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Idyll #269 We are in the swing of things

17 years ago

The garden is in full swing, carry on...

Comments (101)

  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago


  • Monique z6a CT
    17 years ago

    Wendy, my party involves Peonies tomorrow also-see ya there!

    Eden, so sorry about your momÂs diagnosis.

    T-that is so sad about your dog. You made the right decision, even though it was a tough one.

    We went to "Doggie Fun Zone" today-was loads of fun. ItÂs basically lure coursing (plastic bag on a string powered by a motor) with some small agility objects-jumps, A-frames, tunnels, etc. Ollie as a bystander barked everytime the lure went by, so did a Chinese Crested. So, Ollie got his 2 turns and did very well. Then the owner of the DFZ decided to have him and the CC race together-Ollie won the first round and the CC won the second. He had a blast and it was so much fun to watch all the dogs-some of the bigger dogs couldnÂt go around the first turn and their momentum kept them straight and therefore over the 3 foot wall at the rear of the course.

    Mary, my Persicaria polymorpha looks ok-IÂm really surprised. Many other plants-esp the peonies-have wilted stems.

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    I would like to assure Cynthia that there are plenty of us who "still work for a living" who have no trouble at all with EST and have little difficulty squeezing the limited sunlight into our physical activity routine. Sounds more like a scheduling problem to this girl scout. ;) Hope your sister's recovery is moving along in the proper direction and doing so predictably. Is she home now? Good to hear that warmer temperatures are assisting in ice removal. Our driveway is pretty slick and I worry about Rex slipping, sliding, and wrenching something in the process (only to protect our investment, mind you). "Dog bowling" helps and directing him over the snow covered lawns after a day-glo tennis ball limits the risk. In his "frail elderly" phase I'd be worried about Monty, IF I didn't hate dogs, that is. Did Cynthia take both Dannie and Hope "on the road" yesterday (excellent suggestion, Woody)? 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Hi to Eden (has she been outdoors in 2 weeks?), Michelle (who we know will slog through drifts to get to the compost pile), Jerri (the purple footed one), Sue (who's either working or lying about it to cover her Facebook tracks), and so many others... and also, beleaguered Marian, holding down the fort in an ice-coated world. Camera back yet, Deanne? While shingles may be itchy and uncomfortable I won't start worrying about your unhappy condition until you begin dragging your backside over the carpet... hang in there! OK, time to think about what could be the final assault on woodwork, you guys...
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    Comments (94)
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    Swing into Spring - Idyll #259


