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Idyll #398: summer's winding down

16 years ago

OK, this will get us rolling on the next installment of our very exciting lives. Let's roll!

Comments (104)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    NO dinner time posters tonight?

    Yesterday was quite unexciting. DS's fiance's grandmother passed away late last week, so I picked him up from work and spent way too much time driving around Chicago in the rain so that we could go to the visitation. I had never met the grandmother but got to meet most of her 12 children and some of the 34 grandchildren, and I can report that she was a well-loved lady. I just wish it had not involved so much driving in the rain. :0

    Wendy, the Heuchera Caramel was planted last fall and is on its second summer in my yard - in full sun, no less. There's a second one on the other side of the bridge that was the same size when I planted them. This spring, I trimmed up the other one but left this one alone. The one that was cleaned up is about one-third the size of this one. Leave 'em alone, I guess?

    Chelone, I hope you decide to go ahead with the stone wall. I have no doubt that you can put your mind to this and do a bang up job. Look again at the photo of my path - do you see those two large steps leading to the bridge over the stream? While I had younger backs move them to the general area, I was able to get them perfectly positioned all by myself. I've decided that I enjoy playing around with rocks! I am starting to foment a plan that involves clearing a small part of the woods and ending up with moss-covered cement stuff. This may be a year or two out...

    Michelle, welcome back. So sorry to hear that Kenzie is leaving sooner. I know you'll miss her, and vice versa, I'm sure.

    Saucy, I hope you experience some magic tomorrow! I've used cleaning services and cleaning ladies off and on over the years. Overall, I'm happier with a good cleaning lady instead of a service, but finding that good, reliable person is always tough. I have a good one right now and I make a point to let her know that from time to time.

    Well, I should be writing part of an environmental plan right now, so I will sign off. I wonder if anyone else has surfaced this evening?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Stuff I forgot...

    Caryopteris 'Snow Fairy' definitely has an interesting smell to its leaves. Not being a cat owner, I can't attest to that analogy, but I do think they smell a lot like a fresh jalapeno pepper.

    Kathy, my team of choice is in first place but they've had a very disconcerting trend of late.

    Politics - I avoid it in the work place, but it can be fun among friends. I had a feisty discussion with the "radical fringe" of the family at our party. I live in a county that was heavily one party, but now the demographics are becoming more balanced, and it's always kind of interesting to see people feel each other out in conversations. It used to be a slam-dunk that they were party X, but more and more of those Y people are showing up. I do enjoy the discussions when bashing is avoided on either side.

    OK - no more procrastination!

    V. again

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    Idyll #271 - Dog days of summer!


    Comments (103)
    Mary Good Luck with your interview tomorrow! It's very understandable to be nervous, I'm sure, but just be your sensitive, intelligent, insightful, capable and caring self and I know they are going to love you. You go get um, girl! From the things you have shared with us about your interation with your co-workers, the students and the parents, you would be a shoe-in in my book. So sorry about your meadowbrites! :-( Mine aren't growing like gangbusters, but I'm still enjoying them. Hey, did you know that Meadowbrite and Mango MB are fragrant? I just discovered that today when I was working in the area and followed my nose...pretty neat! :-) That Mango Salsa sounds delicious and I've printed it out! Deanne - Aren't you glad to have that behind you now! of my least favorite things, followed only by dentist visits. Congratulations on the bone's a credit to your dedicated work outs. Thanks about the fuchsia...well it *is* lovely and I think happy too, but then again it started out so well to begin with! :-) I'll have to show you what I did with the other fuchsias you gave me too. They are all so wonder you love fuchsias! :-) Funny, until you gave me some of *your* starts, I've never had luck with them (well, except for Bondstat). I'm just tickled. I'll have to show you a pic of my Claire deLune...she's a lovely thing, I think you would like her. I'll *try* to make some cuttings to share with you, if you can tell me when the best time to do that is. Oh, BTW, thanks to yours and Babs encouragement I have *2* babies started from my Gartenmeister. They are still very small...but I'm just tickled. Okay...and I am putting in my request for rain stoppage in the N/E. You poor guys have had enough! But it can still rain here by me and by case anybody is listening. LOL! Speaking of rains and droughts, I've been having some very strange things happen here. I lost some very steadfast perennials, due, I am sure, to last year's drought and yet the strange thing is that I am having all kinds of annuals that I haven't had in years, suddenly sprout up all over the yard. The larkspur has just gone nuts and a sweet peony type poppy that I had in my garden many years ago (given to me by Mrs. Shack) has suddenly reappeared in my garden after many years absence. Also some 'Chimes' snapdragons from at least 3 years ago, as well as all kinds of annual salvias,'s amazing! My garden's looking a little "uncontrolled" because of it, but I'm tickled to see them. Plan to collect a lot of seed this year. :-) And on the opposite side of thievery in the big towns...I once lost my wallet and it was returned to me in the mail with *everything* still in it...including my $20 and some change! :-) Unfortunately no return address, which is such a shame because I really would have liked to thank the person. Anyway, it only goes to show there are good people and not so good people any where you go.'s so fun to hear the excitement in your voice! It *will* be lovely! Can't wait to hear all about the big day! And definitely share some pics if you can. BTW, I think I have some of the white/blush lychnis too?! Is it white with a pink eye? I think it's called Angel's Blush? or something like that. I had it many years ago and over time (through composting I'm sure), it has spread in spots here and there in the garden and I'm enjoying it. T - hope all went well with your tests. Like Honey, I can't get moving without it, I'm sorry to say. In fact, my hubby likes to tease when I am cranky in the morning and says "There's no talking to Ei until she's had her brew"... I *hope* I'm really not *that* bad! LOL! Michelle - I'll be sure to have some tea here for the tea you have a favorite? My Endless Summer is pink too, but that's okay, I love it anyway! :-) Oh, which reminds me...thank you Sue for recommending Lemon Wave. I got it early this spring and it's just now starting to take off...I am *in love*. I'd like to get another too. Unfortunately I had no luck finding the plants I wanted today...but I'll be keeping my eyes open. Marian so glad to hear Trubby is getting back to his old self, but sorry about the gouge and scratches! V - I'm going to try to call you tonight...I have ????'s. Anyway, TTYL! Ei
    ...See More

    Idyll #486 The Wacky Weather Idyll.


    Comments (102)
    Gooooood morning one and all, What a glorious day is on tap for today. PERFECT weather. Its currently 62 degrees outside and so dry and delicious outside I could swoon! Still dry but the sprinklers are running and if these cooler temps continue for a few days as predicted the watering will last for a bit. A person does not appreciate a 70 degree, dry day until dealing with an entire summer of 90 degrees plus temperatures. Doug is off flying. Hes working on a new certification and is learning to fly a tail dragger plane. Ill be content to putter about in my gardens until he gets home and then I think well take a drive or something, or maybe sit on the patio and enjoy the day. Saucy, yes, yesterday was also beautiful but I taught so spent the day in the basement studio. I had to drag myself down there! LOL Youll have to give us updates on the GG paths. Cyn, the only thing Ive held onto is a very small primitive rocking horse that Dougs grandfather made for Heather. Ill never have any grandchildren so I really need to find someone who could use it. Its pretty cute. ~~ Hope your headache is gone. ~~ I dont usually have any weeds in the beds because I top dress all of them with compost in the spring and when any new seeds would be sprouting the borders are all so filled in the weeds dont normally make an appearance. Ill get an occasional oxalis or crab grass in the borders but thats about it. I read an article once from a gardener in the UK who maintained a no weed under any circumstances policy and would police all his borders daily. He maintained that the more you do this the less of a problem they become because you get rid of them before they set seeds. Im so lucky to be able to plan my work schedule around the gardens so I have time to do the maintenance. Kathy, this was actually the hottest July ever recorded here. I wish Id kept track but I think at least three of the four weeks were over 90 degrees and last summer we might have had one day or so that topped 90 degrees. Its incredible and hard to believe you are having a really cool summer. ~~ Love those new lilies! They are such beauties! I especially love that last photograph. ~~ Im looking forward to seeing some new pics from you. Youve really gotten fantastic with your camera! Bug, glad to hear the travelers are all home safe and sound. Michelle, what can I say except I am staggered by your gardens!!!!! How fabulous! I absolutely adore the hydrangea/persicaria combination. In the third photo, is that Little Joe behind the phlox? Its perfectly sited there. And what is the grass and the gypsophila looking plant next to the variegated sedum? Ive tried growing that sedum several times with no success. Im guessing that garden gets full sun? Id love it if youd do a whole thread of garden pics for us. I so enjoy your beautiful gardens. OK Ive spent as much of this beautiful day indoors as Im going to so Im out of here and hoping everyone is enjoying a beautiful day. Deanne
    ...See More

