries and an entry into the Large Vegetable contest. He came second for bread and third for the Inukshuk, for a total of $6, and second in the Large Veggie for $15. But the big thing is that there is a draw for a bicycle for all kids who enter, and he was the winner! How thrilling is that for a seven year old??!! I managed first place for Hostas and Hens and Chicks, two thirds for tomatoes. Friday I took Adrian and a friend to the fair for the day. The weather was wonderful and the place was absolutely jammed. I managed to keep them from consuming a bunch of sugary junk, and bought them ride bracelets so they could go on every child-sized ride three times! I had a splitting headache by the end of the day so I think that is where my funk and upset started. All of your photos are great! Deanne, my Sweet Autumn is still just teeny buds, but I do have pets who drink out of the fountains and birdbaths. (Out of the birdbaths, ugh!). Mr. B. could be the next Bill Gates and support you all in luxury, Kathy! Glad to hear you are feeling better now. Would you like to live and garden in those hot and dry conditions? Well, the wedding sounds like one to remember. This is the stuff of hilarious family stories generations later! DD went to a wedding this weekend where 84 of those who said they were coming didn't show. Imagine RSVPing to something that important, special, and not to mention costly, and then not show. How rude. Gee Martie, too bad about the herb dream collapsing in a cloud, well, a wave of swamp. Is there any other place to locate this? It sounded like such a good idea....And "Hi" to BooToo. Reminds me of Marie's kitty Metoo. And speaking of Marie, hugs to you today, I'm thinking of you, and a Reed walk will figure prominantly in my schedule for the day. And hugs and best wishes to Woody, who has a long row to hoe these days. Outdoor work today will consist of moving the back lawn and spraying my illegal cache of Weed Out on the new invaders from the park. I am not sure what I'll do when my stash runs out. At least with the Spite Fence no one can see me performing the dirty deed....Also going to paint a baseboard (the JJob; I'm doing one each day), make some cookies for TCS, and give the dogs a spa day (they have such short little hair that the whole grooming thing takes about a half hour including nail trimming). Then, like Maagie Muggins, tra la la I don't know what I'll do tomorrow! Cheers, Julie
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    Idyll #332 Countdown to Fall


    Comments (103)
    Sue, surely you have a couple of crates that you could put down in the cellar, next to the boiler? that would contain the canine miscreants quite handily, yes? ;) I can't wait to see your gaHdens... you worry too much. I, too, enjoyed Woody's lengthy post. I know all about falling behind and struggling to catch up. Your edging looks wonderful, what a project. I'm doubly impressed knowing how tough that can be on your "person". What impresses me most is the careful thought you've given to ACCESSIBILITY. It's an issue I'd never given much consideration before Mum moved in here... it's incredibly important (says she who lives on the second floor!). One of the things we're working very hard on is good pathways around the yard.. and I love the ramp idea. We have one out back (turf) and one in the front (stonedust and a bit too steep, IMO). We will be widening the paths around the garage to 5', instead of 4'. When our yard was on a tour, accessibility was noted by many. And touring the lovely gardens in July, I was mindful of the many "ankle-breakers" I saw. I KNOW I have to get the garage pictures organized, you guys. The mason left today, the builder flashed the chimney (lol!) and replaced the asphalt shingles. Tuesday is the day the power will be routed from the garage to the house... but I'm irritated that the helpmeet did not ask when the final "hook up" and the REMOVAL of the pole will occur. (deep cleansing breath). I paid the garage door guys some more money today and told them they may not deliver the doors on Tuesday. :) I pulled a few weeds this afternoon and in the process found a salamander! black with yellow spots and about 2" long. He was under the Japanese juniper (Juniperus procumbems?) and I put him back after "checking him out". I love the shot of Charlotte and Skyler, 'bug. I've thought of you several times today... most of all when Wrecks greeted me upon my return from work. The first few days are probably the worst... but maybe I'm wrong on that count. But since I hate dogs, my observations should be taken with a large grain of salt. V., you crack me up... I chuckled at the necessity of laundry. Please remember me to Dianthus... willya? And I'm wondering if you've thought about a planting as a memorial to your brother? I'm certain, if you have, that it will a "goodie". Can't wait to hear about your "adventures". Marian, it interests me that your weather seems rather in line with mine for spring and fall. My spring and fall are shorter, though. Summer is not nearly so hot and dry for me, and winter is colder, with more snow. But what you're noticing with respect to evening temperatures is right in line with my own observations. And you live a really long way from me! Eden, thanks for the tips on the lettering. I was on the right track, but hopeful that there was an easier way... I guess not... . I LOVE the idea of including mailing addresses in the box with the Creepy Guy... we'll never know where he'll surface next! I definitely think we could get some major "mileage" out of this one. :) (umm... now all I need your e-mail address, I couldn't find it in the address book even though it's probably there... somewhere). Nursing homes. I can barely keep from bubbling over when I think of Mum in that awful place. My brother called the the other night and told me she is probably going back to the psych. ward... probably because of another UTI. I know she has "lost it" mentally, but I am certain they don't pay attention to the needs of her urostomy... it's been the same in every hospital and "institution" we've dealt with. Her condition requires specialized care and attention to detail. And that's in opposition to hospitals and institutions. She needs "Cordon Bleu" and she's gettin' McDonald's. Would that she received the care that Charlotte did... . I am consumed with guilt and sick to my stomach. I hope none of you ever have to deal with this. Wanna hear about Mary's "talk". I'm certain you charmed them, utterly!
    ...See More

    Idyll #333 Continuing the Fall


    Comments (100)
    Good morning all, Happy Autumn to everyone! Can you even believe it? Seems like yesterday it was spring and we were all planning all the summer festivities and here it is another summer gone. As Im looking out at the September gardens here I have to thank all my Idyll and Garden friends whove given me so much information and inspiration over the last four years. There never used to be this much interest in the fall gardens. Ive learned so much here not to mention making friends for life. One of my lifes many blessings. So speaking of friends, I so wish you all could have been here for the afternoon yesterday. We started in a bit of a rush because Dougs cars battery died at the grocery store and he was stuck there for the longest time and got home barely in time to mow the lawn. I was running late because he was running late and anyway I was just finishing getting my hair put up when Chelone arrived. Normally Id be in a froth to be running that late but, no worries, these friends just are so laid back and mellow, no problems. Everyone arrived within twenty minutes of each other and Les and Monique brought up my bargain urn which took several of us to decant from Les minivan. Here is a pic I love the egg and dart detailing around the rim. What a buy, $50. for this because the corner is broken off. Detailing on the sides Anyway, originally I was going to put this in the way back on a rock I have back there but Im thinking I want to keep this in the front of the house as its such a beautiful piece. After we got the urn out of the car we had a lovely, leisurely tour of the gardens. As Ive said before and Ill say again, there is nothing as enjoyable as sharing the gardens with other gardeners. The high points were the Charles Grimaldi and all the lovely fuchsias are putting on quite a show at the moment. I was able to get some ideas for the new shrub border and show everyone the new pieced, rock mowing strip I put in a month ago. While we were doing the garden touring Doug was making salad and opened some wine then caught up with us outside and brought us a beverage of choice. What a peach! After the tour we settled in on the patio for our al fresco dining event. We started with Dougs famous smoked salmon served with the diners choice of pickled ginger, sour cream with dill, capers or hot pepper jelly as a garnish. I dont know how he does it but it is seriously the best salmon Ive ever eaten. Saucy brought a lovely home made bean dip, and a brillian bruschetta, Yum, yum! Wendy made her splendid spinach/feta/lemon dip. (Recipes please ladies) and Les made his gustatory delight guacamole. So who needed dinner after those appetizers? Well, we persevered, took a short breather and did justice to the main course of a crisp, tossed salad, Chelone brought fresh tomato/basil/mozzarella salad, Doug prepared grilled, marinated zucchini and the piece de resistance supplied by Sue/Tom/Monique and Les, gigantic prawns, marinated in garlic, cilantro grilled to perfection. Monique took some pics of these brilliant edibles from the sea and I hope she shares them with you all today. They looked like little lobster tails on the platter. What a superb meal! Whoops, almost forgot the corn on the cob but maybe I was trying to because Im now the laughing stock of the group because I eat my corn one row at a time. So maybe Im a bit OCD. LOL After another breather to make room (yes indeed there were home made desserts as well) we had Moniques magnificent apple cake with warmed caramel/pecan sauce and Wendys wonderful chocolate org - sm. (She assures us that really is the name of this decadent dessert.) Ahhhhh.. I dont think I need to eat for at least two days now. LOL As I said hopefully Monique will post pics of the food selections. (However, she really could avoid posting that unfortunate photograph of me and Doug with our faces pressed into the screen door. ) OK Ill post this then read the Idylls as there are lots of comments I want to make. Deanne
    ...See More