    Comments (100)
    Afternoon coffee break (besides it is raining) So I've gotten most of the driveway garden cleaned out and we ordered our composted manure this morning from HD. They will deliver 3 pallets on Monday AM. Half of one pallet is for my next door neighbors but the other 150 bags are mine. te he! (6,000 pounds!!! maybe I won't have to lift weights next week. LOL) V, I'm so sorry I missed the mating dance of the Whooping Cranes on your front lawn. That must have been amazing to see!!! And those Ivory billed Hummingbirds were here also. They stopped in to feed at my fuchsia that are in full bloom hardening off in the driveway. ~~ So you have 32 pots of perennials and shrubs? Hmpff... You think I need an intervention. I think I only have about ten perennial pots around here not 32. Jeesh.... T wow, you really scored with those wood chips. Fantastic! Your DH is too funny about the lawn but I completely understand. In this household I'm the kurmudgeon (sp?) who doesn't allow heavy equipment on the lawn. Doug would be over the moon if I told him to just drive the trailer up the hill whenever he needed to move it. How long do you think it is going to take you to move all of that? and do you have the curvy beds all laid out? Photos please? Eden, bummer about the weather there. We were able to get quite a bit done between the two lines of rain squalls that came through today. The only problem is that Doug decided to use the leaf blower to blow out the gutters and then blow off the patio. The only problem with this scenario is that the windows to the dining room were all open at the time so now the dining room has to be thoroughly vaccummed and dusted before company arrives tonight. Everything in here is covered with a layer of silty dirt. Grrrr.... I did ask why he didn't close the windows and he said it never occurred to him. Hmmm... I think Doug needs to dust and vac for a bit because that would probably tweak his memory the next time he uses the leaf blower and the windows are open. My very favorite Dougism to this day is the time someone asked how often we dusted to keep the house so clean and he said that we didn't need to dust because it never got dirty. Yes, he really did say that and mean it. ROTFLOL! ~~ Do be careful of that vaccuum. They tend to get cranky during the spring cleaning season. Mary, it sounds like the concert was a huge success but emotionally draining. What a wonderful tribute to your friends. I'm glad to hear you were able to catch a few extra 'z's' this morning. Hi Babs, thanks for checking in and for letting us know you've heard from EP. Glad to hear all is well with her. So Sue, did you get a lot done outside? and has the foster arrived yet? You must have been a happy camper that your Mom changed her plans and you have the weekend to garden. ~~ When is the Tony Advent lecture there? and do you have to be a member to go. OK break is over and I need to get motivated to get a few more things done before 5PM. Oh yes, I wanted to ask you guys if anyone grows Hakonechloa 'Albo Striata' and if so has it behaved itself in your gardens over time? My patch of it in the driveway garden was very well behaved for the first three years but last year it started travelling and it now looks like it wants to migrate to a different state. I'm going to have to dig the whole thing up and prune and replant it. Later all, Deanne
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    Idyll #486 The Wacky Weather Idyll.


    Comments (102)
    Gooooood morning one and all, What a glorious day is on tap for today. PERFECT weather. Its currently 62 degrees outside and so dry and delicious outside I could swoon! Still dry but the sprinklers are running and if these cooler temps continue for a few days as predicted the watering will last for a bit. A person does not appreciate a 70 degree, dry day until dealing with an entire summer of 90 degrees plus temperatures. Doug is off flying. Hes working on a new certification and is learning to fly a tail dragger plane. Ill be content to putter about in my gardens until he gets home and then I think well take a drive or something, or maybe sit on the patio and enjoy the day. Saucy, yes, yesterday was also beautiful but I taught so spent the day in the basement studio. I had to drag myself down there! LOL Youll have to give us updates on the GG paths. Cyn, the only thing Ive held onto is a very small primitive rocking horse that Dougs grandfather made for Heather. Ill never have any grandchildren so I really need to find someone who could use it. Its pretty cute. ~~ Hope your headache is gone. ~~ I dont usually have any weeds in the beds because I top dress all of them with compost in the spring and when any new seeds would be sprouting the borders are all so filled in the weeds dont normally make an appearance. Ill get an occasional oxalis or crab grass in the borders but thats about it. I read an article once from a gardener in the UK who maintained a no weed under any circumstances policy and would police all his borders daily. He maintained that the more you do this the less of a problem they become because you get rid of them before they set seeds. Im so lucky to be able to plan my work schedule around the gardens so I have time to do the maintenance. Kathy, this was actually the hottest July ever recorded here. I wish Id kept track but I think at least three of the four weeks were over 90 degrees and last summer we might have had one day or so that topped 90 degrees. Its incredible and hard to believe you are having a really cool summer. ~~ Love those new lilies! They are such beauties! I especially love that last photograph. ~~ Im looking forward to seeing some new pics from you. Youve really gotten fantastic with your camera! Bug, glad to hear the travelers are all home safe and sound. Michelle, what can I say except I am staggered by your gardens!!!!! How fabulous! I absolutely adore the hydrangea/persicaria combination. In the third photo, is that Little Joe behind the phlox? Its perfectly sited there. And what is the grass and the gypsophila looking plant next to the variegated sedum? Ive tried growing that sedum several times with no success. Im guessing that garden gets full sun? Id love it if youd do a whole thread of garden pics for us. I so enjoy your beautiful gardens. OK Ive spent as much of this beautiful day indoors as Im going to so Im out of here and hoping everyone is enjoying a beautiful day. Deanne
    ...See More
  • babs_clare
    17 years ago

