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His Name is Nick.

15 years ago

And he better NOT DEVELOP GLAUCOMA as he recovers from his concussion!

Look familiar? Yep. He's in the same oxygen tank as was Barry. And why would that be? The very same lady who brought Barry to me found this bunny in the road and brought him in today! Déjà vu, no?!?!?!

His eyes are not as bloodshot as mine. That is just the reflection in the photograph.

He was hit by a car and was unconscious when we first met. Nick got steroids, dextrose and fluids IV and got put into the oxygen tank. Within 15 minutes he was standing but had nystagmus, that is to say his eyes are moving horizontally ... back and forth ... due to brain swelling. Nick continued getting oxygen throughout the day and is now getting the O2 at home.

He still has the nystagmus but it is much decreased and at times ceases. His bunny brain is a little rattled at the moment. He is able to eat his clover flowers, strawberries, cherries, alfalfa sprouts and Keebler Vanilla Wafers. (Lots of those cookies in the wild, dontchaknow?)

Nick got his steroids, pain medication, antibiotics for the night and will continue on oxygen supplementation until he says he can do without. I would much rather have had his nystagmus been stopped by now but what do I know? A little bunny VS a big car ...? Not a good thing.

Well ... CRAP! Guess we need to keep the Camp Nappy Birdy and Bunny Bed and Breakfast open for a bit longer now. Same thing ... different day ... As Nick recovers he will pay a visit to the ophthalmologist before getting released. I think his stay may be for a while due to the severity of his concussion.

Ya just never know who will check in here do you?

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