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Making A List - Checking It Twice!

15 years ago

This may be a dumb question... or perhaps one that's been asked a million times before... but...

I'll be attending the Chicagoland Orchid Festival this September. As a relatively new grower/collector, I'm not really sure which are the best, easiest, and nicest orchids to add to my collection... to cut my teeth on, and earn my bones with, so to speak!

I've been making a list of orchids that I like, and that I think will be doable in my environment, so I can look for or ask about at the festival. Are there any plants that you expert growers can think of that are "must haves" for the beginner? Backbones of a decent collection? Orchids that aren't too pricey, but are considered easy to culture?

My growing conditions are indoor, average household temperatures and humidity, window and supplemental lighting. Midwest seasonal changes and all that... mostly windowsill grown.

Thanks in advance for your experienced input! I appreciate the help so much! I'm really getting excited about going to the Orchid Festival... can you tell?!

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