    Idyll # 456... Eternal Summer


    Comments (102)
    Happy Monday all! Although I am sending a hug to Norma, who is not having a particularly happy condolences on the loss of your friend, Norma. Kathy, that Iochroma is fantastic! Likely not hardy for me though....although you said that your gardens are looking a bit bedraggled at this time of year, they look about 100 times better than mine do just now! Our temps. are falling, with -1C (30 F) with rain and wind this week....I'll be raking and seeding the back lawn for about the tenth time since we did our backyard "renovation". Once the leaves are down in the park, and therefore on my lawn, I will do the final cut for the season, chopping up the leaves and leaving (ha, ha!) them to compost over the winter. Gee Saucy, I'm with you - I really wouldn't want to bring DS or TCS to an Idyll Union. But DD might have and be fun. After, V's daughter was a hoot at IU VI! And belated birthday greetings to you Norma, and to Wendy also. I apologize for being such a slacker in the photo department...Wendy, was it you who provided the delicious lemon pound cake at Chelone's? If yes, would you, or anyone else, like a recipe for a killer chocolate pound cake? It's almost the only cake I make here now. Today I finally got the gumption to start painting the guest room. I first tried the cutting in of the ceiling without taping. Just in case anybody wants to ask the question "Can you do that?" the answer is "NO!". So now it is taped and the first cut is done. I realize that the previous owner who did the work himself would not make it as a professional drywaller. When they decided to sell this house I think they were in a hurry to finish the basement. The walls and ceilings were all painted a kind of mocha colour - a nice colour but dark for a basement, and especially on the ceilings. I surmise that maybe they didn't want to spend a lot of time or money finishing things up - hence cheap crummy quality paint, and one colour in all rooms and ceilings. As I worked I was thinking that I don't remember the huge family room being such a chore to paint - and then I also remembered that DS was on unemployment last winter and living here, and he did the family room - three coats of white on the ceiling and three coats of pale yellow on the walls - took him three weeks. I hope to be done the smaller room in two weeks. I think I will dedicate the whole winter to this dumb basement. Especially to sorting and chucking out the boxes of stuff that we shouldn't have bothered to bring here when we moved. Never unpacked some if it. Yes, TCS has been minding his P's and Q's as promised. He is going through a rough patch just now....getting heck at school, getting tossed from music, and his Cub troupe is not getting off the ground as there is not enough interest. So just now he has no extra-curricular activites. A good opportunity for we adults to give him a little more attention - just when he probably needs it most. Have to sign off now - I have pickles sitting on ice in the sink and cookie dough to make before the school bus arrives in half an hour! Have a bon voyage, Marie! Cheers, Julie
    ...See More

    Idyll #287: The Autumn Idyll


    Comments (103)
    Dag-nabbit!I lost my post from yesterday but that just means I'll abbreviate what I can remember-so it's a good thing from your points of view-I do babble too much lol. Deanne-raggedy ann is great! Chris and I brainstormed and we already have intact vampire outfits so we chose the goulish way before I saw your Chris would be so charming as Andy: )!!! funny too-I am growing out the red locks and trying my natural look after 15 yrs. of sassy red(lol). I have less grey than I thought and decided now would be a good time to color closer to my real shade-we'll see how long that lasts. I guess I could have made a red yarn wig though for Annie! Wow Deanne on the pixels! And handheld shots at that!!! Very fun to rediscover your immediate world with macro! I look forward to more! Hey that hydrangea looks so fresh with color-mine are all faded to green and maroon-which one is yours?? Marian I loved your fall pics-thanks for sharing all that color. I especially like that blue spruce with the various fall colors setting off its form & blueness. Sue I'm sending good vibes for whatever your doctor is suggesting. Should we be worrying? ...this probably isn't the same thing I'm sure, but my mom who actually is great about routine check ups has been putting off the dreaded colonoscopy for many years now but is finally taking the plunge(?lol)on Tuesday;sometimes you just have to be ready for tests like that and it just took her time to go for it-she did a bit of research on the risks and it scared her. I think it's great that you are getting a second opinion.(would you do a third too?) Yeona-glad you checked in-sorry it has been so rough. Just remember to take time for yourself so you can pull yourself together. Sounds silly but for me a simple thing as mowing the lawn is something I love to do so I can be alone and think(and hopefully not run over things I'd rather not while I'm being pensive lol) The stuff with Chris' mom at times just overwhelms me so I have to steal moments for just me even if it's during meanial tasks. Taryn how great to see your homestead pics-please teach me how to get so much accompished!! Good luck with the job prospects I hope you find just the right match for all your skills. Oh so that check I was supposed to get? It came on Saturday! It was bigger than 95 bucks : ) Now I have that arduous task of deciding which places the mullah should go. I'm not used to having leeway when the end of the month rolls around so this should be a nice change of pace. We celebrated the windfall by ordering sushi: )yum! Mary-playdate? Wait-that means you would have a whole SEVERAL hours to tidy up before we got there ; ) Yes, Chris' mom is still in the hospital.While it's been a long time, at least she is being well cared for. My worry is when she's released and we need to coordinate helping her-Chris' sister is up to her old disappearing trick again. Michelle-you really did score on your trip into the city-I hope we get to see your dress-I know you will look stunning. I'm very impressed that you are onto Christmas shopping already-I always tackle AJ's Nov. bday first then worry about Christmas but maybe you will motivate me to get a move on. Aj and Ryan have been sick all weekend...I thanked them profusely for waiting for the weekend so I won't miss work! Actually one year AJ was only sick on weekends and only missed one full day...I wonder if he can pull that off again, let alone Ryan. Don't mean to skip out but I've got prep for tomorrow to do. Hi to all I missed! ~Babs
    ...See More
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kathy, you will probably enjoy the fact that Magnolia grew up at Calico Rock in Arkansas. :-)

    Eden, I am envious of the scenery in your area. I would love to be by that beach, and where I could see the lighthouse.

    V, I didn't drive in the rain today, but I drove in the fog all the way to town, but it wasn't heavy fog. It misted all day too. The high never got to 70 again today.

    I hope it is dry enough to do some mowing tomorrow. I like the yard to look good when the kids are here, but it sounds as though it will be too wet for them to be outside much.
    I need to muck out the house some, too. ( I'd rather work outside).:-)

    I bought enough food in town today for Cocksie's Army..LOL
    I never am sure what they will eat, or how often they will be eating at our house. Only breakfast is a sure thing, and I am pretty good at fixing breakfast. :-)


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi guys. I had a rather tough day at work today (the lacking work order 'n' all) and then an afternoon appointment. I'm up too late and have about ZERO to offer that is interesting.

    Thanks for the encouragement with respect to the stonewall... I'm still suffering from "performance anxiety". ;)

    The "landscape guy" is going to come by tomorrow and I have to run the desired work by him all by my "onesies". I've spent the day comprising the list and will see if I can't get some stakes in place before he arrives in the late afternoon.

    Busy and preoccupied, but looking forward to soaking up your fun details... skimmed by the giant watering can and Eden's waterscapes because time is limited. But enjoyed what I saw of them MUCHLY! Later, guys.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    V, Your team of choice is The Team To Beat if you ask me, and if mine wins the west I would be shocked if they advanced any further ! Once we are out of it, I'm Cubs all the way..
    Kathy in Napa

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We've just eaten. Heck now that it's dark by 8:15 we can eat after we come in.

    Cynthia, Kenzie has already made her webcam debut. They have one because her other grandparents winter in FL and my DSIL is a techy. My DD was showing me her new laptop which has a built in webcam and with her cell phone internet she assures me that I can watch Kenzie swim at the beach. I told her a video would be fine of that type of thing. My webcam which was recently purchased needs to get out of the box soon.

    I'm working on a DVD for Kenzie's trip to FL. She loves watching video that I've taken over the years of my garden, so I thought I'd make a DVD with a slideshow of her in her garden and mine over the last 4 summers and add some videos to it as well of her in the garden. Throw in a few butterfly and frog pictures and that should take her at least an hour or two down the road. I'm thinking that a drive that far will be a long sit for that wiggly little peanut. I'm also packing a little bag with markers, a botanical coloring book that I got at the DBG, story books and whatever else I can think that will entertain her.