    Eden you crack me up! Those wheels are always turning,if you want a bog garden you'll come up with a way: )...I always thought it would be cool to make a bog garden by sinking a pond liner into the ground and just filling it with soil and adding water as needed-I'm sure there's more to it than that but sometimes you have to get creative when you have a zillion tree roots that suck up any chances of a bog lol: )
    I am smiling about your sedum obsession because I'm now realizing that there are SO many types of sedums besides Autumn joy and the ones we are familiar with.(kinda like those clematis Marie talks I like your sense of adventure with plants.
    I'm so sorry your mom has the more agressive lymphoma-I will still keep hope that she responds well to her treatment.

    Michelle I was lol about the canabis plantings of your older friend-what a surprise I bet.
    I love your calf trough mini-garden!! You did a nice job finding a variety of interesting colored plants...I want to see it again when things grow more-that's going to look so cool when it fills in too. VERY clever with the water feature. You and Eden have such great ideas!

    T-hey I've been to that waterfall! I think we hiked three miles up the side of that too(that was many years ago when I was more spritely; )

    I've got hot water again! Marian I have to say this Lowe's installer guy was pretty good. He called to say he'd be here around twelve then called to make sure he was going to the right address and was here by 12:10. Chris was his Jr, assistant; ) and he said the guy really made sure things were done right and updated things to code. I almost spit when yesterday the sales guy back at the store wrote up our installation invoice-for some strange reason he said we couldn't have anything done until *Mon.* but they advertise same day or next day service so I don't know what that was all about but I was prepared to raise a ruckus and did object(nicely but firmly with gritted teeth--kidding!). It all worked out so no bad experiences here thankfully.

    Wendy-Yes! Cape fuchsia(phygelius)is a very cool plant! I couldn't decide whether to throw caution to the wind and put it in the ground or pot it up. Supposedly if I put it near a south facing wall it will just die down to the ground and come back the following year if well mulched even though it's a zone 7 or warmer plant. But-You convinced me to pot it up and bring it indoors for winter. Do you let it die back before putting it in the basement? If I kept it from going dormant I wonder how it would do as a houseplant...I probably don't have enough sun though. Wow the root system on the plant is nice-I can see how in its native home it would be a big spreader-I have lots of runner roots sending out growth and it should like the larger pot I put it in. I got the newer cultivar,'New Sensation'. I plan to experiment with propagating it from cuttings like we do the other fuchsias(though Cape Fuchsia really isn't a fuchsia...

  • deanneart
    17 years ago

    Evening all,

    We've just returned from a graduation dinner for MJ's oldest son who just graduated from HS today. What a fine young man he has turned out to be. I must be getting old and cranky though. I find sitting through a dinner in a restaurant with a party of 16 to be excruciating. I don't seem to be able to 'connect' with people much anymore and social chit chat makes me crazy. Most people don't 'get' what I do for a living and seriously don't 'get' the way I garden. To them gardening is throwing in a few marigolds and petunias. I felt like I had absolutely nothing to talk about.

    Bug, how come you only got 3 hours of sleep last night? Must have been the moon, I didn't sleep well last night either. LOL ~~ BTW you are lucky to be able to see the moon. I haven't see the night sky for a week.

    Eden, I lol when you said you planted more than you bought! That is always a good feeling. Right now I'm so bummed about this incessant rainy, cloudy weather that I don't even feel like plant shopping. I'm thinking a nice warm sunny day will fix my attitude though. I agree with you that I wish it would warm up soon. I can't remember another year where June was this cold and wet. Yukky!

    Mary, it made me cold just thinking about sitting outside in the weather for two hours. I hope you didnt' get too chilled and that the game was fun.

    OK without further ado, wishing Da a happy birthday.... HOpe it was a good one and that you can check in with us sometime soon.


    Nite all,

  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago


    Happy Birthday Da! Hope you had a lovely day!