    Idyll #334 - The Fall Equinox


    Comments (100)
    Saturday and alls well, went to work at 6 this morning(had to drive an hour away) and got back home about 3:30. Not to bad for an inventory day. Tomorrow I go back but probably will only be a ½ day situation. V, my best wishes to your Cubs. Ive always had a soft spot for them and will most likely root for them in the playoffs . Bet the poor old Brewskies though they had it dialed into after holding the lead for most of the season. What strength of character you show Denise-resisting the urge to pilfer an agave pup. I would suspect that no one at that shopping center gives a rats a*** for that agave and that your theft would go unnoticed-however you didnt hear it from me ! (Betcha if you called the property manager you could get permission !) Well, I must say that even at my worst I never caught my hair on fire lol ! I did have my share of experiences in and around Sunset Blvd though. Do you remember Wallachs Music City on Sunset and Vine??? I will be sure to take the Idylls house-hunting with me ! Hey , did you ask about noisettes? The only one I have right now is Boule de Neige , and will absolutely have Madame Alfred Carriere one day. If I had to pick. Mme Alfred would win the day. Martie, I have Star of Yelta which is quite similar to Grandpa Ott, and it re-seeds like mad. This year I was not diligent enough in my thinning and it has engulfed Sombrieuil and one of my Rudbeckias. I agree that I need to be careful with how I spend my house sale prep bucks. My house will list in the 675k range. 2 to 5k is a drop in the bucket. I expect to spend 10, mostly in plumbing issues and kitchen and window upgrades. Hiya Brenda-glad you checked in..sounds like you are a busy lady-its that harvest thing. The harvest season is quite intense here in Napa, and the company I work for furnishes many supplies to the vineyard folk. Eden, Im all for Reed listening to Cinderella , especially the Rogers and Hammerstein version- I did not discriminate gender wise and my son is even more into show tunes now than DD. When we did car trips in their younger days the soundtracks were a great way to keep them entertained. Oklahoma was definitely a favorite ! The address for Creepy Guy has been sent. I am pondering his visit . (oh, and my kids were also very fond of a video I taped of Sweeney Todd with Angela in her glory-I edited out the gory stuff. !) Ok everyone, I have some chores to do and some baseball to watch. Catch yall later ! Kathy in Napa
    ...See More
  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Eat a sensible breakfast

    Toss a load of laundry in the wash

    Put some music on and dust all the furniture


    Notice that the windows are dirty and drag out the windex and start scrubbing,girl--inside and out!

    Open a drawer or two and notice the clutter-start the decluttering process(In my house that would be at least a whole week project)

    Drink a glass of water standing on your head(Oh wait that's for hiccups)
    Just drink a glass of water; )

    Toss the wet clothes in the dryer

    Go for a walk

    Do some cleaning away from the kitchen such as the attic,second floor or basement

    My surest way of not eating extra is to just go outside and putter in the garden-I always lose my sense of time

    Is that good enough Saucy?? Actually if I did all this stuff my house would look a lot nicer lol.
    I'm noticing that the best way for me to lose weight is to be working part time outside the home! I've lost three pounds without trying. I only work three hours a day but just the activity of being at work gives me no time to snack and once I get home I'm so busy with the kids I don't have any time to snack so I eat a good dinner...well that is when we actually have food to eat...just kidding; )
    Definitely find things to do to fill up the time you would normally be snacking. Sometimes it's just the decision to stop eating certain things. I don't eat cookies anymore because that became my afternoon snack at one point. My worst time for weight gain is winter-so I'm curious to see how this new work schedule affects me.
    What a bummer about your class!

    Deanne-yuck I can't stand the smell of skunk-especially on a pet!-that must be horrible to deal with! Why now that I recall, I do rememeber hearing a fairly loud shriek lastnight; )
    Lol AJ and I joke now when we get home-I ask him to get the mail lol. He says "no way!"(now I'm very cautious when I get it)Each piece gets taken out individually with a shake to boot lolol.

    Mary-that French teacher sounds like a snob!How is Annie to learn the 'proper' accent if she isn't given the chance to use hers: ( Well,at least she's got lunch with her friends-I remember having a different lunch than my friends...but I guess that's how we make new friends too. I hope both your kids continue to have an excellent year. Aj is very happy with his class this year-he's only got 11 kids but it's a very kind class so I wish the best for him(His class bully also is gone this year: )!!!!
    Ugh Ryan got tackled by a football jersied classmate yesterday. He said the kid kept pushing him down then laid on him!Isn't that terrible? I wrote a note and will most likely see the teacher later today. Ryan was just so confused as to why this kid did it. We aren't wrestlers here so I know he didn't get it. I sure hope he's not going to be dealing with a bully-and so young!!

    So how are our other idyll kids managing at school? Hope it's a good one for everyone.

    V you are a crack up!

    Well I need to go get ready-have a good day!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, all -- finally popping back in - and am sorry I probably dont have much to say as a boatload of work here at office....

    I had to run unexpectedly last Friday to PA as my mother was in the hospital w/ another case of sepsis & other problems.... poor thing. But she's got the mightiest (is that a word?) will of any woman I've ever met. She's doing better & will be released later in week if all is well... kind of put a damper on my life as I wasnt expecting to visit again so soon & garden, personal life now shot to heck.... no time even for lurking here!! All I can say is Im actually glad to be at work & praying for the weekend to get here soon - to relax.

    I see you all have been in a whirlwind of conversation & idyll chatter - I suspect I can't even begin to catch up -- read quickly just a few things here --

    Deanne -- yikes re the skunk - we talked about that & then you had to deal w/. Ugh - I seem to recall tomato juice (baths - for you and Doug) are pretty good at diffusing the smell.

    Honey - wow, I fell off my chair just skimming what you have been doing - can I fly you to my house to work? I pay!! You're an incredible whirlwind of energy & design fervor - it sounds fantastic.

    Yes, the answer for anyone's curiosity is that my area here got about 3 inches of rain in a day or so; another couple after that -- I think I heard them say we got about 5 inches for September so far.... I can't even talk about my gardens - what a mess they are. Maybe this weekend I'll have the chance to cut stuff back.

    The rest of you seem to have the school year well under way - no quiet "glide" into that routine, is it? Already full of bullies & such? Sheesh.

    Okay - just to say howdie and now I've got to shuffle my papers here. I hope I can find time to catch up & read what all have been doing. I'm always wondering what's going on (& what new photos there might be) - but no time to lurkie lurkie w/ the latest little "crisis". Such is life.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning!! :o)


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm trying hard to keep up but am missing things anyway. I'm not concentrating well since the excitement of the wedding and obligations back here....

    Anyway, I missed the Deanne/skunk story but DO HAVE THE RECIPE for anti-skunking which I'll post if you need it! It works where tomato juice does not.

    Babs, wrestling has always been a part of our household and I hated it...but it is a part of the fun for DH and DD. I always felt it was manipulative and controlling behaviour, a power thing. But DD has rules in their household for it now.

    I wish I had a photo to share of the football scene at the wedding. The guys were all tossing the ball about and DD, in her gown, caught it and began participating. That's my girl!

    I have more phoning and laundry etc to do today. I wish I could be out preparing the garden for my Idyll friends though. I see that the caryopteris is gorgeous this year and am pleased about that! The sprinkler is running too.

    Love to all! (I'm very romantic these days...)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL, Babs! Windows, too? Actually, they do need washing!

    I did something really ambitious this morning. I walked 5 miles up and down hills. It took and hour and twenty minutes at as brisk of a pace as I could stand with my aching foot (it didn't start hurting til I was so far from home....) I saw all sorts of good things and concluded that you really need a large purse to hold all the things you need on a hike like this....water, a camera, paper and pen for notes about things you were thinking, and food, and more food :)

    I have seen more dead things in two days....a opposum nearly made me jump off the road. Lots of garbage on the side of the road, too....mostly cigarette packs, LOL. I NEVER EVER threw mine out the window :)

    Lots of beauty right now....the joe pye weed is pretty with the golden rod and some white bloomer that looks like a stattice (sp?). Fields of it. Walked by Tufts University and got to see all the farm animals....got to smell them, too, but that is a good smell if you're a gardener.

    I'm too tired to do my chores and I really did eat all the food :) Not even a carrot stick is left. I think I'm having major pms problems this month. Luckily I don't like sweets, and have been keeping the house stocked with lots of veggies since I quit smoking, so what I was eating was bags of celery and carrots and tuna with lo cal mayo, big salads with grilled chicken, homemade soup, etc.....It just seemed odd to just want to sit and eat. LOL at the laundry list of food I just named!

