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A cumulatie case of the willies, and is there a word in English

My favorite Far Side cartoon was a reptile zoo keeper, shown in front of all the cages with the slithery creatures, his eyes big as saucers and him standing there kinda funny...

The caption read: Joe the Snake Keeper gets a cumulative case of the willies. Bwahaha!

I try to be 'tough' and objective about medical stuff or gory things, probably because my peers as kids were all growing up to be doctors with doctors as dads and they tried to. And I was a Tomboy, with rules on such things anyway.

Still, every once in a while, I get that nauseated, cold-sweaty sensation and my knees turn to jello, or they would if I were standing. It correlates to the gore sometimes but not always.

I couldn't cahnge my own dressing on a leg cut I had as a teeneager because it looked so bad and it was ON ME. Silliness.

Then I couldn't help my boyfriend change his dressing on a caulderized place in his arm... so goes the ON ME theory, lol.

#1, Ever had funny ones of these?

OK, also is there a word in English for 'I don't know if I'm scared - I shouldn't be, maybe I should be; I just want it over?' As in, are you scared about finding out your biopsy results?

I just had a biopsy procedure yesterday and it included willies and this emotion, whatever the word for that feeling would be. Turns out it wasn't the surgery - that part comes later.

I think it's no big deal. Surely it happens all the time. But my doc said 'well, your Mom and your Aunt and your cousin probably didn't think it was cancer at their ages either, so we'll do this fast.'

Aaack. I think I'd be fine if he hadn't put it that way. In any case, it's so good to have a doc who will get the sucker biopsied and also outta there. It happens all the time - fibroadenoma. I'm being silly.

Back to the willies... the procedure did not hurt at all. But I got the most embarrassing case of the willies. Usually I breathe deeply at that stage of the willies, and nobody een notices. OK, can't breathe deeply during a breast biopsy!

Well, the jig was up sans deep breathing. I had to ask for a cold cloth for my forehead like some debutante on a fainting couch!

Oh my street cred is totally ruined. I wasn't going to ask, but I knew I was dangerously close to either having to ask for a bucket or just fading out of consciousness [really - been there, done that] and both of those options were verbotten, I thought.

Man, they said 'a core biopsy'. No, try 15-20! I was fine during the ONE, darnit. And the machine snaps like an ear-piercing gun. Now that's just not right.

Ick ick ick.

The tech brought me gingerale to sip through a straw like a 6 year old... aack... but it helped and I love her for it.

So there's my med day [oh the passport/DMV/Congresswoman's stuff was the 4-day appetizer, however and played no small part in my need to breathe deeply, I assure you].

I do hope that folks have willy stories that are funny, and I apologize that I always have mixed posts, lol. Feel free to start a new post if you like for those if that strikes you as better.

I wanna know if Pete was a trooper for his massive-willy-giving heart surgery situation. Man, folks impress me with life and what all it throws.

Prayers for the biopsy part would be nice, although I feel silly asking. Still, Mom taught me that prayers are always appropriate, so do say a little one to yourself if you would!

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