    Marian - I'm so sorry to hear about all the health woes in your family. I hope there will be some good news about your brother soon and your other family members too! I can imagaine how distressed you feel not being able to reach your brother. That's so sad about your nephew too. I sure hope that there will be better news for him too. Wish there was something more comforting I could say. I hope that you are okay?!

    Wendy! :-) Yes, I *loved* the Cosbys...glad to know you enjoyed them too! :-) were right! It was Tom Sellek. When you think of it, doesn't he seem like he would fit the part too? I hope you *do* do a bog garden...I'd love to see how that turns out and how you dreamed it up! :-) Thinking of you and mom. I will keep her in my prayers!

    Funny about the sedums Babs...I was thinking the same thing. I never realized there were any other varieties other than Autumn Joy...LOL! You girls sure know how to expand someone's horizons. Hope you enjoyed the movie Babs! We watched Cheaper by the Dozen 2 tonight. It wasn't that good really, but not offensive. I am partial to the *original* black and white version of that movie...much funnier, I thought. What did you guys watch? Has anybody seen Failure to Launch? Was it funny? We have run out of movies to rent and am looking for recommendations. I hope the Prairie Home Companion movie gets good reviews, I think it would be something I would enjoy...lots of my "fave" actors in it.

    Paul and I went to a play today called Lettice and Lovage....It was wonderful! The actors were perfect for their parts, lots of fun. I was so taken in by the whole play that I didn't even want to leave the theatre. I *loved* Lettice Douffet! She kinda reminded me of my Aunt Marie! :-) The play was written by a British playright and it is a comedy about a woman (Lettice Douffet) a tour guide who creates interest in a house she represents by telling fantastic stories about the home in order to entertain and inform the tourists. She is such a character...what fun!

    P.S. Thanks Mary, that's very kind of you to say and it's always so nice to hear from you and to hear about what's going on with your lovely family.

    P.P.S. Thinking of you too Taryn. I hope that today was a day of comfort for Gigi & the kids - and for all of you, of course. Hope everything works out with the electrician too.

    Well off to bed with me...Good Night All! Ei

  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago

    LOL Babs! :-) Are exclamation points catching?!?! ;-)

  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago

    Okay, one more round and then I will leave you guys alone...I just wanted to say Thank you Yeona! It feels so good to know there are people out there pulling for you and sending their good thoughts. Yes Marie, this is a wonderful "village"! Wish I could see our moon....maybe I'll go outside on the porch and look for it! :-)

    "Goodnight room Goodnight moon Goodnight cow jumping over the moon

    Goodnight comb And goodnight brush
    Goodnight nobody Goodnight mush.
    And goodnight to the old lady whispering 'hush'

    Goodnight stars Goodnight air Goodnight noises everywhere."

    And Good Night Bella, Ryan and Kenzie too
    And Good Night to all the little sweeties everywhere too!

  • wendy2
    17 years ago

    Good morning!

    Some sun for today, finally!

    Babs, my cape fuchsia never really died back. I believe it is a zone 7 plant, so it was one of the last things still going in November. When snow was in the forecast I brought it into the basement and put in a darkish corner - I guess I forced it into dormancy. I left the stems and leaves alone and watered it some. It was pretty dry and rustly by April. I put it out on the deck to see what would happen, and sure enough there was a little bit of new growth. I cut it back to just a few inches high, and it sprouted tons of new stems. I thought of putting it in the ground, but I really like it in the pot, and I didn't want to have to dig it up again in the fall. It probably could use a bigger pot though. I did have one cutting survive and it is still pretty small, but I am not a plant mama like Deanne!

    Deanne, you'll just have to hang out with us more, we 'get' you!


    "Goodnight light and the red balloon
    Goodnight bears, goodnight chairs
    Goodnight noises everywhere..."

    My son loved that story, I read it to him every night for over a year when he was 2 or 3. After a while I didn't even need the book!

    Enjoy the day all!