    Today I have decided to clean up my bedroom and make it cozy again. It's the time of year when I like to sleep with the skylight open over my head, but I don't have the proper covers on the bed. My room needs a good dusting and general cleaning, too. And it's far away from the kitchen, LOL.

    V., hope work is a little easier while employee is on vacation. Maybe she's having a bad week, too :)

    I'm planning on sitting out in the sun a bit this weekend to combat the shortness of the days. Hope you all can, too.

    Nice that GB is so romantic these days :)

    HONEY - my goodness! That's quite the project you have going on, and quite the accomplishments! I'd say the body you've got is working out quite well for you :) We had "dirty dogs" from an ex-New Yorker who claimed they were authentic and I loved em! Similar to the Saucydog I might add....probably a distant cousin.

    Well, aren't I chatty today? Better than the bah humbug of yesterday, I hope. If you were smart you skimmed over this post and just extracted, "have a good day everyone!"

    I'm off to my room

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A quick good afternoon to all,

    Bug, Sir Rahjii, now known as "Stinky Boy" got sprayed right in the face by a skunk last night. You know it is the absolute worst when they don't really smell like skunk up close, just this horrible, awful, indescribable smell. When he was still out and about last night and I smelled eau de skunk wafting in the upstairs window I had a really bad feeling and I was right.

    I found a recipe for a de-skunking formula that uses hydrogen peroxide but you have to put it on them and leave it on for a bit and as I said earlier, there is no way on this earth to give this cat a bath or cover him with stuff and then leave it on.

    Doug found a product at the pet store that you can saturate their coats with and it did a pretty resonable job although you are supposed to pour it on them until it soaks their coat and I couldn't do that with him. I had to put it on a washcloth and rub it on that way. I've got battle scars as it is even though we didn't do a very thorough job it was the best we could do. Hard to believe that two very large adults can't hold down one fourteen pound cat. LOL

    Anyway, We are going to try to treat his coat again tonight to see if we can remove a bit more of the smell. What a pain!

    Cindy, great to hear from you and I'm really happy to hear you finally got some rain.

    Honey, Wow! sounds like you've been really putting in some heavy labor time. I'm looking forward to seeing photographs of the finished project.

    Ok got to run for now, hi to everyone!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a quickie before I head back to work.

    Babs, a few weeks ago I took the mail out of the box and put it on the car seat. Out comes a big spider and scurries under the car seat. I didn't find him for several days.

    Deanne, LOL "Stinky Boy", but seriously what a bummer.

    Cindy, good to hear from you. I was getting worried with the hurricane and all.

    Martie, I wish all the Idylls could come to my party. A hostesses I'm not and I'm terribly nervous for DD as it will be her first party. Its like going along on the first day of a new job with your child.

    Work calls...


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Babs your school needs the baby program if you're dealing with a bully. Apparently it helps to reduce the incidence of bullying. Bullying can be so detrimental to a child's psyche that if I suspected my children were being bullied I would remove them from the school immediately. I know the damage it did to me, and wouldn't risk that happening to my kids.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can't seem to get my mind organized enough to post...... so I am letting song lyrics say it for me.
    This is one that has been going through my mind as I set at the dinningroom table doing jig saw puzzles:

    Brighten the Corner Where You Are

    Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
    Do not wait to shed your light afar;
    To the many duties ever near you now be true,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    Brighten the corner where you are!
    Brighten the corner where you are!
    Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
    Brighten the corner where you are!

    Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
    Let not narrow self your way debar;
    Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
    Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
    Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    I am hearing this as I drive to town and back. Nolon's 3rd cousin lead a lot of such songs, and recorded them. The teacher at the Golden Year's class re-recorded them for me. Although the tape is a little wavery in spots, it is a comfort as I drive.

    I 'do' want to say to Honey...Wow! what a big job( jobs) you have cut out for yourself. I am in awe! All I can think of,( when I hear of you and others doing so much), is: I used to 'be there' and 'do that'. I am really in the doldrums this year, the worst yet. I truely hope that "this too shall pass"!

    I am so going to miss the beauty on my deck. I will preserve as much of it as I can.

    I'm glad some have heard from Ei. I hope her burdens will soon be lifted.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And yet another post from me today. I'm doing my PLAT thing. (Perfectly Legitimate Avoidance Technique) I'm supposed to be downstairs working on a magazine article. For some reason I'm having difficulties going downstairs when it is perfectly gorgeous, sunny and 72 degrees outside.

    Yeona, how terrific to hear from you!

    Marian, great to hear from you too. I've been thinking of what to save and what to let go this year. There are so very many plants that I simply cannot save them all. I can imagine you are going to really miss all that color on your deck.

    Michelle, How awful about he spider in your mail getting in your car. Yikes, I don't know if I'd have been able to drive the car safely if I knew there was a big spider roaming around. ~~ Bummer about the skunk thing is right!!! The worst of it is that we just can't get him washed up. He fights 'tooth and nail' so to speak. LOL Here is a pic of his formidable equipment and he didn't even have them fully extended here. I've NEVER seen a domestic cat with claws this big before.

    OK off to try and accomplish something.


    PS has anyone heard from Taryn? I wonder how she's doing with the new house.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Deanne, you need some of those big leather gloves that go up past the elbow - you know, the kind the guy at the zoo wears when he wants the hawk to land on his arm!

    Wouldn't hydrogen peroxide make him a bleach blonde? Or doesn't fur bleach like hair? They need to make a cat "wipe" for skunk problems....just threw out a million dollar idea there, didn't I? Something like a baby wipe to neutralize the odor.

    Michelle, I have nearly driven off the road when a spider is found in the car. I would have killed myself! And a spider in the mailbox carried in? Scarred for life.

    Mary, Jake's in the 7th grade, too. Life is still okay for him, but I'm noticing that he's still very boyish and some of his friends are starting to look a little manly. Troubles could be rolling down the pike.

    Sarah is in the 2nd grade and life couldn't be more perfect for her. She came home all excited because she got to straighten up the second shelf of books all by herself and then was allowed to pick a book for herself to read.

    I don't like bullying either, Yeona. I worry for my children because I was picked on, too. Our school has a good program which was implemented the year Jake went to kindergarten....so far, so good.

    Time to check homework and quiz on tomorrow spelling test :)


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tired - soooo tired. I spent most of a gorgeous day working outside with a group of college students. It was good but very busy and I'm pooped! And I do it again tomorrow!!! I thought a glass of pinot grigio would relax me but instead I'm melting into a senseless blob.

    Sorry to hear about Stinky Boy. I can't imagine de-skunking a cat; that would be harder than putting my DH to sleep. LOL!

    Saucy your 5 mile hike is impressive.

    Michelle, I love pampered chef parties and have used a lot of their products. In fact, there is one that I need right now. I would be happy to order it through your DD if shipping it to me makes sense. Let me know.

    Cindy, it was good to hear from you and I hope you get some down time this weekend.

    Honey, maybe it was your post that made me so tired? You go girl! Can't wait to see photos of the finished project.

    Good evening, T!

    Babs, Mary, I wanted to tell you...zzzzzzzzzz


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Deanne, how do you save your Brugs over winter? I am afraid with the colder weather and shorter days mine will never bloom this year.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Just a quick post...I have to leave work at noon today and get up to the Boston area for my friend's 25th anniversary party tonight. We're staying with one of my brothers-dogs and all. I still haven't definitively decided on what to wear or what to give. Black dress dressed up with dressy but not formal jewelry and shoes is the way I'm leaning right now. The other option is pearl and rhinestone evening like jewelry with the dress. What to do? Something tells me there might be a professional photographer there and since I was in the original wedding party, I may have to pose for more than a few pics. UGH!

    Hi to all!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mornin' everyone!
    Thata girl Sue, talk about weddings. :) I'm STILL remembering all the fun moments from last Saturday and Sunday. Will I ever get down to business? Very soon! The man is coming in a half hour to discuss the mildew situation in our basement. BLARGHHH! Reality hits.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know, I'm being very selfish and talking about only one thing...but it was so much fun!

    I wanted you to see DD's so very special beautiful friends who did the main organizing of her wedding. They cried at every moment...it was very emotional.
    Sara, the mastermind who also did my DD's hair.

    Jill, mother of two, on dishwashing duty here.

    And a bum shot of course!

    Then a bum shot of the groom, helping with outhouse installation. ;-)

    Here the ribbon wands have been placed, before the flowers were attached. Each one contained a water-filled vial so I will show you a close-up of that too.

    OK, I'll stop for now. Back to mildew solutions....

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Neato! Great friends! The ribbon wands with the vials for flowers is such a nice idea. Why was I never able to think up such things!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A quick one from me. I'm not working today and it is a fabulous day. I spent most of the a.m. in the garden. DH goes in this afternoon for a colonoscopy. Just routine. He's way past the age where you should have one. After that I leave for the city and will spend the night. The dryer quit heating yesterday, but the repairman came right away. I hope there aren't 2 more things to break.

