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Idyll #325 New Beginnings

16 years ago

To honor our newest grandbaby, Reed.

Hi friends. DH and I have really been in a funk. Hes on temporary lay-off this week and itÂs been far too quiet here. Everytime weÂd go to do something weÂd be reminded. That sweet kitty was so intertwined with our lives. So we decided we needed another furry to help ease our loss.

Meet Missy:


SheÂs a 9 wk old Australian Shephard. SheÂs full of exuberance. WeÂre exhausted. She woke us up howling at 4 am. So today weÂre off to the pet store for toys and supplies, and the groomer, if she has an appt available. Missy did bark to go out this morning which is a step in the right direction. However, later she left us presents. Our fault. We werenÂt quick enough and didnÂt realize she hadnÂt completed her tasks outside. But weÂre quick learners.

All the kids in the neighborhood were over last nite and I had tons of volunteers to walk her. She was in her glory playing with all of them. Then my friend with the Golden and Std. Poodle came over. Missy had a ball with them, too. She wasnÂt afraid at all.

Cindy, the front came thru here Tues. and it rained north of us. We didnÂt get a drop. I was so hoping for a real soaking downpour, too.

Michelle, so sorry to hear you have Shingles. Ouch. I hear itÂs quite painful. ItÂs good you got the correct diagnosis so the Drs. can treat it properly. Hope youÂre feeling better soon!

Oh Marie, Reed is so adorable. No wonder youÂre having withdrawal pains. And I love the Clematis/arbor photo. Is that Earnest Markham? Gorgeous.

Deanne, I had hydrangea envy. Your ESÂs are gorgeous. IÂd like to get Blushing Bride, but havenÂt figured out where plants I have will go w/o buying more!

Mary, lime green undies?!!!! LOLOLOL.

Chelone, thatÂs great Rex is healing well w/o the lamp shade. And I agree w/you. The gardens here are just lovely. With all thatÂs gone on this yr., mine are not at their best. Oh well.

Saucy, so good to see you posting again. I havenÂt read the books youÂre talking about, tho.

Ok, it's time to get some toys before the containers on the deck are totally destroyed, not to mention the annual borders. Miss Missy has been busy. TTYL,


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