    I'm thinking like Wendy and am going to look for the list of plants that I need to move.

    We noticed when we got home that we must have grubs in the lawn. Everything is nice and green except for some largish brown patches that have holes in them. I found out that skunks and racoons like to dig for the grubs. DH bought something to spread.

    Did I hear more whispers about future little gardeners - congratulations Nana.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kathy, when I lasagna, I don't need to double dig! If I have a lot of good materials, as I will in the fall, then the soil should be ready for planting by early next summer. Just add lots of chopped leaves, lots of grass clippings and kitchen scraps, cover with cardboard and mulch and let the earthworms do their job. It just requires a different kind of effort: gathering materials and lots of mulching :)

    It took me a long while to figure out which teams you and V. were discussing....and for a moment I thought you were secretly talking about politics, LOL. I hope your cubs win, V. They certainly have earned it.

    Marian, I wondered if my grandma did the same sorts of things before I came to visit as I read your post! I loved to explore her yard and every inch of her house! She was always working in the beauty shop and my sister and I found lots to keep us busy :)

    Is there a Southern woman alive who can't cook a good breakfast? I wonder where that comes from? My grandma made the most wonderful biscuits that used mayonaise for the fat in the recipe and just before she baked them she rolled them in melted butter :) Strawberry "freezer" jam was my favorite topper....some liked a piece of ham tucked in theirs.

    Wendy, SunnyD asked yesterday if she could come by this weekend and have the plants that I've put aside for yes, she must have a shovel attached at the wrist :) As I drove by her house yesterday, I noticed that she'd planted a new little pink lilac out front! Kathy, I will see if I can snap a picture of her Main Street abode....

    Michelle, I know your husband can make you a giant watering can! It would be fabulous! I'm looking forward to pictures from your vacation. Sounds like you've done all the right stuff where Kenzie's concerned. Jake and Sarah always enjoy packages/letters from far off relatives and I know Kenzie will, too.

    Nana Marie....the other day when you were posting about Hanna drenching your area in rain, I couldn't stop singing, "and the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down and Piglet starting bailing......he was unaware atop his chair, while bailing he was sailing...." If you haven't snatched up this little goodie for Reed, I think he'd like it. It's Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, and there must be a soundtrack if he doesn't watch'd go perfect with the book :)

    I am ready for magic! This person is a local person (her kids go to school with mine) and has a group of women working for her because the business is booming....I guess she's a cross between service and lady :) We worked out a little "no harm, no foul" deal....if I don't like it, I say, "no thank you" and move on.....cross your fingers!

    Okay, I'm out of here....have a great day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning all,

    Well we must have had another inch of rain yesterday. That happened right after I finished raking under the Mountain Ash tree and of course you can't tell that I raked prior to the rain event. I think most of the Northeast and part off the central region had this line of rain and storms come through. Of course I had several plants knocked down again, they'd gotten pounded into the dirt over the weekend with the six inches of rain we had while I was in CT. My E. cotinifolia had three major branches broken off and I'm thinking that perhaps its nature's way of telling me that its really time to chop it all off and get it ready for winter dormancy.

    Anyway, the weekend was a fantastic visit with Sue, Les and MOnique, good food and wine and conversation interspersed with two days of grindingly difficult work. The class was tough. The work was really above the skill level of several students in the class and that makes it hard for the teacher who wants everyone to be happy. Of course that's something that is never going to happen so I don't know why I persist in trying to make everyone happy. Story of my life. LOL

    I'm in the throes of the shortening daylight blues and thrown into that the September gardens just aren't looking too great this year. The terrace border is a disappointment right now. Normally the NOra Leigh phlox is blooming along with the rudbeckia and sedum. Well the phlox is just about finished, and one of the sedums in the front terrace is just barely blooming this year. The heliopsis in the sundial garden got a terrible case of mildew and I'm going to cut it down and that is normally still blooming this time of the year. I know I'm whining but can't help it. Maybe if I run out to HD and tuck a bunch of cheap asters in the blank spots I'll be happier. LOL

    Some friends of ours wanted some friends of theirs to come over and see the gardens and that will be Friday evening and I'm wondering why I let them talk me into this. They couldn't come in August and this was the earliest weekend in Sept that worked so now there is zip going on. I told Doug to NEVER let me have anyone come over to see the gardens for the first time in Sept again.

    Kathy, thanks for asking, I'm not among the missing just not feeling like an upbeat contributor lately. I'm loving your pics especially that bamboo. What a beauty.

    Woody, I read your post to Doug and he asked me if I wanted to go to Canada to pick up a couple more Bengals. LOL How sad for those poor cats. I can't imagine what a challenge a Bengal that hasn't been socialized would be.

    V., love your brick path and that 'Caramel' is a beauty. I've got a couple in my East garden and they are real performers. I'm thinking I'm going to find room for a few more of them as they always look great.

    Wendy, YES, now is the time to start getting any coleus cuttings you want to keep. I've found if you wait until the nights start getting any colder than this they become more difficult to root. Reminds me that I need to get on that myself.

    Eden, thinking of you and your family.... A beautiful spot.

    Michelle, love that watering can!

    OK time for a bit of breakfast then off to do more garden cleanup.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I may have to start a new tradition.


    This has been one of those weeks that are at least a month long.
    On the positive side, 3 of the puppies have been adopted out! Two of them to the same family - I just love when that happens!

    And the big news, I got the name of a really good but reasonably priced landscape crew (think multiple big burly guys!) I'm calling this week. LOL

    I have to go. I'm going to have to hurt one of the guys I work with. ;)


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not the happiest of mornings, but amazingly the world goes on no matter what events -- I always find the resilience of the spirits of the Idylls to be that way as well... thinking of friends near and far today and wishing them well.

    Oddly, the sun is shining here and in the 70s -- cool cool weather. I hope we all get to enjoy that.

    Jerri - I think it's wonderful when plans come right and nice things happen -- I hope the rest of the pups get adopted very soon too.

    Deanne - I cant imagine your garden not looking wonderful no matter what month or season it is -- heck, you have all those terrific birds in the dead of winter, even then - lots to watch. In fact, it might be hard to pick a favorite time? Altho I think you said you have a preference for July. I dearly hope to see them in person next Spring or summer - a promise to myself!

    Julie (on your other thread) -- Im envious of that fact that you mentioned you have free bricks -- that's fantastic -- I have to lug mine home from the local "Home Cheapo" in groups of 30 usually... Are you planning on lining all your beds with the brick?

    V - I meant to say earlier how very much I love how your Inta path has turned out -- it's really lovely and Im very envious.

    Michelle, I look forward to seeing all 400 of your photos of Colorado -- as an easterner who's never been west, I know I'd be fascinated to see them all.

    Well, today is certainly a pause and reflect -- Autumn is definitely on its way - I think I may have to start beginning to bring some plants inside -- getting some of those agaves ready for their winter inside. We've had quite a bit of rain this week and I dont want them to rot at the last couple of weeks.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yoohoo Julie... come over here.... A brick project is familiar territory for me! I edged all the front beds and the living room bed in the backyard with bricks last year. I like the look and I hope never to have to trench edge the garden again! Did you use the metal edging between the grass and the bricks? I think that's a very important thing to do to keep the grass from creeping between the bricks. It took me from the end of May to near the end of October last year to do them all. I know what you mean about setting a quota of a number of bricks to do a day - I aimed for about 6 minimum - more on cool days! Really hot days I was lucky to get any done :-)

    We had a relatively productive morning today although we didn't really do anything - the new kitchen stove arrived (it was supposed to arrive this afternoon), a tree service came and gave us a quote on pruning the deadwood out of the ash in the backyard and a contractor came to look at the patio - we need to have part of it removed and then they need to dig down to renew the waterproofing. When they're done that, they will replace the concrete in that area with patio stones that match and are aligned with the stones of the ramp I built last year off the patio. They will have to shift the ramp over by about 6" to make everything line up. I expect it will all be a bit pricier that I'd like! It'll be a few days before we get their quote.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi guys!