    'bug, I've been there and know what fun it is and how special. Thanks for including us in the special moments.

    V, I'll let you know. I'll have to check with DD, but I would almost think that they could ship directly to you.

    Sue, you will look fabulous whatever you wear.

    Marian, you are doing a great job filling in for Ei.

    I think with all the spider talk I'll leave you with a picture. Do any of you find these guys in your garden?

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Michelle, didn't see one last year, and haven't seen one this year, but used to see them every fall.I think they are a pretty spider.
    Here is a pic I took with the camera Jain gave me:


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marian,your choice of song lyrics are very fitting. I know how you feel about missing the beauty on your deck. My patio pots have given me so much pleasure this year.

    Yowsa! Deanne those are some scary looking claws. I had a friend whose cat actually liked baths. I can't imagine even trying to give a cat a bath.

    Cindy, sorry to hear your mom had a bad time. You have a lot to take care of without worrying about the garden. I am happy to hear you had some rain.

    Honey, wow I wish I were accomplishing as much as you are.

    Eden, sounds like you are extra busy. Do try to pop in to just say hello if you can.

    Hi Yeona.

    T, does DH still have you working up a storm? How are the little guys doing?

    Bug, just keep on sharing those memories and pics.

    Some of my energy returned yesterday and I planted several things in the new bed. But that got cut short with a phone call from DIL. She was at the doctor with Wyatt and was checking to see if I could watch him the rest of the day. He has broncihtis sp? Poor little guy coughed and coughed. He had kept them up all night. He kept saying he was tired but wouldn't take a nap.

    GS Jake is in 7th grade this year too. Usually when I ask him how school is he says fine. But when I ask this time he said crappy. He has algebra and the teacher is really pouring it on. He says shes not very nice either. Hopefully it will smooth out a little for him.

    Michelle, you inspired me with your garden shed. I was going to just paint the floor in the new shed so it wood be easier to clean. Then I decided since I have all kinds of left over paint from other projects to have some fun with the whole inside. Like I have time for this LOL. But I figure its now or never since its empty.

    Hey, its the weekend already. Now don't you working gals shoot me. LOL.
    Enjoy. Norma

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Morning all,

    We are having a lovely day here and might get some rain later on this evening but for now it is going to be sunny and in the 70s. A perfect day for getting some more plants cleaned up and back in the house. I only have a half dozen more orchids to repot and get in the house then that job will be done. Id like to get the rest of the house plants in today too. When we get weather like this in September it seems unreal that we will be looking at a frost in a few weeks. Incredible how fast time if flying by.

    Doug has been trying to destroy a wasps nest thats in the hemlock hedge for the last few days so unfortunately weve got some half dead wasps all over the gardens. I found one in the breezeway last night and I have no idea how the heck it got in the house. Yukky! They seem to be hanging about all over the place now and Im going to have to be careful or Im going to get nailed.

    Norma, I cant imaging trying to give a cat a bath either. LOL Glad to hear you have your energy back but sorry to hear that poor Wyatt isnt well. I hope hes better soon.

    Yukky spiders!!! Beautiful photos but I really have an arachnid phobia. I really hate these things. We used to have the Argiope spiders here in the gardens but Ive not seen them in several years now.

    Marie, great pics from the wedding. It is so wonderful that it was such a joyful event for your family.

    So Sue, what did you wear to the party???? Inquiring minds would like to see a pic of you in your finery. ~~ Did you have a good time?

    Marian, I cut back the brugs, strip the leaves off them, spray them for bugs then bring them indoors in the basement for the winter. Bummer that it doesnt look like it is going to bloom before the frost. It definitely will next year.

    V, Im still laughing over your putting your DH to sleep. Yep, deskunking StinkyBoy was not fun and I never really got all the smell off the top of his head. The funniest thing that happened is Thursday night around 8 he was in the window in the dining room and all of a sudden he started growling, then he slunk off the window sill and slunk into the spare room and hid under the bed. He wouldnt come out for over an hour. Doug and I managed to get him out from under the bed (wanted to see if there was something wrong with him) and we brought him upstairs. He stood up looking down into the living room for almost two hours. That cat was totally freaked out about something and the only think I could figure out is he probably saw a skunk out the window because I found fresh skunk scat that following morning. I guess he wont tangle with any polecats again.

    Saucy, yes, indeed I could have used some of those leather, elbow length gauntlets! Even then he probably could have bitten through the things. LOL ~~~ So how goes the walking program??? Ill tell you I think there is something in the air lately. Im having the worst difficulties with keeping my eating under control. It must be some kind of mechanism for telling us to gain weight for the winter when the days start getting shorter. Doug and I went for a nice 16 mile bicycle ride yesterday and Im thinking I need to do that again today to try to get a handle on this food thing. I still havent worked off the weight I gained from last weekend.

    OK it is a lovely day here and Ive got to go and get things watered then talk Doug into taking the bicycles out for a long ride. It is going to be a long winter so weve got to get out there while the weather allows.

    Enjoy the day everyone,

    PS Honey, photos of your work in the front of the house would be greatly appreciated.

    PSS, Eden, have you gotten all your house plants in yet?

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    Lovely weather here too. This time next week I'll be in Canada visiting GB - I hope it holds till then. But as we all know, Idyll have fun together whatever the weather.

    Sue - a couple of emails I sent regarding the trip were bounced back at undeliverable. Is your email address having problems? Hope the party was a lot of fun. I agree, pictures of you in black would be fun.

    Deanne - enjoy your bike ride. Fall is the perfect time for enjoying a long ride. Are you and Doug driving out to Rochester together?

    Babs - hope the meet goes well. Annie is doing the fall swim team and we just got her schedule - gulp! It looks as if we are going to be rather busy;0) Oh well, a day at a time I guess.

    Speaking of which, I need to get going and put away the produce from my market trip before rounding everyone up for music lessons.


    PS - very cool spiders!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning All!
    We have been to breakfast at the local store. I have been awaiting to hear from you all.......:-)

    Deanne , thanks for the info on the brug. Another question: How cool and dark is your basement?
    I sure hope you put antibiotics on the cat scratches. Cat scratch fever is 'not' something you would want. Yowey! What claws! Sorry we bummed you out with the spider pics.The only way they bother me is if one gets on me...then I may go ballistic! lol
    That is funny about Rahjii's behavior thursday night. I guess he is really paranoid about skunks now. lol
    We have never had that experience. I finally saw a live skunk this year, when coming home from town. It was crossing the highway in front of me, headed for someone's woodworking shop! They aren't normally out in daytime.
    Good to hear that your Doug is back bicyling. How did his foot do?

    Still cool here, and rain in forecast for this eve or tomorrow. Sure hope it materializes. We are needing it again. I am reluctant to trek around the yard to water things. I am STILL scratching the last batch of bites!
    I am avoiding using the spray repellent. I am pretty sure it is what caused the numbness in my legs and feet.

    Norma, thanks...on the song lyrics. Knowing the tunes really helps with the 'feeling'. I have known and loved the September Song for most of my life. Autumn leaves is another of my favorites, but then, like Ei, I have many many favs. Mine are mostly oldies, and hymns.
    I am almost at the point of crying when I think of dismantling the deck scene. :-(
    Sorry Wyatt has bronchitis. I hope the meds will nip it before he gets worse.

    V, I am chuckling too about the 'putting to sleep' remark. Your DH had better keep a sharp eye on you..LOL.

    Saucy, you are almost inspiring me to go for a long walk, but getting up our first hill would probably do me in. :-(

    Harrison is having it's yearly Hot Air Balloon State Championship. I wish I lived closer, I'd love to see them. Last night was the Tether Glow. This morning was the Key Grab. This evening is the Hare & Hound race. Tomorrow morning is another Key Grab. This evening's event is early enough I could go and get home before dark, but don't think I feel up to it. If we are lucky, one or more may pass over us at some point.

    Michelle, your pic is of the spiders back, mine is of the under side.

    I guess that's enough from me. I'll post then go back to see if anyone else has.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We're baaaack! The party was fun-lots of memories shared. My friend is a real lover of pomp and ceremony so planning something like this is right up her alley. I had to wear a corsage and get announced and walk into the reception just like you would do in a wedding...lol...it's been a while since I've had to do that. In total, I would guess the number of guests was close to 150 people. It was quite the affair. As I guessed, there was a professional photographer. We forgot our camera so no pictures from me. For my outfit I decided to go with the dressy black and silver jewelry over the pearl/rhinestone stuff. Tom was afraid we were going to be overdressed by my friend was wearing a floor length black halter gown so no problems there. Of course there were people dressed quite casually but nowadays you can get away with wearing almost anything anywhere.

