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Are shade seeds invasive - which should I use?

13 years ago

I am looking to seed an area of freshly laid dirt that gets sun from about 11:00 to 4:00 in the summer, and much less in the fall. I had Tall Fescue in the area previously, but it never thrived, so I looked at some sun/shade mixes. All of them seem to contain combinations of tall fescue, red fescue, chewing fescue, creeping fescue, perennial rye grass, or kentucky blue grass. Can you tell me if any of these will creep into the full sun areas of my yard and then die off?

History: I have been dealing with poa trivialis (roughstalk bluegrass?) for a number of years that I think was introduced via a bag of dense shade seed. The poa thrives in the spring and fall, and spreads into the normally sunny areas of my yard, overcoming the tall fescue growing there. In the summer, the poa that has spread to the sunny areas browns/wilts messing up my tall fescue lawn. So I DON'T want another variety of grass that will do this.

The area I am seeding is also moist, being at the bottom of a hill and gets a lot of rain run off. When it rains super hard, it's not uncommon for a small creak to form in this area. In the summer, the hot mid day sun stresses deep shade grasses.

Can you suggest any seed brands, varieties that might work or that I should avoid considering my conditions and concerns?


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