    OhOh, I didn't think about stuff getting inbetween the bricks, so, nope, I didn't put in that stuff between bricks and grass. But never too late, right? Next summer you may hear lots of moaning and groaning about having to inset that for every garden. But my lot isn[t very big so I need a project every summer so I'll just save that one...

    It was too nice to work today so I read instead. Kitchen is still not done. Dinner isn't even thought of yet. DH took DGS to his music lesson, DS came home from work at the golf course and went to sleep.

    Gee, I guess I'll read....

    Woodyoak, your talk about the patio reminds me...we were going to move the steps from where they are on the deck to the other side where the pond is now...move the pond to where the steps are now...put in a little stone patio (don't need to get a building permit for that!)and then maybe a retractable awning for some shade...almost forgot about that project.

    The big attraction for a patio in the back is that I could ask Deanne's advice and put big planters on it.

    Adrian planted a seed out of one of his lunch apples this Spring and of course it grew...that could go in one planter....The seed was from a Royal Gala. Are they Hybrids? Could get just about anything....

    Well, it's going to be spaghetti and salad. After I read...


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rex was able to practice is "good boy" manners this afternoon. The "backhoe" guy showed up at 4 PM promptly and we did the "walk about" (helpmeet was sailing). I went over what we had in mind, noting the questions he asked and I was unable to answer. The helpmeet arrived home while he was still here and we were able to answer those questions. The "backhoe guy" is terrific. He's punctual, "knows his onions", and isn't afraid to ask questions/make suggestions. We really appreciate that; he has been accomdating and very thorough and it looks as though Friday is the day. Probably ought to make sure to take some "before" shots tomorrow, huh?

    I'm nearly finished with the big enclosure for the restaurant and aside from some unpleasant, "if it had been me" or "I KNOW we talked about this very thing" (wherethehellistheworkorder?) things are coming out as expected. I can't wait until Friday.

    It was a beautiful day today, but I confess I barely took notice of it. I'm just sad, and it's not the usual "endofsummer blues". I feel small, insignificant, and foolishly silly for lamenting my trivial woes.

    Thinking of Eden, Cynthia, Michelle, and others who have greater worries on their plates. Hoping, too, that they will "come out to play" again shortly.

    And who is this "Julie person"? clearly, I have been too wrapped up in selfishness to have taken adequate stock of her! :) (but I will).

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK, now I know who the "Julie person" is... it's OK with me if you chime in. I'm all for inclusiveness but more importantly I'm all for another person who is has good sense of humor.

    We need more of that right now. How timely your arrival, Julie!

    Welcome aboard.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    HI Julie!! Welcome! Great to see you here.

    BRENDA AND NORMA Please email me at Deanneart@aol. It's important that I contact you.

    I'll be back later.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We are finally getting some rain here! It's been cool and drizzly all day with more coming as we get the remains of Hurricane Ike on Friday. Sometimes this weather is really nice and it sure makes for good weeding afterward.

    The state fair starts here this week. We didn't go last year but I think we'll try to make it this year. I love going through the animal barns and the chance to sit and people watch. :)

    I'm off to meditation tonight. It's a needed chance to de-stress so I'm looking forward to it.



  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Chelone, I agree with your feelings.
    It was a beautiful day today, but I confess I barely took notice of it. I'm just sad, and it's not the usual "endofsummer blues". I feel small, insignificant, and foolishly silly for lamenting my trivial woes.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Chelone, it's the kind of day that makes you glad to have a dog to beat...

    Not much to add here tonight. I had a meeting after work, and although I was home by 7:00 pm, there was precious little sunlight left. There were two deer in the driveway, though.

    Julie, I'm glad you found your way to the "proper" thread. What are you reading? Lots of us are dedicated readers. I'm just finishing a book called "Five Things I Can't Live Without", a "chick lit" book I picked up at a used book sale. It's one I can live without! Not awful, but not worth recommending. Next up is "Oak" by William Bryant Logan, a non-fiction book

    Chelone, I'm thinking those are some mighty big onions that you are digging if you need a backhoe!

    I think I shall make this an early night. We have a group of community college students coming tomorrow for a two-day hands-on experience program, and I have to be perky and inspiring in the morn. OK, at the very least I have to be lucid!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wrote this post a few hours ago and will send it along.

    Middle o the week has been reached safely and we continue to progress towards Friday.

    I see that Julie has wandered over here and settled in. Julie, be cautious about asking Deanne for container advice, as she is a known addict (what was that count ? 153?) and may try to make you co-dependent. As we continue to hear about the mysterious garden with brick edging on a small lot with a wine-deck we will become more insistent about photos !

    Lol Saucy, V and I secretly discussing politics ! Only if the Cubs and the Dodgers are running for Pres. But why do that ? They make a lot more $$ playing baseball. I will try lasagna-ing the next time I want to create a new bed. Not here though. Wishing you well on the magic lady/service,

    Hi Deanne ..I say go for the cheap aster solution- or maybe some mums. I know how you feel, I have some pretty crummy looking areas too, and I cut back a whole bunch of stuff last weekend because it all looked so bad ! Your visitors will probably be wowed by it anyway-your garden looking sad is probably leagues better than most peoples looking good..

    Jerri, you just amuse the heck out of me with your little offhand remarks . A week that is a month longto that I can relate. And its usually the week before vaca !

    Hugs and best wishes to all . Gardens are renewal.

    Kathy in Napa

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The helpmeet fired up the weedwacker last night and buzzed the overgrown areas so we'll be able to put down day-glo marking lines for Mr. Backhoe. (chuckled about the "big onions" remark, V.).

    I can't wait to get to work and finish the big restaurant enclosure. Closure on enclosures is a great feeling. But I really can't wait to get home and just be outdoors with the huge one (who has obliged me when I've felt the need to kick something) and the squadron of kitties.

    Julie, listen to Kathy's words regarding Deanne. She's the container "pusher"... she'll get you completely hooked in no time flat and then you'll really be "in the soup". ;)

    I'm distracted this morning, a full day on the docket and this is the sort of day that makes me grateful for my work. My hands are occupied, the routine and procedures are well established, and my mind is free to roam and sort things out.

    Later, friends.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning friends.

    I don't know what the temperature is outside, but a quick look shows everything still standing....good grief, I should've brought in my this-close-to-blooming-orchid! Yes, Saucy got an orchid to rebloom (mind you it only has 3 lost the others in the spring during our last frost, LOL).

    I am currently reading The Shack. All I can tell you at this point is that the foreward was well written, but it put me right to sleep.

    Magic did not happen. No one came. I knew when she wrote SunnyD and I down in her appt. book that it said, "Thurs." and I noted to myself.....we'll see.

    Actually, in a funny way, magic did happen because my family has had to pick up after themselves twice and the house looks pretty nice....maybe I should run a vacuum, mop, duster and tell them I paid for it :)

    There is just the little issue of wanting to be outside instead of running a vacuum.

    I bought all new brasierres yesterday....even for the gym. The ladies will stand at attention a little better than they did yesterday. It's amazing what the foundation garment does for the outside, isn't it Chelone?

    Wishing a backhoe was coming here.....the daunting task of digging out the paths in the GG is looming over least the weather is favorable for the task and I feel a need for hard labor.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome, Julie!

    Off to New York today and I've decided to drive in but was darn sure I could get guaranteed parking, first. Lots of activity in the city today, I'm sure, but business beckons so will do what I need to do then get outta "Dodge".

    Last of the heirloom tomatoes devoured last night and with the rain this year they were few and far between and really enjoyed. Moved a bunch of the tall marigolds out of the raised bed and on to the south side of the house with the hope they'll survive.

    Basil is still upright so no frost last night, though there probably could've been.

    One more word of caution about Deanne for Julie: If you even think you might like fuchias and need a recommendation, get specific or you'll end up with ten varieties :-)

    Talked with Ky a little longer than usual last night and Rich talked with Jen and we ended up making Holiday plans. Early, yes, but comforting....

    Everyone enjoy this day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I spent the day yesterday crying off and on because I heard some news about a friend that just shocked me, it was so sudden and unexpected. I was surprised at how much this effected me because I haven't known this friend long. But she has shared so many personal stories about her life, that I guess I feel a connection with her and her family that surprised me. I don't really want to share the details about my friend's crisis here and I don't feel much like making small talk, but I thought you all would understand how I am feeling.

