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Help me talk to my neighbor about watering!

12 years ago

My next door neighbor and I got together in Spring 2011 and agreed to re-sod our yards with Tifway 419.

I have had Bermuda before and knew that an irrigation system would be a big expense that I could probably avoid on my 4400 square feet of sod. My neighbor chose to install irrigation, at considerable expense.

My sod was laid in Mid-July in a heat wave. I set up my sprinklers and managed it as best I could. In the end the lawn took very well. I mowed and fertilized myself.

My neighbor's sod was delayed a couple of weeks while his irrigation system was installed. After it went in, he turned care of the lawn over to a lawn service.

The problems began this spring at green-up. He insists on watering as if he has Fescue-almost daily. The runoff is creating a serious drainage problem for me along the property line-the soil is so wet I can't run a mower over that area without it sinking. His lawn service is scalping the lawn with their commercial rotary mower, so he just ramps up the water even more because he thinks it is too dry.

Meanwhile, my lawn looks far better without watering at all this season-we have had sufficient rain to get us thru the summer without my having to water even once. It seems like he chooses to overwater in order to justify having spent the money on the irrigation system in the first place.

We get along pretty well-he's not a bad guy. I am just trying to figure out how to approach him with some third-party material to back up the 1 inch per week all at once rule that I have always followed.

Any ideas?

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