    Staying at my brother's with the dogs is not the most pleasant time. His dog isn't socialized with other dogs and constantly attacks my dogs, especially when my SIL is around because she is protective of her. Consequently my dogs are afraid to walk anywhere in the house and want to be carried everywhere and be in your lap when you sit. Last night they stayed in our room while we were gone to the party even though the door was open. My brother said they would peek out every so often but basically stayed and snoozed on the bed with an eye on the hallway...lol. At least the yard is fenced and my brother and wife are dog people so it was as good a place as any to leave them. We did leash walk them in the yard last night though because my brother said they have resident skunks. Don't want the dogs following in Rahji's footsteps.

    This day is wasting away. I need to get motivated so I can get the pots watered and my walk and workout done in time to shower and meet our friends for dinner at 7. Tomorrow Wendy is coming down for three open gardens and brunch. The fun never ends, does it?


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Loads of rain and lightning and thunder here last night! Quite dramatic! We worked on removing carpeting from the basement stairs and DH removed wainscotting that was affected by the mildew situation. We're trying to do as much of the clean-up as possible to save expense.

    This morning we fiddled around and eventually got to the post office to collect music sent to DH, then off to pay for his new hockey season. Then I grocery shopped. Not my favourite activity, but on the radio coming back home they played this song. Anyone remember it?

    Happy Together
    - The Turtles
    Imagine me and you, I do
    I think about you day and night
    It's only right
    To think about the girl you love
    And hold her tight
    So happy together
    If I should call you up
    Invest a dime
    And you say you belong to me
    And ease my mind
    Imagine how the world could be
    So very fine
    So happy together
    I can't see me loving nobody but you
    For all my life
    When you're with me
    Baby the skies will be blue
    For all my life
    Me and you
    And you and me
    No matter how they tossed the dice
    It had to be
    The only one for me is you
    And you for me
    So happy together
    Me and you
    And you and me
    No matter how they tossed the dice
    It had to be
    The only one for me is you
    And you for me
    So happy together
    Me and you
    And you and me
    No matter how they tossed the dice
    It had to be
    The only one for me is you
    And you for me
    So happy together
    So happy together
    How is the weather
    So happy together
    We're happy together
    So happy together...

    A feel good song for sure!
    I bought pumpkins and some mums/asters too.
    Enjoy your day everyone!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My five mile walk caused a little (internet diagnosed) tendonitis on the top of my foot! No walking for the last two days, but the eating binge has subsided so even-steven.

    Gotta buy some new shoes.

    Had a bad day yesterday. Had a good day today. Life is a roller coaster, huh?

    Sue, I have a couple of "dress up" affairs to go to on the 17th and 23rd....I'm considered "family" and will probably be in pictures. Hate to say this, but I wish they'd let me take the pictures and stay out of them :) I don't like getting my picture taken, but I do love the chatter that goes on at these things. I hate gossip, but I love to know what's going on with everyone!

    My foot feels better....hope to hike tomorrow. Might go shoe shopping if the budget allows.

    Speaking of budget, LOL! I OWN my first car on Monday! I make my last car payment on Monday. It only has 60,000 miles on it and it's 6 years old. It has a 100,000 warranty. I feel so proud. I don't think I've known anyone who owned their car in a long time

    I know lots of peers who have debts in the 10s of thousands....I feel choked sometimes and we don't have that debt...how do people do it? Does anyone know anyone who is poor anymore? Everyone I know has a car and a t.v. When I was kid, I knew people who didn't have those things. Standards have changed.

    I know there are a select few people still without electricity and running water.

    Wish these people would (could) vote.

    You'll all have to forgive me....I've been reflective on lots of "crap" lately. I know it's important stuff, but I also know it can start some pretty heated debates, which is not my intention.

    Kids are fighting over bedtime now, so gotta go.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Saucy I hear you loud and clear on the shoes and money issues. I spent years and years wearing the ugliest Buster Brown brown lace-up shoes because they were "Good for you". I wasn't supposed to sleep with a pillow, because that "isn't good for your neck". And so on. Today I have a sore neck and bad feet. Go figure. I've not been able to use my treadmill because of plantars fasciitis. My shoes cost $200! That's an obscene amount of money and means I go without other things for them. Now they don't suit me after all. Where do I go now? Brother!

    I think many people live with incredible debt loads and don't understand planning or doing without. I'd be miserable with debts. Mind you, we need a new car etc...but those things will wait. First repairing the basement. It seems it is never the new couch or rug, but rather the roof, the furnace, the plumbing that swallow up the money. But given our ages, I am glad that we have savings and a pension.

    I too am pensive. Our long term friend who was to visit us next Friday has cancelled. Why? Stage 2 lung cancer. He says 6 months sounds rosie....I guess this is only the beginning of watching our friends decline.

    On a cheerier note, some agastache to share from a container planting:

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Evening all,

    Well Doug and I did a 32 mile bicycle ride today and we are both a bit tired tonight. We really wanted to do 50 miles but, unfortunately, even though Im fit enough my bum isnt! LOL Id not been on my bicycle for six weeks and I need to toughen up again. Doug snapped a couple photos during one of our breaks and I thought you'd like to see these.



    Bug, we got that line of thunder storms through here around 6:00PM or so. What a light show. There wasnt a whole lot of rain with it but a lot of lightening. ~~ I dont envy you the mildew problem there. I just hate having to deal with something like that.

    Sue, sounds like quite the shindig Friday night. So can we see a photograph when you get the pics back from the photographer? Ill bet you looked smashing. ~~ I really wish I could come for the garden tours and brunch tomorrow but if I did Id have to nix next weekends festivities.

    Marian, my basement stays between 55 and 60. It would be better if it was a bit colder. There might be a small bit of light that comes in the two very small windows but not too much. ~~ Thanks for your concern, the cat scratches are healing up now. ~~ No worries about the spider pics. The photos are great, I just dont like spiders. LOL ~~ Dougs foot is pretty much all healed up now. I think we are going to be able to start dancing classes again this fall. I sure hope I can convince him to begin again soon. Ive missed it.

    Mary, yes Doug is driving to Rochester with me. He is going to be working out there the end of the week and he decided to join us for our drive north to Maries. ~~ I dont envy you the schedule you Moms have with children and after school sports and activities. I know MJ has been running around for years now. The oldest started college this fall and the youngest will probably have a drivers license next spring. She cant wait!

    Saucy, congratulations on your car ownership. That is a great feeling isnt it? How neat that you have a 100,000 mile warranty on it. ~~ Glad to hear your foot is feeling better. Definitely get yourself a good pair of walking shoes if you are going to start doing longer distance walking.

    Bug so sorry to hear about your friend. That's so sad. ~~ Love the photograph. That agastache looks right at home with the coleus in that container. Lovely.

    OK, Im about ready to turn in early tonight. Have a great evening all. Sue and Wendy, have a terrific time tomorrow.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Saucy ...What a coincidence, my last payment on my 6 year old Ford Contour, with 69,000 miles on it, was made this Tuesday 5th. I wish mine had a warranty on it. I bought it secondhand, and it had been in an accident. It was sold 'as is'.
    As for your foot pain, I may very well have the same problem with my left foot. The pain in mine is on the top, also. ( My right foot has a differant type of pain.)

    As for your question about knowing anyone who is poor...I guess it depends on the definition of 'poor'. Around here there are lots of people who are poor at today's standards.
    Although we are below the standard, there are many not far from us, who are much 'poorer' than we are.

    I am always saying " We have plenty to eat, and plenty to wear, and a roof over our head...so there is no reason to feel poor ".

    I do a lot of "reflecting" while sitting working a jig saw puzzle. It is very conducive to thinking. :-)


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning! It's gray and rainy here today, but I have a fully booked day so I'm not losing any garden time. Let it rain! I face a new crop of 3rd graders this morning for Sunday school, then I have to head to the city for a bridal shower. My BF from high school is getting married for the first time. I haven't seen her in quite some time, so it will be interesting to hear the scoop. I should also see a lot of folks that I haven't seen for a long time, so it will be interesting.

    After that there is a family gathering for my nephew's birthday. Like I said, a busy day.

    Yesterday's talk on grasses went well. The customer was pleased with the turnout, the audience was attentive and appreciative and most people purchased plants before they left. Unfortunatley on the way home there was a bad accident just ahead of me and I got trapped in the traffic backup. As I said to my DH, it's never a good sign when the police close the road BEHIND you... Oh well, I was patient and eventually got through. It didn't look like there were any bad injuries but it did look like it involved many cars so it took a little while to clear. My reward was a stop at Trader Joe's where I bought carne asada to grill in the fire pit last night. Yum!

    Michelle, we just saw a spider like that in the prairie grasses a couple of weeks ago.