    Welcome to Julie...I promise to offer a more enthusiastic welcome at a later date. :-) I'm heading out to the garden today for sanity's sake and sowing cover crop in the veggie beds before I am late again, like last year.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning all,

    ANITA please email me at the Deanneart@aol. I need to contact you.

    Jeesh, Julie, don't listen to any of these people here. I'd give you perfectly reasonable and rational advice on getting some HUGE container gardens going. He, he.... (Deanne rubbing her hands together here.) Containers and patios just go together.

    V. what exactly are the studets going to be getting their 'hands-on'?

    Kathy, it's actually closer to 163 this year. I had a few add-ons. te he.... ~~ Yes I agree with the mum/aster solution and that is on my agenda for today along with sprucing up all the edging, cleaning the water features and adding a fresh layer of mulch to any bare spots. After that there will be NO MORE garden tours this year. They can do a drive by of the front containers but the perennial borders are off limits for viewing. I'm really surprised that so much of the foliage has gone dormant earlier this year than in previous years. ~~ RE the lasagna thing, it really does work. I didn't believe Saucy but tried it and it makes a great bed, doesn't lose all that green material and soil the grass provides once its composted.

    Saucy, nothing more 'uplifting' than a new foundation garment. LOL.... I'm in need of some myself. ~~~ Bummer that your magic didn't happen.

    Martie, safe travels.

    The Rajii totally cracked me up this morning. I did my usual door duty at 6 and he promptly ran outside then stopped dead in his tracks, hunkered down, pouffed up his fur then ran like h e - l back into the house. I guess he wasn't expecting 47 degrees. Silly boy. I told him it's time for him to put on a bit more of his winter coat. Yes indeed, the cold weather is coming.

    OK off for one last day of garden sprucing. After this it will be garden whacking.... LOL

    Have a good day all,

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning, all!

    Beautiful morning in Eastern Ontario this morning - Ajax (the pup) thought so too and got up at 5 a.m. Did you guys know there is a five in the MORNING too? DDS leaves for work at about that time so the dog must have heard him...

    You will note that sometimes I refer to my men as D something or P something. The D means that they are being nice reasonable people, the P means they aren't (D as in Dear, P as in Philistines). I wouldn't want anyone to think that I am a saint for living with six guys when there are really only three :)

    It's gonna rain here for the next three days. Of course it's a week-end. Of course, DS who works outside is scheduled for all three days. Of course DH has his final all day golf tournament on Saturday. And of course there is no school on the week-ends. Groan!!

    Have been giving my little guy an extra hug every day as per instructions from a friend....

    My plan for today - more bricks, harvest tomatoes, get a recipe for grape jelly so I can use the fruit of my labours, look at the junk room in the basement so that I can start to gear myself up to shovel it out and return it to it's intended functions as a plant winter hime (no greenhouse now) and a wine-making room (never really gave up that function *LOL). I had kind of hoped to get this done this week-end, but with everybody in the house, I won't be able to throw anything out - you know - we might need that dried up polyfiller sometime....

    I thank you all for the Deanne alerts - but I know about her addiction problems from another forum...I thought I was safe, but then I went to a seminar this Spring about container planting and tried a large one on my front patio and it really worked well and....oh dear, I can feel it in my bones....

    PM2 I know the feeling....

    Saucy - I am an orchid lover! I have about a dozen, and I get most of them to rebloom. They got kind of roasted in my solarium window this spring because I forgot to open it, but they have revived very well sitting outside under the patio table on the deck - shady but breezy there, and we have had lots of rain this year so the humidity level has been good for them. Those are the guys who have to spend the winter under lights in my junk aka plant room.

    Chelone, are you going to open a restaurant? Cool. I specialize in P food - meat and potatoes, a few veggies, dessert only if it has chocolate in it. You don't want my advice.

    V. I've been reading a lot of James Patterson lately but now I'm getting tired of him. I tend to binge on authours - find a book I like and then ready everything that person has written. I usually find that the first several books are pretty good and then either I become jaded or the authors start to get a little carried away, so then I have to find a new one...We have a good library here in Hicksville (Perth Ontario)

    Well, I had better going or there will not be any new bricks. Hopefully I will get the photo thing organized. DD is coming over on her bicycle today - 90 kms. round trip for her, so if she can still walk I'll get her into the office and I know that she will figure it out. She has her own set of challenges but technology is not one of them :)



  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Deanne, that's too funny about Raj! I can just see him now. The dogs always love it when the weather turns cool. It's so fun to watch them ramp around.
    Julie, how old is your DD? That sounds like a fun bike trip. I'm ashed to admit I have to look up the conversion for kms. LOL
    There's a lot to be said for Idyll diversions during tragedies. Hugs to all.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL Julie. My motto? "No cookin', no kids". I am well known in "these paHts" as someone who hates kids and dogs and our's is a household that has long championed regular beatings for both. I do not cook. I clean up the trail for the helpmeet who is a good cook. Hmmm... maybe I should hire myself out to clean houses for "alltherestayas".

    I am now going to rant about the necessity of maintaining capital equipment because my generally glum mood has made me more cross than I usually am and Wrecks has taken quite a hit in the past few days (scroll down to by-pass). I have worked very hard over the years to purchase equipment that makes my work easier to perform. I know how much it costs to invest in capital and being "anal" (Hi Sue, Hi V., Hi Eden!) I take good care of it and get very cross when it's appropriated without my permission and ESP. when it's treated badly. ALL my machines (I have several) are oiled, timed, and adjusted properly, and in good working order in spite of their age (some are nearly 100 yrs. old). I clean them regularly and when they operate poorly I have the mechanic look them over. The "workhorse" machine at work has been operating poorly for over a month now and nothing has been done about. I had to rethread the machine at least 3 times each for the 6 stitching runs required of my latest project. I have tried repeatedly to correct the problem, but know this is job for the mechanic. I've mentioned it frequently and have been told, "the machine doesn't like you". OK. It took me over 2 1/2 hrs. to cut and join 4 panels of fabric for an awning. It shouldn't have taken more than 1 hr.! I did not have the luxury of moving to another machine because I needed the tabling to support the runs that were over 12' long. I did as much sewing as I could stand then cleaned the floor area where I will have to do the layout tomorrow morning. I left 1/2 hr. early because I was so frustrated and my co-worker need to do her layout on the floor, as well. grrrroowwllll.

    But! I just picked up my next book at the library. It's "Innocent Traitor, a novel of Lady Jane Grey" by Alison Weir. I have ready nearly all Ms. Weir's biographies on the Tudors and the British monarchy and while I couldn't get through one chapter of Philippa Gregory's, "The Other Boleyn Girl", I'm willing to chance this novel. I'll try again on PG's novel, but it will be work (too loose with the facts, IMO).

    OK, probably time to don the "thinking cap", wrangle the garden hose to set a pleasing curve, and break out the day-glo paint.

    Thoughts to Eden today, hoping you're holding up as well as can be expected, and wanting you to know I think of you and your family every day, too. ((hug))

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello all. Twins are down for a nap and I feel that I could use one, too. I went shopping with the two of them for the first time. They were as good as a two year old could be, I was very proud of them. No nagging for things plus they said 'thank you' to the cashier when she rang up their HotWheels cars and handed the cars back to them to carry out of the store. I'm not sure how much was luck in that they weren't use to being in a store with Grammie, thus they weren't sure what they could get away with ;o) and how much was that they are still not completely in the terrible two stage. I also took them over to my mother's house for a visit. My other two grands arrived with their mother (my oldest daughter) so all 4 grands were able to play together for awhile. James is almost 5 years old now, the twins are two and Thomas is 15 months, so their ages are sufficiently apart that they seem to have their pecking order sorted out (for now anyway).

    We picked apples from mom's trees so that we can make some apple crisp later today. I had just been thinking a few days ago about how long it has been since I've had fruit directly off of a tree...I miss that. Mom's Italian Prunes aren't quite ripe yet, but I did eat one and look forward to those being ripe next week.

