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Mouse ear/Wild strawberries in lawn?

17 years ago

Good evening,

I overseeded my TTTF lawn in late September. Everything came up great and is looking really healthy now. In the last few days, I've had lots of leaves come down from my several mature pecan trees. Today, I mulch mowed the leaves/grass and was bummed to see lots of new growth of mouse ear/chickweed, as well as something that looks like wild strawberries.

Last spring was the first time I'd seen so much mouse ear in my lawn. I did spread some barricade down before it started coming up, but from what I hear, it was too late to do any good for me last spring/early summer (apparently the mouse ear germinates in winter?). Anyway, I need suggestions on how to handle the stuff now. It has spread amazingly fast - from not seeing it just over a week ago to lots today.

So I have two questions...

1) How do I get rid of the stuff I see now? I'm a bit worried about using a post-emergence herbicide (like Bayer all in one or Ortho Weed B Gone) on the new seedlings.

2) Is it too late to prevent more from coming up? As I said above, I used Barricade in early spring but that did jack diddly for the late spring popup of mouse ear.

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