    I better figure out what I'm doing with those 3rd graders. Later!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning! It's a brisk one here today but sunny. Perfect weather for garden touring. This will be a drive by post because Wendy will be here within the hour and I still have to eat breakfast and get dressed.

    Marie, I'm so sorry about your friend. Cancer just seems to be everywhere lately and it doesn't discriminate.

    Saucy congrats on the car ownership. We always buy our cars too but it seems like lots of people fall into the leasing trap these days. I agree that lots of people who appear to be doing well are drowning in debt. One of my rules here is credit cards get paid in full every month.

    OK, off I go. Enjoy your day!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good afternoon

    We are having a lovely fall day and I'm wishing I were able to get out and garden. But somehow the day has been taken up so far with cleaning, school prep and household organization. I'm trying a new technique this school year for staying on top of household chores and clutter. We're trying a small daily dose of clean up instead of letting things build and having to dedicate an entire day (or more). Thus far the house is a long way from being perfect but is getting a little better each day. Today my mission was to empty and sort the linen closet. It used to be crammed to the gills, with sheets and towels likely to land on your head when you opened the door. A couple of bags are now ready for Goodwill and the closet is looking rather Marthaish!

    We also have friends coming for dinner. We're making Sushi together as an appetizer and corn tortillas and chicken for the main course. We will have 5 children here who all want to be part of the cooking so it should be a fun if messy evening.

    Saucy - congratulations on making that last car payment - you must feel a great sense of satisfaction. We paid off both our cars a few years ago and are enjoying that middle period between paying off the loan and before a lot of things start going wrong. We're planning on driving both cars as long as possible. The only reason I'm looking forward to a new vehicle in any way is because our next car will be a hybrid, or something better for the environment.

    Deanne - that is FANTASTIC that Doug is joining us in Canada. I'm so looking forward to the weekend!

    V - I'm sure you we're great talking about grasses. Have fun teaching the 3rd Graders.


    Need to go rustle up something for dessert.

    Have a great day everyone


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi right back at you , Mary! :-)

    Hey ya'll, I have been pondering my responses to you, and am concerned that I have been treating you like I am treated at home. When you comment on something important to you, I think I have been following up with a report on myself, as if I were competing with you. I really resent it when my DH does me that way, and yet I may be coming across as doing the same thing!

    Take my response to Saucy's glee at having her car paid for. What I wish I had done, was rejoice with her! Naturally, at my time in life, I am well past having my first car.
    What I really meant to get across was the similarities, but I did it poorly.

    Now I want to share a scare we had with one of our dear friends. We have known him for almost thirty years, since he was a teen. I feel almost as if he were my own son. Monday, as he was working with a front end loader, the Bucket fell, hitting him on the head. It cut a long gash in his head, broke his neck, and broke a couple of bones in his upper back. He managed to get into his truck and drive to the woman's house that he was working for. She was afraid he would bleed to death before help could arrive, so drove him to the hospital! His condition was so serious all the family was called in. He was air-lifted to a Missouri hospital and operated on immediately. Two days later he was released! He was at AM worship today! Naturally he will be in a neck cast for some time. At least 3 months.
    I am so very thankful that his life was spared. His wife is the one that lost both her mother and grandmother this spring. He has a teen-age daughter, and she has a teen-age son. I am sure the fact that he is a very athletic man is one reason he is bouncing back so fast.

    Today is somewhat warmer than the past week, but still no rain.I will need to drag out the hose tomorrow. I have sort of reached the stage when I will be glad when I no longer have that worry, but then there will be the watering of all that I have brought in !

    I hope all had a nice weekend.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm back. I had a great time in the city and got a few bargains to boot. Rick's uncle (the one who gave me all the bricks) came over for dinner today. We walked out to see the garden, but didn't linger as it was lightly raining.

    'bug, so sorry to hear the bad news of your friend.

    Deanne, great pictures of you.

    Marian, great news that you friend's life was spared and that he seems to be doing well.

    The Canada trip sounds like fun.

    Rainy here so I have accomplished a few things that have been piling up around the house. The PC party is Thurs. so I'd better do a little cleaning.

    This is the aerial photo of our farm that was taked the first part of July. Unfortunately you really can't see much of the gardens. Some are on the side of the house that you can't see by the trees. The garden shed it just to the right of the house. You can see part of the grove in the upper right side. The pasture is in the upper middle area and the curvy line thru it is the creek.



  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boy, slow day here today. Looks like we lost that Labor Day weekend momentum. If everyone is getting the same gorgeous weather we had here today I'm not surprised at all by the silence. Soak up these last few weeks of late summer weather while you can.

    Wendy and I had a fun day today. We visited three private gardens, perused two nurseries and had lunch at a cool little bakery/deli. Tom joined us for the lunch. The first garden was just OK. It looked like a garden that was designed to peak earlier in the season. The house was antique and the property sported some distant views of tobacco fields and shacks. For some reason nobody seemed to be home so we just wandered around with a couple of other people and wondered if we got the time wrong. The highlight of that garden was a huge Magnolia grandiflora on the front lawn. I wish the gardener had been around so I could ask about it. They aren't fully hardy here but this one was obviously fairly old and showed no sign of winter damage at all.

    The next garden we visited is one of the ones featured in Sydney Eddison's book, Gardens to Go. It was mostly shaded but filled with cool iron work and garden art, unusual woody plants, container combos and neat deck and patio areas. I had been to see that garden a couple of years ago but you can always get something new out of a garden filled with so much detail. Lunch followed garden #2. We had to improvise somewhat because I hadn't wanted to make a reservation anywhere so we played it by ear and went to the Grist Mill (where Tom and I had our anniversary dinner last month) but they had a half hour wait. As it turned out the little cafe had excellent sandwiches and was much cheaper.

    The third stop was Steve Silk's garden. What a masterpiece! It helps to have lots of acreage (and money) because you can create all these endless garden rooms and structures. I still love his patio area the best-walls of tender and tropical potted plants. It's just a cool place. Wendy took some pictures. Hopefully she'll have some to share.

    Marian, good news for your friend. You're right about people who are in shape being able to sustain a bit more in the injury department. Pain threshold is usually higher. Strength is an asset.

    Michelle, cool aerial shot of the farm. Tell the pilot to zero in on the gardens better next time...lol.

    OK, the salmon I bought for dinner tonight is about to come off the grill. I've been eating way too much lately and it's time to rein it in.



  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Michelle, Interesting picture of the farm. How many acres do you have?
    I imagine Ricks Uncle was impressed to see what you did with the bricks.

    Marian, The way you post is fine. I think we all tend to compare similaraties.
    Your friend was fortunate to survive that accident. Wow !
    How do you reflect while working on a puzzle? I would just be thinking about where the piece goes. LOL

    GB, Sorry that your friend is going down hill. I agree it is one of the tough things about being older. Dealing with sickness and demise of many people we know and love.

    Mary, your household is busy with all the kids activities and school, plus your working. But they are things you all enjoy so don't sweat the house not being perfect. A happy house is bound to get messy. I love a clean house but am really more comfortable with a few things strewn about.

    V , what is carne asada ? Hope you had fun at the shower.

    Cute photos Deanne. I think 32 miles is quite impressive. But I have no doubt you and Doug will make it to 50 one day.

    Sue and Wendy, can't wait to hear about the garden tours.

    I painted some more in the shed. The walls are done and the floor is primed. I really wanted to get the floor painted today while the weather was dry but didn't make it. Had to water lots of stuff this morning. There is a chance of showers, which we sorely need.
    The leaves on the dogwoods and sumac are giving hints of color change already.

    Talked to DS this morning and Wyatt is doing better. But still coughing.

    Nothing exciting going on here. Later, Norma

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh...I forgot to thank Mary for cleaning out her linen closet in advance of my arrival. Closets are at the top of my list of places to check for cleanliness when I visit someone elses house...lol.

    Also, I heard a rumor at Steve Silk's garden that he has an article in the next issue of Fine Gardening that will cover the how-tos of wintering over various tender plants.

    That's it. Carry on-speak quietly amongst yourselves though because I'm heading to bed.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning!!

    Crazy weekend full of surprises.

    1. Rich's main loose tooth finally disjointed itself and we made an emergency trip to the dentist on Saturday a.m. He told the doctor it was injured by kissing his hard-headed wife. All teeth and appliances should be intact within three weeks. This is a milestone since he absolutely won't eat in front of anyone but family. Socializing and restaurants -- Here We Come!!!!

    2. Ky and Keeper GF showed up unexpectedly to help me move shrubs. That didn't happen, of course, because the conversation turned to fresh apple pie so while she made crust, I headed to the heirloom orchard and we made the best pie ever.

    3. Brother in hospital had yet another major setback. I am very carefully examining his records from previous agency and am making some decisions .... Many trusted pros feel that a lot of this is unnecessary had he received different (read: any) true treatment for the last 12 years.