  • Sue W (CT zone 6a)
    17 years ago


    Good morning! The sun is actually peeking out today. I've been up since 5:30 because I wanted to squeeze in a walk before I got engrossed in other stuff. For June it was a chilly stroll-51 F and breezy. It was breezy yesterday too-at least things are drying out.

    The garden tour yesterday was a hit. Eight gardens and only one that I wasn't crazy about. A few of the gardens were on fabulous properties with large beautiful homes. You should have seen some of these joints. One house had an attached three car garage and a detached three car garage with a whole separate driveway. Most of them had pretty patio and/or inground pool areas. Some of the gardeners were into containers and had some creative containers and plant combos scattered around. Not much in the way of unusual plants in the gardens-at least to me. I always end up answering all the questions of the people walking around asking what this, that and the other plant is. My friend told me I missed my All the gardens appeared to be owner designed and maintained and I always prefer to see gardens like that. We had a delicious lunch at a cool little restaurant on the Guilford green. I had lobster, mushroom and artichoke crepes with asparagus and rice pilaf. Tom had the panini special-pulled pork with sweet potato fries. Unfortunately we were on the run and didn't have time for dessert but at a couple of the gardens they were serving cookies and cold drinks so we made out on that end.

    After the tour I hit a few of the area nurseries and picked up a bunch of annuals-mostly some more coleus but I also found that tender purple leafed Cotinus I've been looking for. Hopefully today I'll make some headway in the garden but we have to leave around 2:30 for the party (yes, Wendy, it involves peonies). This party ought to be fun. I think just about everybody who posts regularly on the NE forum got invited-or at least everyone who came to the Logees outing that Martie organized in January. It will be interesting to see who comes. I've been asked to bring my camera so I should have pictures to share.

    Babs, I grew Cape Fuschia last year in a pot-a yellow flowered variety-but I didn't try to overwinter it. If it's zone 7 hardy I could probably plant it in the ground around the patio and have a shot at getting it back. The Musa basjoo I overwintered out there is already 6 feet high and it hasn't even been all that warm yet. I also got a Salvia 'Argentine Skies' back. One plant is now a two foot wide circle.

    The hummingbirds are flitting around this morning. Summer can't be far off.

    OK, I need to get moving-lots to do and not enough time to do it all. Enjoy!


  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago

    Ei - In the great green room there was a telephone,
    and a red balloon
    and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon.
    There were three little bears....

    I still know that from heart and love it. One day I'd like to do a minature room setting with all the items. I'm looking forward to seeing Prairie Home Companion.

    For a good movie DH and I saw "Water" last week - an amazing Indian film about the life of widows who have to follow the strict code of behaviour laid out in the holy books. It was sad, but beautifully filmed.

    Sue - what fun your tour sounds. Hope today is as good.

    Babs - glad you have hot water back. I needed some yesterday afternoon. I think I've only just thawed out.

    Today is cool and overcast, in other words a great day to do some heavy work in the garden. I've promised Annie and David a bike ride first so I'm off for a pedal.

    Enjoy your day


  • babs_clare
    17 years ago


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago

    Everyone is probably enjoying an apres-peony party...but here I am cold and feeling not sick, but not well. I am drinking tea and eating peanuts, which feels good at the moment.

    We went through a long meeting today- starting at 9am and ending at 2pm. On the return trip I suggested to DH we stop at a nursery known for its laughably high prices. I checked things out and came home with a Centaurea Amethyst in Snow, a Nepeta 'Candy Cat', and a Purple Spider Clematis. Well, I just couldn't leave them there....

    Michelle, I was worried about your discovery in the field the other day. Amusing as the story was, these things can be terribly dangerous. Around here plots are often booby trapped or guns are used for protection. Airplanes patrol a great deal. Often pot crops are grown between rows of sunflowers or corn to confuse the people checking things out from above. We read plenty of reports in the papers, but I imagine more are discovered than reported. Stay safe! As to rock picking...that is about one of the worst jobs on a farm! Our neighbour used to hire the youth groups from church to pick rocks for him and give them a party afterwards!

