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adding Koi to existing pond with other fish

14 years ago


I own a small campground and I live there as well. Behind our house is a pond that is about 3/4 of an acre. The kids that camp here love playing around the pond, chasing frogs and such. The pond has blue gill, crappie, bass and catfish. I was thinking that it would be awesome to have some koi in the pond as well.

My question is this, how big would the koi have to be to add them safely to the pond. I wouldn't want them to end up as supper to the bigger fish.

We were thinking of caging off a small section near the dock and adding the koi in the spring in the caged area, until the end of summer. If I buy 5 inch koi, would they be big enough by the end of summer or early fall to be released? Do they grow that fast?

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