    Our weather here has been warm and dry. There is no rain in the forecast for the next 7 days. I have been working hard at getting the deck roof/supports painted in preparation for gutters being installed. I absolutely love having the deck covered-----which is great as as soon as we started the project I realized that I was loosing my view of the trees in the upper back yard, from the kitchen and dining area. No longer would I be able to stand at the kitchen sink and watch the elk grazing nor see the tree line. Thankfully the deck roof looks very nice (not the ugly 'add-on' to the back of the house as we feared) along with shading a portion of the back of the house (it faces east) and keeping the deck dry. I think Deanne asked about whether we were going to enclose the deck with screen or windows? Yes, we do hope to do that next year and also install lighting along with ceiling fans. The house makes a little 'L' shape around the deck and we have a little concern about whether in the heat of the summer we may have dead air space there---thus the ceiling fans. It has been a great project (so far). Next on the list is to put up the fishscale siding on the peak of the family room (next to the new deck roof). It has only been 18 years since we put the siding up and meant to do the peak (groan!!!) so this is a big deal to me that it gets done before summer's end. In the front we have rows of *U* and rows of *diamond* shaped fishscale siding, but DH didn't like the *U* he wants to do squared off shingles......I do not care......I just want it done. I would prefer that the back matches the front---but heck, done is better than seeing plywood & house wrap on that area any longer. Just get it done -- pretty please?!

    My mind has been flying all over the place these past few days.....I spent the entire day yesterday with my mother at the hospital. She was getting an IV infusion that took hours, I sat in the waiting room for Day Surgery and it was heartwrenching to see families coming with loved ones for chemo, for small surgeries that turned out to be big problems (thus tears and phone calls on the waiting room phone---no privacy for them unfortunately), hearing the life flight helicopters arrive and leave----imagining the many tears that fall in a place such as that. It is impossible not to have your heart ache for their heartbreaks, but also impossible not to mentally count my many blessings when I see what others have to contend with. I have absolutely nothing to grouse about in my own life in comparison to so many others. best to each of you today. I'm so thankful for such a great and supportive group.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh man ! I have never had anything like this happen to me! I was mowing the lawn and encountered a yellow jacket's nest. They got me on both hands, on my right ankle, and inside my t-shirt on my upper right chest. I jumped off the tractor and made a mad dash for the back door. Two came in with me...the one in my shirt, and apparently the other was in my hair. OW ow ow ! I dabbed meds on all the stings and took two antihistimines and two pain pills.
    My company is coming tomorrow night. They may be taking care of me !

    Nolon took spray out and sprayed them enough to get to their hole with gasoline.
    I did not get all the mowing done...but I think it can wait !


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Marian, that is terrible! I hope that nothing but healing developes. While I love my bees, I have a healthy fear of ground nesting wasps and bees!

    Today was the anniversary of my grandmother's passing. I thought about her a great deal. I miss her letters dearly. She used to have a habit of "saving paper" and would write you a letter on any old thing, lol! The really good ones came on the Kipplinger Letter, where she would underline and write things in the margin like, "you should get into this line of work, Lisa."

    She was truly a pioneer of her time....out to make as much out of everything that she worked so hard for! Had her first home, car, and business before she got married....of course there was a war going on...husbands were scarce :)

    I thought that today would be best spent on manual labor and began to dig out the path for the Goddess Garden (Julie, I recently purchased statues of the Goddess' of the Four Seasons - lest you think I'm some weirdo with a G. Garden :) and I made it about 15' or so. I turned the sod soil side up on to the future garden area, and placed a layer of shredded paper in between (browns :)...the lasagna has begun.

    Manual labor was allowed some outlet for all that I'm feeling right now.

    So my path will be lined with brick, LOL! I'm going to do a decomposed granite path lined with brick....I don't know where I got the idea :) Actually, I'm copying Tower Hill's pathways, and they get more traffic than my ladies will ever see.

    I'm taking pictures and will reveal soon.

    T., I'm happy for you! I have so many undone projects around here....I feel downright giddy to know that you're getting something wrapped up!

    Chelone, I hope tomorrow will be a sound like you need that ((hug))

    Oh, Magic was in the hospital! Gall bladder...just like Nick. You mark my words...Gall bladder problems are on the rise because of the new (not so new anymore) acid reducing meds! Your gb has to work harder because there wasn't as much acid to break foods down. I read the tiniest snip-it somewhere, and I think it makes sense.

    Anyway, someday you'll say you heard it from me, first. Just like the drier sheet advice, right V?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello Idylls !

    I was thinking today how important my friends here (met and unmet!) have become to me even as a relative newcomer to this group. Kindness, respect, humor, camaraderie and knowledge all offered readily every day in every season.

    Julie, assuming all guys in your household were named Phil there for a moment-thanks for the clarification ! So whats the deal with this wine-making operation you have going on in the basement ? Sounds vaguely disreputable, but Im confident its all above board. Chelone opening a restaurant ?? Are there restaurants that serve only gin and tonic ? I think thats her specialty

    Marian, hope you are feeling ok ! We had a story from our hostess at one of the IU gardens that sounded quite a bit like what happened to you ! Thanks goodness you dont have allergies. Do the stings swell up ? I have never been stung by a yellow jacket and my last bee sting was when I was a teenager.

    Saucy, what progress youve made ! Those Goddesses will shower you with favors for your diligent attention to providing them with a place of honor. Poor Magic ! I guess she had a good excuse.

    Chelone , I actually viewed the film of The Other Bolyen Girl" last weekend. I liked some things about it, mostly the art direction-I liked that the interiors were darkish and didnt look as though Henry was burning 100 watt bulbs in all the rooms at the castle. Ending scene showing Liz #1 as a child running through a field, dead rip-off of the end of Anne of a Thousand Days. Liked Natalie Portmans performance.

    T , so glad to see you come by ! Denise and I have been doing our best to hold down the fort for the Pacific Time Zone. I love fish scale shingles of any kind-are yours wood or a composite of some sort? It sounds like youve had a very productive summer in spite of the visible house wrap

    Deanne, I do remember you saying you had some empty containers behind the shed awhile back ..I was resolved to keep most of mine empty with the alleged move and all but they have slowly trickled out to position filled with Plants I Must Not Buy. You may wish to review your last post, as I was wondering why V had stud-ets coming to her house . Is this similar to a dudette?? I can see why you asked what sort of hands on training her Studettes were receiving.

    All for me tonightBest wishes and peaceful thought to all the Idylls

    Kathy in Napa

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It has been over 4 hours since the stings, and the pain is constant even yet, dispite all the pain meds that I have taken. It is one of the worse pains I have experienced, and most of you know I live with pain daily. The one on my chest isn't bothering me at all, but my ankle and hands are excruciating! The swelling isn't bad.

    I was afraid to try to get to the tractor to mow some more, because there were still yellow jackets flying around the hole, so Nolon moved it and I went ahead and mowed a lot more. I may not get any inside work done before the kids get here, but at least the yard looks pretty good. :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marian-sorry I haven't read above but have you tried a baking soda paste? That draws out the 'venom' and might help some with the pain. Amazingly straight ammonia will also neutralize the bee's saliva. Sorry you are hurting. I do know that pain after whacking into my hedge with the lawn mower and suddenly I was face to face with a hovering posse of white faced hornets. I probably looked comical when I screamed and ran for my Honestly I'm amazed I only got stung by one but it hurt like the dickens.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Students, they were students! And they were at work, not at my house. They got to see all aspects of whatever it is that we do at my mysterious workplace.

    Saucy, I didn't realize Cleaning Fairies had gall bladders. If it's any consolation, my current really good cleaning lady missed her first date because she was in the hospital, but it all worked out. And I don't use anything stronger than Tums.

    Marian, my DH had a similar experience about two weeks ago, but he got away with only one sting. Nasty things!

    I never had a sting of any kind until my 40th birthday, and then I got a yellow jacket sting - yowzers!

    Almost as painful as trying to solve my DD's cellphone problems. Her phone died, and I am having a dickens of a time getting the phone replaced. The cell phone company wants me, her and the phone in the same place. Can't happen... And then they tell me telesales is open until 10, but they close at 9. :(

    Running out of steam, and Chelone has not appeared to clean up the dishes, so I'd better go.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry Marian about your run in with the yellow jackets. Definitely very painful. I did the exact same thing when in my twenties. Ran over a ground nest with the mower. Only time I have ever been stung that I remember. I hope one of the remedies offered might help with the discomfort and that it feels a whole lot better tomorrow.

    Eden...I didn't get a chance to say how much I enjoyed the photos of the area near your Mom. I am so glad she has such a beautiful area to look out on. My favorite was the one with the lighthouse.

    Kathy...I was just thinking today that I basically started posting here right after Christmas last year. It feels like a longer time than that. I guess I am not the new kid on the block any more either. Anita and Julie I think get that distinction now. Most people here have known each other a lot longer than that.