    T, please tell me where the waterfall is. I feel as though I've been there. Have I?

    I hope you all enjoyed bike rides, flower tours, hot tubs, cooking, a good book or grandchildren...whatever makes you happiest.


    Here is a link that might be useful: new Centaurea

  • taryn
    17 years ago



    Hope you had a wonderful day, and can pop in and say Hi soon...


  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    I canÂt tell you what a miserable wind we have had on Friday and Sat. Some of my shrubs really took a beating, more than the perennials. Its just like the edges of the leaves were burned. I think that because we are so dry and itÂs been so hot, they are stressed. I have been watering, but thereÂs nothing like a good soaking rain. The wind was from the east which is very unusual, so maybe those shrubs are used to more protection. To think that we had water in our basement not all that long ago. The high last Sat. was 96 and yesterday it was probably 56 at the most. Very weird weather. You know those wadded up iris Kleenexes? They were blown right away and just the bare stems are left.

    Booby trapped huh? Seriously I donÂt think around here its much of a problem. Like I said earlier you hear much more about meth lab busts. As for rock picking, I donÂt mind if we do it when its cool and we try to only do 2 hours or less at time. Last year I didnÂt do it at all. The grandsonÂs were hired. This year so far most of the rocks are softball to melon sized so are easily handled.

    Sue, 8 gardens and you liked 7, that must have been some garden tour. Our local garden tour is going to have 4. I already know that one isnÂt at all what I would consider a garden.

    Deanne, I meant to mention how that I was very impressed with your contract with SamÂs Club. As for people not getting what you do or your gardening, I read a garden quote recently in one of the garden magazines that struck me. "ItÂs a labor of love, not a love of labor" Some people say to me "what a lot of work" I know they just donÂt "get it" I think we all "get it" here. LOL ThatÂs one reason IÂm looking forward to IU3, is to hang out with you all who "get it"

    Eden, funny you canÂt find Bella a broom. When my kids were little they had them. Kenzie likes to push around a Swiffer. LOL on your new addition. I could always bring you cuttings to IU3 if there are any I have that you donÂt.

    Mary, David sounds like my son, he had a toy mower that he dearly loved, but when he was old enough to mow, it wasnÂt nearly so much fun.

    Night all

  • gardenbug
    17 years ago

    Good Moooorning! Rise and shine! :-)

    Well it is actually overcast here and they are expecting a high around 68F today. I am concerned because the prediction shows no rain right through Friday. Already I have been lugging the hoses about for some time, and on 10 acres...well you can imagine what fun that is. Yesterday DH and I watered baby trees that we planted last year along the creek. He cut the grass around them while I watered from plastic jugs filled with the hose near the house. Then I drove the gear along a path we cut by the creek. Time consuming, but all the little spruce and cedars have survived so far.

    Today I hope to get some edging and weeding done near the barn. The more I can tidy up the better the chances of finding spots to plant ghetto things! The dryness and cool weather make me worry about mildew once the heat finally arrives. Oh well, nothing to be done about it, except maybe ask everyone to wash their cars...

    Time to get rolling. A busy 2 weeks before DH's hernia operation...and then I'm sure Deanne can tell me how the time AFTER will go, waiting on him! Anyway, it is an awkward time now with him moving from one office to another and not allowed to lift more than 10lbs. It will work out...somehow.

    Time to get started. I wonder what will show up on Idylls this week? You just never know if it will be giggles or tears. I vote for giggles and sighs of relief!!!

    Take care all!

  • deanneart
    17 years ago

    Good morning all,

    Well, we FINALLY have a lovely, sunny day on tap here and even though IÂve got piles of work to do downstairs IÂm going to spend the day outside in the garden today. (After I get home from the gym) I canÂt believe how many here have been dealing with challenging weather. It seems that everyone is either cold and raining, or hot and dry with assorted extreme wind conditions. Has anyone here had any stretches of decent June weather? I think we had just a couple days before I left for Nashville but other than that nada.