    4. Went to a major fair for which I did a lot of marketing and by Saturday night, with one day to go, they had 80% attendance from last year. YIPPEE!!!!! Can only imagine what it was like yesterday. Weather was perfect for Fairs.

    5. Received word from best-Florida-girlfrend that her husband, age 54, as advanced tumors all over his body. They'll know for sure on Wednesday what's happening and the plan is to refuse treatment, hook their tryke (three-wheeled motorcycle)to a trailer behind their biggest car and head north. Their doctor has assured them that he'll set up pain management throughout the East coast so they can get here and back. They are so matter of fact about the whole thing that so am I (at this point).

    6. Did manage to get a few things moved and took more cuttings. Have decided not to do much with the main nursery this fall other than moving a Hydrangea macrophylla that's getting way to much sun. Swapping that with a few Clethra that are getting too much shade. Anyone want some awesome cocktail tomatoes???? I'm almost ready to ship them to anywhere. LOL

    Does anyone know if tender Verbascum will overwinter under lights or otherwise??

    So much for me and why I haven't been around lately. Have been reading and hope that everyone has been gardening their little hearts out!! :-) CT swap is in two weeks and I will be digging. It feels SO GOOD to have something to bring!!

    Best to all --


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Morning all,

    Doug and I worked outside in the yard all day yesterday and got a lot accomplished. Doug cleaned out a mess of weeds on the other side of the fence then we took all the containers and the bench out of the container garden garden then put a fresh edge on that area (I gained another foot of space and Doug didnt complain at all! Woohoo!)Then we put several inches of fresh bark mulch and put it all back. I took a couple large containers out of there and rearranged things to space them better. Theyd all grown so much that you really couldnt see them well. My Charles Grimaldi brug is getting so tall, its probably seven feet or so now and is throwing a ton of buds. Im hoping this cold weather doesnt cause any bud drop. Oh yes, it got down to 44 degrees last night!!! Jeesh! Im afraid it is going to be an early, early frost this year. Ive got to get in gear and get my cuttings this week.

    Sue and Wendy, sounds like you had a great time yesterday. Wish Id been there. Im looking forward to Steve Silks article in FG on wintering tenders.

    Norma, glad to hear Wyatt is doing better. ~~ RE the 50 miles on the bicycles, well probably be able to get that under our belts before the end of October. The real goal, however, is to do 100 miles in a day but that probably wont happen until next year. It is so much more fun bicycling than doing the stairs at the gym.

    Michelle, love the aerial photograph of your farm! How neat! Did you take that yourself? ~~ Great to hear you had a good time in the city. What did you find for bargains?

    Marian, you need to stop worrying about how people view your responses to things. When you answer and give an anecdote from your life experiences that means you found a connection to what the other person is saying. This forum is the most open minded, fair thinking group Ive ever participated in and gets better every year. :-) ~~ So sorry about your friends accident. That is frightening but I so glad to hear hes doing so well. You are correct that people who are fit and healthy do have more resilience when it comes to recovering from accidents. They also have stronger immune systems and dont get sick as often.

    Mary, what is the dress code for the thing Friday evening? Are you sure it is OK for us to come? I dont want to intrude on you folks so we can just find someplace for dinner that evening if it is a problem. Doug is looking forward to the trip. DD is going to come and stay here and take care of things while we are gone so that is a good thing. Oh yes, I almost forgot to ask, do you have a Starbucks anywhere nearby? ~~ So how did the sushi night go? ~~ MJ invited us for dinner last night and made a feast! She cooked a few chicken lobsters and served lobster tails cut into bite sized pieces for appetizers! Then she fixed herbed lemon salmon on the grill that she wrapped in foil and cooked to perfection, roasted fingerling potato with onion, sweet corn and tossed salad. Yum! Im glad I only had a protein shake for lunch so I had lots of room for dinner.

    V. so glad to hear your talk on grasses went well. ~~ Sorry about the accident and the ensuing traffic mess.

    Saucy, were like Sue, we decided eleven years ago that we would NEVER again carry a balance on a credit card. My car will be paid off next year and I cant wait. It currently only has 24,000 miles on it so I should be able to keep this one going for a long time.

    Martie, glad to hear the Rich is going to get his teeth fixed soon!!! Good news for you guys. ~~ Sorry about your brother and your Best GFs DH.

    OK time to get my day started. Lots to accomplish this week before we hit the road.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my gosh, what a busy week Im going to have. We have a family gathering on Friday and Sunday along with my party on Thurs. and Im going with Rick to the specialist on Tuesday. I need to make food for Thurs, Fri and Sunday as well. Of course with all this going on I now have a cold. It is cold and rainy again today. Fortunately the gardens look pretty good but the lawn will need to mowed. The boss and his wife are gone all week so I will be doubly busy at work as well.

    Deanne, how nice that Doug is willing to help you in the garden. The aerial photo was taken from an airplane. This company actually takes the photos and then comes around with them trying to sell them. We have one from the 60s, 70s and 90s. The last was 1993. I have them all on one wall in my computer room. It is fun to see the changes in the farm. Buildings come and go, trees go from very small to large. Maybe Ill have to post one of the others.

    Martie, so sorry to hear the news about your friend. What a positive attitude they seem to have. You are a great sister, your brother is very fortunate to have you as his advocate.

    Re: credit cards, I have never carried a balance and actually rarely use one. I mostly use a debit card.

    Norma, we own 160 acres and also rent additional farm land. The picture shows probably 25 acres. Poor Wyatt, I had bronchitis last winter and it is miserable to cough so much.

    Sue, it sounds like you and Wendy had a fun day. We never have garden tours at this time of year around here and of course never any really cool gardens.

    Wendy, we want pictures! LOL

    Have a great Monday!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ahhhhhh! We have been blessed with a life giving rain. So far 1/2 inch, and more may be following. So, I am reprieved fron having to do the hose brigade.

    Marie, I love the pastel colors in your pic. Great combination. So sorry about your friend. It just gets worse and worse doesn't it? I am thinking I need to get a second line for my computer so it does not tie up our phone. I am thinking we will be getting lots more bad news. The friend that tried to call about the front end loader accident was unable to get through, it delayed our finding out, and I feel badly about that.

    Deanne...looking good! I notice you do not have on the type of shoes that a biker, who came into the store yesterday, had on. They had two 'cleats'(?) on each shoe, one on the toe and one on the heel, and really made a racket as he walked around the store. He must have been riding for some time, and was very dry. He bought 2 bottles of drinks and sat outside drinking them both.
    Your 'bum' must feel similar with our preacher's wife's. She spent last week riding her Missouri Fox Trotter in a Championship. She came in 7th in the world's show. She needs to take a page from your 'diet book', as she is rather over weight.
    Thanks for the info on your brugs.I keep the utility room at about that temp, or a little lower, but it has lots of light. Mine has no sign of a flowerbud, but I notice that the local Daturas are just now blooming, so maybe there is still hope.

    Michelle, I love your aerial view. My sis had that done of their place in Idaho a few years ago. I have a copy of it hanging on my dinningroom wall. Her yard has matured considerably since then, so there would be little resemblence if a new pic was taken. If one was taken of our place about all you could see would be trees! :-)
    Our son got rid of all his credit cards, and only has a bank debit card.
    Wow! You have a sizable acreage! Is most of yours in cutivation? If I remember right, Norma's have a good-sized farm too.

    V, good to hear that your talk went well. Will you be doing more?

    Mary, how did your 'cooking with the children' go? You are braver than I.

    RE: debts; except for medical bills and my car payment, we have been debt free for years. I have never had a credit card, and do not plan on getting one.Maybe if the time came where I could do some traveling I might get one.

    Sue, how nice that you and Wendy could spend a day together. It sounds like a very fun time. LOL on Mary's closet cleaning. There are some people that are pretty snoopy. I have a few female kinfolk that are. :-(

    Norma, I have no problem thinking while working a puzzle. I do a lot of listening to the news on TV also. I'd rather listen than watch, most of the time.

    Martie, I like your numbered list of the happenings in your life. So sorry about the illnesses, but I enjoyed the humor that you inserted in the appropiate places.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good afternoon!

    DH has taken the day off (he is able to use his vacation one day at a time). We are redoing the fencing at the top of the backyard retaining wall. Lifting the fencing up and putting gravel behind the wall up to the same level as the top brick. It is exhausting, hot, dirty, tiring work even with using the old dozer's bucket to bring the gravel to the wall. There are lots of wasps/hornets out today and I'm scared I'm going to get stung again. I was stung in the wrist twice a few weeks ago while picking blackberries with my daughter and was stung again, twice, on my ring finger of my right hand 2 days ago while clipping the grass along the top of the retaining wall. Darn bees!!! I'm not allergic, but I'm having quite a bit of swelling and pain with the stings this year so I'm twitchy and over reacting every time anything flies by me. Flies, bees, dandelion fluff, butterflies.......if it floats or flies within 10' of me I'm looking like an idiot with my flapping arms and running. ;oP I do not want to get stung again. (guess that is obvious, lol, as no one wants to get stung).