    Nice to see 'T' again! Your post reminded me of why you might not be posting too often! Wow, what a busy busy life you have. :-) Glad to hear all is well with you.

    Hello to Babs too. It's been awhile, I hope to see you more often. :-)

    Other than that, I am hopelessly behind and hope I will be forgiven for just picking up where I am...

    This is late for me, so I am off to bed...good night.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning,

    Well after working on sprucing up the gardens all week to get ready for my garden tour tonight it looks like its going to rain. Go figure?! LOL

    I did pick up a few cheap asters for some color and it made a huge difference. I also moved one of the larger containers into the middle of the second tier and that filled a gap there. So now that all is looking as good as it can for this time of the year it will rain so we can't do a walkabout. Jeesh....

    Julie "Deanne alerts"! Jeesh! LOL Glad to hear you did a nice large container for your front patio. PHotos please????

    Chelone, I don't think there is anything more annoying than a sewing machine that doesn't work properly. I used to sew (in a past life) and it made me crazy when I had to re thread the machine because I couldn't get the tension right. I can't imagine having to work with machines that aren't working right. I'd be ripping my hair out and cussing.

    T great to hear from you. Neat that you are going to have a screen porch.

    Marian, so sorry about the yellow jackets... I got stung in my mouth last fall and it was excruciating. Hope you're feeling better today.

    Saucy, can't wait to see your finished paths.

    Kahty, LOL about the 'Stud - ets' for V. I've been typing in Notepad instead of Word so it doesn't catch my typos. ~~ LOL about the containers that get filled regardless of "plants I must not buy".

    OK I've got to go and water the containers then clean the house up then go to the grocery etc. etc. etc....


    Let's all hope that that storm lessens in intensity before it hits the Texas coast. The National WEather Service has told people to evacuate or they are taking their lives in their hands. Horrible.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marian - how are those stings this morning? I was stung by a wasp or hornet (not sure which...) two summers ago while just minding my own business, reading on the lounge chair on the back porch. It hurt like the dickens for days and it was only one sting! Multiple ones must be agony. I'm impressed that you could still mow shortly afterwards! Whatever it is that has set up housekeeping in my deck box is very protective of their space so I haven't been able to use the lounge chair lately. We will not attempt to do anything about them until deepest winter when hopefully they are solidly dormant! Nolon is either brave or foolish (or both...) to tackle them so soon after they were riled up.

    Re bricks... Julie, and others - one disadvantage of putting the metal edging between the bricks and the grass is that it would make changing bed shapes much more work. (As soon as I finished the brick around the beds in the front last year, I thought of some changes that would be good - but it's not going to happen because I'm not taking it all apart again!) Without the edging, Round-up may be an essential maintenance tool I think. Actually, even with the edging I'm keeping a close eye on the grass as it tends to flop over the edge of the bricks and I'm concerend that some of the creeping sorts may still be able to flop and root into the beds, so I keep watch for that.

    Damp morning here so far. I needed to do some deadheading but it's not going to happen this morning!

    Saucy - we need progress shots of the GG....

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning all!

    Chelone, you posted something about finishing something for a restaurant enclosure so I thought you were opening a restaurant! Now I get it - it has something to do with the work you do...Oh well, I'll learn!

    My DD is thirty years old and is very independant. She recently bought a 100-year old house in a small city on the St.Lawrence River - did the research, chose the house after a few false starts, organized the money stuff. She has a good job - she is an Emergency Dispatcher for the Ontario Provincial Police. She's that calm voice on the pohone when you call 911. And she is absolutely excellent in an emergency. However, get her at a party - well, perhaps it is sufficient to say that she won the "doesn't need coffee" award at her college HAHAHA. She is very energetic and very funny, can be very abrasive at times, especially if she is hungry. She is a phenomonal aunt Kay to Adrian.

    Raining today. Didn't get the bricks done yesterday - Sister and her husband dropped by - they haven;t been here for a year and a half - and then DD arrived on the bike. Had to spend some time teasing her about the flourescent orange spandex and the twinkie little shoes before we could actually have a visit. Then the school bus arrived and that pretty much blows away any further stuff that I want to do.

    Did harvest the tomatoes, and got carried away and spent two hours cleaning out some of the raised veggie beds, digging them over, and treating with sulfur to try to get the tomato blight under controlfor next year.

    Going out to take some dampish pictures now as I have insisted that DH walk me through the positng of photos thing, Gee Whiz, even Adrian will sympatheically pat my hand and say "it's O.K. Nana, tech-no-logy just isn't your thing. You're a gardener"!

    Back later..

    And yes:: TGIF

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning all....

    My stings are all better, but the one that is right on my ankle bone is still painful. Deanne, I would think a sting inside of the mouth would be much worse than mine !How could you doctor it?
    Susan, you are very wise to leave the deck box alone until very cold weather. It's a shame you cannot use the deck chair.
    Nolon did not get one sting. He has dealt with the little monsters many times, and is aware of how to handle the situation.

    Deanne, I didn't mean to send that last message to you. I copied and pasted it back to the same group email page, and sent it to 'reply all'. It is in my 'sent' box, but hasn't showed up in my in box yet???? I left my address in the group, so it should come to me also. If it does not make it to the group, can you forward the one you got? I would sure appreciate it.

    Hurricane Ike is predicted to deluge us Saturday night and Sunday ! Nice ! Right when Tim and the girls will be here. I hope the road holds.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    'morning all.

    I've got to figure out how to teach 'tufa at an Arts fair for a one hour time many people do you suppose would want to get their hands dirty (with gloves of course) at a public event? That is a tough sell, I'd say. Even tougher to guess the number of premixes I'd have to prepare.

    Hmmm...all on short notice and I need to come up with an answer NOW, and my brain is sort of short circuiting at the moment. I think it is in my best interest to try to pull this off, though.

    If you have any thoughts, I'd appreciate them :)

    I'm going to bring some paper and pen out to the GG in case ideas magically pop into my head. I will bring the camera, too.

    On the subject of metal edging: I am choosing not to use it because I read that it can be dangerous to those in bare feet. Now I don't allow my kids to go barefoot because of all the junk I've run across (and the constant destruction/construction) around here, but it struck me as something I could do without in this instance. I think it was Les and Monique's garden that I admired the technique....Les, don't be trotting around the garden in your bare feet, okay!?

    I have some quick things to move off my desk before this day is mine.....I'll be back later with progress to report!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Saucy - the metal edge I used is called Curve-Rite and the top edge is rolled, not sharp. It sits no more that 1/2" above the bricks, enough to discourage the grass but not enough to trip over, and is maybe only 1/4" or less away from the side of the bricks. It would probably be uncomfortable to step on in bare feet but it wouldn't cut.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    Saucy - I taught a Tufa class to a garden club of 20 in our garage. I divided them into half and had one group walk around the garden and share refreshemnts while the other worked. They mixed up the tufa in pairs from a giant bag of perlite, a bale of peat moss and we went through just over 40lbs of portland cement. Each participant had come with a cardboard box or bowl to use as their mold, and once they were done they lined them up outside the garage and covered them to cure. I removed the inner molds after 24 hours and had the club return 2 weeks later for pick-up. They all turned out great, though some had needed a little help in adjusting the moisture content in the mix.

    It is really had to guess how many of the public would want to try or quantities to supply. At the garden club I had one lady who despite being a gardener did not want to get dirty, another who was undergoing chemo and chose not to work with the materials but watch. But my kids couldn't wait to get their hands in it! I found having lots of gloves and dust masks was important. Also, don't forget copies of the "recipe", your business card and things you have made out for show. Good luck!!

    I have been so distracted the last couple of days I've achieved very little. I'm back at work 2 days a week but yesterday found staying focussed incredibly hard. Fortunately I had some mundane paperwork and unpacking suppplies I could do. This morning I just returned from one of my garden jobs (the new 8000 sq ft house). The plan was for me to return in the spring to put in a perennial bed but I just found out they would like everything mapped out now to enable the contractor to put in a drip irrigation system. I'll be busy this weekend.

    I'm also mid-way into the reno of the bathroom and am hoping the rubbed bronze faucet I ordered will arrive from Ebay today. I'm putting in one of those new vessel sinks which will look very cool and is actually easy to install - yay!! First I have to construct the new vanity top which I will be tiling with granite. For a nominal charge the tile shop can cut the tile and drill the sink hole for me which saves a lot in renting equipment. The greatest moment of this whole project will come, possibly later today, when I get to throw out the hideous mustard yellow sinks and gold flecked formica top. Good-bye to the sixties!!

