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Extremely tall, stalks red at base, large leaves

14 years ago

My husband and I recently purchased a house and are having all sorts of fun trying to figure out what on earth the former owners planted. We are stumped at this monstrocity by the garage. It is extremely tall - right now it's as tall as the garage roof and pushing on my gutters. The stalks are thick with a red tint to them near the base. The leaves are also huge, about 8-10 inches in length by about 4 inches wide. They are dark green, thick, smooth and super shiny. There are now these little white berry-like clusters on a few of the branches - they remind me of tiny grape clusters. By the pictures from the real estate website this plant was around last fall as well, but it has not spread like a weed would. When it first came up in early May I thought it was Rhubarb b/c of the red, but then it started growing like crazy. It is planted in a corner that is always in the shade and somewhat damp. I have pictures but this is my first post so I don't see how to upload them. I would appreciate any and all help in identifying this plant before we just yank it out. The closest I could come up with in my internet searching was Pokeweed, but the pictures I saw don't match what I have.

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