    It is hot here again today.

    I guess I'd better follow DH and go back outside.....so I can help and do the 'funky bee' dance as needed. :o\

    Hope it is a good day for all!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all. Sorry I haven't checked in, but I've barely turned on the computer in the last couple of days. Today was pretty rough with trying to dodge the big elephant in the room so to speak.

    Deanne, that's some serious bike ride. I have never been able to sit on those seats for too long!

    Marian, I'm with Deanne - I don't think there's anything wrong with your posts. I way over analyze mine, too. I think I kind of do the same thing you're talking about. Maybe because southerners are a story telling people :)

    Sue and Wendy, sounds like you had fun!

    All the Yankee idyllers are going to Canada - I can't wait to hear all about Charlotte, and GB, too.

    I've gotta cut this short....I've got company.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi guys - Just a quick one to put up these pics from yesterday. Many did not come out well, especially the ones on Steve Silk's sunny patio.

    Jan Nickel's garden is very shady, and so lush. Some cool window box ideas:


    and this:

    Sue loved this structure, she was trying to describe it to Tom at lunch so he can build her one


    Here is a really great sculpture/water feature from Steve Silk's garden


    I was also treated to a personal tour of Sue's own garden, which was a real pleasure.

    Sorry I can't stay now, I have to run out to instrument rental night - my DD has band this year, she chose percussion! First they get bells, then later they trade up to a snare drum. Joy.

    Hi to all, and I'll try to stop by tomorrow.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone

    Wendy - great photos. That water sculpture is amazing isn't it. I'm glad you had a chance to see Sue's garden which is good enough to be on any tour. With percussion will you build up to a whole set of instruments? I imagine it will be a lot of fun to play though listening to the practice might be somewhat harder;0)

    Wow T - if you're not looking after two babies you're out lifting rocks or some other form of hard labor. You'll have to talk your DH into taking you for a nice day out next time he takes a vacation day. I think you've earnt it!

    Marian - so good to hear you are getting rain. The cooking last night was fun and everything turned out well. The Sushi looked almost professional. And best of all, the mess was confined to a small area of the kitchen and was a breeze to clean up. The children even swam in the pool but with our night temps dropping to 42F it must have been mighty chilly brrrrrrrrr.

    Deanne - I asked DH what the dress code was for Friday and he told me "clothes". As I don't think any of us were planning on going in our birthday suits I think we're covered. I'll probably wear some nice trousers and a jacket. Both your names and Sue's are on the invite list. By the way - where will you be staying?

    Martie - it was nice to read your highly organized post but very sad to hear about your girl friend's husband and your brother. Both heart rending situations in such different ways. The apple pie sounds delicious. What apples varieties did you end up picking?

    Michelle - I loved seeing the ariel of your farm. It looks so fertile and green - quite Idyllic!

    Hang in there Saucy!

    Today was an early start - I gave a presentation at the beginning of our staff meeting which started at 8 AM. The one bad thing about my new job is you cannot get a decent cup of coffee and I was really missing it this morning. The stuff in the staff room is thick and undrinkable and there isn't a Starbucks for miles. It's very different being in such a rural distict after working in the city. The compensation is that my morning drive takes me through some beautiful contryside.

    Wondering how Taryn is doing in her new rural setting.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boy, it sure is disheartening to lose your best post ever. I paid special attention not to write about myself or the wedding. I focused on replies to Mary, Wendy, Saucy and more. I don't have the energy to recap.

    Oh well, here's a photo of the sun which began my day at 6:30.



  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning all! Another beautiful day on tap here but it was 42 degrees out when I got up and thats getting a bit too close to a frost for comfort for me. A bit early for temps this low. They had a hard frost north of here last night. Brrrr Too soon!

    Michelle, Id love to see earlier pics of the farm too. Thats really neat to have those photos. It is kind of strange that Ive never taken a photograph of our house from the airplane when I go flying with Doug. Ill have to do that sometime.

    Marian, I dont wear those kind of shoes with the toe clips. Those actually clip your feet to the pedals of the bicycle so you can pull up on the pedals as well as push down. Id kill myself if my feet were attached to the pedals! So heres the thing, if your utility room stays that cool and has sun you have a perfect location for wintering over a fuchsia! ROTFLOL Not that youd want one of course. :-)

    T, great to hear from you but that is awful that youve been stung so many times this year. I do know that the bees and wasps get pretty aggressive this time of the year. Doug was pruning the hemlock hedge this weekend and found an enormous wasp nest in the bushes. Holy cow, did he ever run for the hills when he disturbed it. Hes very wary around bees too now. ~~ I cant believe you are still having hot weather. That is just too strange. ~~ How are the new babies and mom doing?

    Hi Saucy, great to hear from you and glad you are posting more often. We did miss you when you were gone you know. So do you want to come over again for some plants beginning of Oct sometime? Ive still got that large peony and hakone grass you can have as well as many hybrid daylilies.

    Wendy, you too, I can dig that Catherine Woodbury daylily for you now. They are showing some nice new growth and are at a good place to get divided. That is that true light pink one I told you about. I dont remember what else you wanted from here but Ive got lots to divide at the moment. Also, if you can come beginning of Oct. sometime I can dig out one of the Fuchsia Beacon out of the garden and show you how to prune and pot up for winter storage, then if you want you can take it home and pop it in your basement. ~~ Great photos! Thanks for posting these. ~~ So your DD is doing percussion? Oh my, do you have ear plugs? LOL

    Mary, thanks for the info about dress code for the reception. I have this neat top and jacket I wanted to wear with a skirt with matching shoes. What can I say except I have a closet full of neat things I bought on sale and look for any excuse to get a bit dressed up. Ive emailed you the information on the hotel were staying at.

    Bug, so sorry about the lost post! I just hate it when that happens. Ive taken to writing ALL my posts in word these days. ~~ That is one stunning photograph of the sunrise.

    OK time to get my day started. Enjoy the day everyone,

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We went to see the Ear, Nose & Throat Dr. yesterday. Rick will need a CPAP machine. He either quit breathing or his oxygen level dropped to an unacceptable level an average of 68 times an hour. When he had the sleep study they put him on the CPAP for part of the night and he said he slept like a baby and felt good when he woke up, so he actually is looking forward to the machine. We had chinese food afterwards. We then looked at what Menards has for dryers. The repairman said that its on its last leg. It does seem to be working for now. Its 27 years old, so I guess you cant ask for more. Actually, dryers havent changed all that much. This one is a Maytag, so Im leaning that way again. I wouldnt have to get another until Im 73! LOL

    Babs, I thought of AJ the other day when I got the mail out of the box. There was a huge spider web in there. No sign of the spider though. I did take each piece out separately.

    Deanne, I havent even thought about cuttings. Must we get you one of those chains to hold your glasses around your neck? LOL Seriously losing your glasses is a bummer. Several years ago Rick lost a pair, got new ones, laid them down at work and someone took them. I teased him about getting him one of those chains. Actually, our homeowners insurance paid for the pair that was taken. Now who would take someone elses glasses? He was working in the meat dept. at Walmart at the time, so that may explain it.

    V, when my kids were growing up I had one of those sofas that had a skirt. When I would pull that thing out I couldnt believe the stuff my kids had hidden under there. It got pretty nasty at times. No skirt on the next sofa that was for sure.
    I can just hear your DD asking for an orchid. Did she talk you into a car at school? LOL
    I liked the garden quote. Now that would be a shower worth going to!

    Honey, wouldnt that be fun to be close enough that we could all help each other out? Im so curious to see pictures of your project. I hope all goes well for your DD.

    Saucy, your poor son, the dog sure isnt very encouraging to him. I remember on time in college I was at a grocery store and realized that I didnt have the checkbook with me. The store allowed me to charge it. I was shocked. I got my checkbook and went back within the hour to pay them. I was so grateful that they didnt humiliate me. Needless to say I continued to shop there.

    Wendy, I remember those days of running the kids here and there. Fun but hectic years. Thanks for the pictures of Steves garden.

    Marian, yes most of the land is culivated. You cant really see much of that in the pictures. The 2 very dark green areas are bean fields.

    T, bummer about the stings. We have wasps here too, and I get goose bumps when one flies in my face. I havent been stung but am keeping my fingers crossed. That was one thing that I had to battle in my garden shed is wasps. They would like it to be their home. If I see one, I have a can of that wasp spray handy.
    bug, the sunrise picture is stunning.