    Before I go I'd like to give a warm welcome to Julie and say how nice it is to hear some of T's news again. Marian - glad those stings are better. Hugs to all.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Saucy, people will love doing the tufa! I did this once for the Hort Society. Used a light mix similar to Mary's.
    We had small boxes and plastic bowls for people to use and lots of plastic bags to allow proper curing times, etc.
    Don't forget the plastic straws. In addition to their normal Idyll useage, they can be put in the bottom of the tufa to form drainage holes.

    I wish we were close, I would come help. Make sure and print out some color photos of planted tufa containers so people will be lured in even more! It will be so much fun.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Only those of you with really funky hair will appreciate this. I got a postcard in the mail saying that my hair stylist is MOVING!!!! :(

    Texas doesn't sound so bad, wonder if DH would go with me?? LOL


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jerri, I wouldn't head to Texas today if I were you !

    Kathy in Napa

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, all! Today is overcast and drizzling, so I thought I would catch up.

    Michelle, A small bulk bin would be perfect for a watering can. Lol, I'll have to show that picture to my MIL. She'll get a kick out of it, and the bulk bins are at her house. I bed DH would love a project ;)
    I've been to Colorado a couple of times, and just love it there. DH has never been, and if I ever get him over his fear of flying, I'd love to go again.
    The DVD for Kenzie is an excellent idea!

    Kathy, for sure there will be pictures now that I've beaten back the crabgrass! Hm, maybe I should find out where DH dumped all those cartfuls he got rid of for me. Bound to be an impressive photo op!
    I'm used to being outnumbered in any political discussion. I'm amazed at how rabid folks get talking about it, tho. I love a good debate, and don't see any reason for anyone to go away mad. My best friend and I went out for dinner last night and had a good discussion over Mexican food and a couple of Coronas.

    V, driving around Chicago in NICE weather is my idea of a nightmare, lol! I imagine the citizens of the Windy City are better off without me in their midst ;)

    Marian- Magnolia, from Calico Rock..she sounds like she should be a character in a book!
    Oh, no! I'm so sorry about the yellowjackets! I've never had that happen to me, and it's really a wonder, some of the places we mow. Take good care of yourself, and I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family.

    Deanne, it's hard to imagine that there is a time of the year when your yard isn't a treat for the eyes. It is, however encouraging to hear you say that ;) This is the time of year when I'm tempted to dig up absolutely everything and rearrange it all.
    Lol @ Rajii! I felt this same way when I opened the door for the dogs at 5 a.m. I quickly brewed a pot of coffee and scuttled back up to bed with the pot and two cups when the beasts came back in. The TV in the bedroom is great, but makes it too easy to stay in bed late. Since it was cold and drizzling this morning, though, it was a good place to be.

    Jerri, glad you got some puppies adopted out. I always thought it would be fun to raise two litter-mates.

    Chelone, the backhoe guy sounds like a real jewel! I've got the farmers for BH operators, and sometimes they get a bit carried away with themselves.
    I would gladly hire you to clean, and would cook a giant meal of fat farm comfort food to boot..just let me know when you're coming and what kind of pie is your favorite. Oh, and while you're cleaning, feel free to berate my DH for his poor organizational and put-it-back-where-you-got-it skills :)
    I feel for ya on your day at work. When I worked "on the outside", I was very territorial about my work station and tools, and reeallly impatient when something needed fixing in order to work properly. Well, let's face it, I'm the same way on the farm ;)

    Julie, good to have you! Deanne's containers are indeed spectacular. You couldn't have chosen a better enabler ;)
    I read the same way as you. One author until I can't stand them anymore, then on to something else.
    I keep waiting for DH to go on a fishing trip so I can clear out some stuff around here. It's beyond shameful the amount of junk that accumulates on a farm! magic?? I'm disappointed for you! Yay for you on the new undergarment wardrobe. If I never had to shop for shoes or bras, I would be very happy.
    Ah, catching up reading, I see what happened to the magic. Bummer. Makes good sense about the acid reducing meds and gall bladder problems. I abhor the idea of having to go on any prescription meds.

    Oh, my, Martie! If I don't need to be driving around in Chicago, I for sure will stay outta NY City.

    T, good to hear an update from you. I need a nap just reading that first paragraph!

    Yesterday, I did manage to get more mulch spread and some plants moved. Also reduced the pot ghetto a bit. I wasn't really in the right frame of mind for bed design, so it remains to be seen how it will all come together.
    DS and his GF rode their bikes over in the afternoon. It's a good 25 miles from where they live, and they decided they really didn't want to bike back, so I gave them a ride home on my way out to supper.
    Speaking of going out to supper, I must fess up. Poor DH was at home power-washing the pig house while I was sipping beer and gorging on Mexican food. We're due for the next batch on Monday. Maybe I'll manage to get pictures of the little cuties this time, before they turn into HOGS. So, next time I'm grumbling about him....well, he's not such a bad guy ;) He managed to get along on leftover chicken and noodles, and truth be told would prefer that to Mexican food anyway.
    This has gotten far longer than I intended, and I really should do something constructive. Not sure what that will turn out to be...
    Later, all!
    PS. The Idylls rock :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The offending machine was missing when I unlocked the dorr this morning. (a good sign). I labored along today, suffering the lack of tabling with reasonably good humor. UNTIL, a customer came in whining that we'd "promised" his canvas and he was going "home" today. (From his oceanfront home here to Greenw(h)ich, CT.). He continued to piss and moan whereupon I looked at him in the eyes (after telling him I'd do it and apologizing for the oversight!) and asked him what he wanted me to do immediately. More whining, to which I replied very tartly (since my perspective on what's important is different these days); "if I were able to spin straw into gold believe me, I'd do it right now. Boats are actually designed to get wet. You need to go away and have coffee and a pastry and return in an hour". He blustered some more and I told him the more he grumbled the more he diverted my time from the necessary repair. I have a pretty long rope with those lookin' for a fight; mostly I view them as amusing. But that guy really hit a nerve with his grousing today. He backed right off, I did the repair, and when he came back he apologized. I told him I didn't like to lose my cool with people either.

    More machinery issues today, too. But it's over and I returned home to newly spread stonedust and a lot of newly spread loam. Better yet, the helpmeet took a bunch of pictures of the "before"! I'll have to sort through them and put some of them up for your "enjoyment"/boredom.

    Marian, I haven't been stung in long time and then only once. And it hurt a lot, lasting a long time. You tell us you hurt a lot, but clearly you're still able to "kick in the afterburners" when the need arises. I laugheda the picture of Nolon with gasoline... did he drop a match down the hole, too?! Hope your rainy weekend with the family is fun.

    And nice to see "t" resurface, too. If you only knew how many half-finished projects we have on the Compound you'd feel a lot better about things, lol. I thought a long time about your post yesterday. Yep! I think you really nailed the sentiment for me, too. Nice work.

    I'm outta juice right now. We're having dinner with friends tonight and it'll be fun but right now I'm tired and don't want to go anywhere. Gotta shake this off...

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    O.K. just so you know: JAK and Julie are ONE and the same.

    Sr.P and Inter.P sat on the deck and discussed GOLF BALLS for an HOUR. SHEESH! It is only golf balls. And recovered ones at that.

    We had "make your own pizza" for dinner - I make the dough in the bread machine, put out all the toppings, everybody makes their own. My family just love this.

    Any leftovers are baked and taken by DS for lunch or frozen uncooked for later use. A Friday night special here, for sure. DS is getting fed up with the golf course. He needs some time off - he has worked literally non-stop since March. He is actually looking forward to Unemployment Insurance as he looks for winter work. But I think he will be working immediately when this current job shuts down - he has made so many contacts at this job...

    Anyway, bricks aren't done, house is o.k.; a bunch of kids here now on the Play Station - my night for bedtime which includes reading and music...can't complain, I am so blessed...Oh dear, tears again..awful to be such an emotional person....


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Heads up to Julie ! A little Idyll procedural info-we usually try to wrap up our numbered threads after reaching 100..often our threads are very photo heavy and loading can become an issue for some. So come on over to Idyll #399 !We await more news of the Phils..

    Kathy in Napa