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Help!! my first Orchid and I don't know what to do

17 years ago

I received this Orchid for Mother's day and ashamed to say I'm finally trying to get info on it. I did know I they don't like to be watered often, to let it dry out first. I've been doing that and so far so good. It had plenty of flowers when I received it. Then the flowers died and I cut the spike all the way down. Someone told me that I shouldn't have cut the spike and others tell me not to worry that another will grow out. It's still very much alive and looking great, except it hasn't flowered yet or grown a spike or whatever it's called. I do have 4 more little plants growing around it. Do I repot it? and if so how big of a pot? I think right now it's on a 4 inch one, also is a clay pot better? I only say that because everytime I see them at stores they're in clay pots. Am I supposed to leave the little offsets there or separate them?

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