    Oh yes, I wanted to tell all of you that I had a dream last night, in fact just before I woke up which is why I remembered it, that Cynthia started posting on the Idylls again. WouldnÂt that be terrific? I miss hearing about all her furbies and what is going on in her gardens.

    Michelle, your very hot, windy and dry conditions there sound awful. I hate it when it gets windy like that when the temps are hot. It just sucks the water out of the plants and causes as much as or more damage than too much rain. I feel your pain. ~~ I love your quote. That is the truth of it.

    Bug, I think weÂve been getting all the rain that is supposed to go south and fall on CindyÂs gardens and all the rain that is supposed to go north and fall on your gardens. As Wendy said a few days ago, I hesitate to wish the rain away because then weÂll be wishing we had some. I sure hope you get some soon. ~~ IÂll bet you just canÂt wait until your DH is recovered from his operation. Speaking of operationsÂ

    Here is the bad news. Doug had to reschedule his operation on his foot a couple of times because of work obligations and then he wound up scheduling it for this coming weekend then had to reschedule because it is our friendÂs daughterÂs wedding so he rescheduled it for JulyÂ. Yes you guessed it, he scheduled it for the Friday of IU3 IÂm horribly disappointed (not to mention I could have spit nails when I found out). I wonÂt be able to come this year. IÂm going to sit in a corner and suck my thumb that weekend because instead of seeing all you guys IÂll be waiting on DH hand and foot. ÂLe sigh as Da says.

    Mary, I hope you got a lot accomplished yesterday.

    Sue, where did you have that Cape Fuchsia? I donÂt remember seeing it last year. ~~ Sounds like you had a great time at the garden tours. So Tom went with you? Amazing. ~~ What did you wind up finding for coleus?

    Wendy and Sue, so how was the party yesterday?

    Wendy, can you do cuttings of that Cape Fuchsia? IÂd love to grow that plant.

    Eileen, glad to hear your enjoyed the play. BTW I donÂt remember if you were the one asking about the review about the new Pixar movie "Cars" but the local person gave it a rave review. He said it was the best animated film heÂd seen. I guess IÂm going to have to go and see this one. OH yes, Prairie Home Companion also had good reviews as well.

    OK time to haul myself to the gym. Have a...

  • babs_clare
    17 years ago

    Marie-if I'm right at what I'm guessing I thought it was Multnomah Falls from the Columbia River Gorge. T will set us straight: ) Man,I wish I would have had a digital back when I was there-definitely a breathtaking area.
    T are you very far from there? Wouldn't that have been something if we crossed paths(though I was there in '86-for my DB's wedding).

    A stress filled weekend only because Chris was acting like he had PMS. Apparently the actual submittal of a dissertation to the reviewers causes the same symptoms...mood swings,irritability,psychotic He's DONE so now those symptoms are gone: ) I'm thinking the trip to IU3 is going to be just what I need.

    Michelle-I'm so sorry about your plants! YOur weather sounds frightful-it's been strange because our weather has been really quiet and you're not that far away. I think FL hurricane will bring us rain. I hope it shifts things in a good way for you though.

    Sue I have a plan(always have a plan; )to keep the phygelius in its pot for this season and if I don't kill it it should get large next season and I'll divide it and
    try half of it in the ground. Yeah if I plant tender stuff facing south near our brick foundation they do tend to come back too. I know nothing about Musa basjoo(will Google) but I'm impressed that your salvia came back and is so large. I was surprised that two Salvia Farinacea I grew from seed last year actually came back! I don't know how large they will get(they are very small right now). I was just surprised with the small amount of snow protection they had.

    Darn I got a sad call just now that the daughter(late 20's)of a good friend who has MS is back in the hospital with 104 fever and they had just put her in hospice care. We had gone to a benefit to raise money for her meds back in fall and she looked so good-you'd never guess she was ill. She had only just gotten married three yrs ago when she was diagnosed-I've never seen such a fast progression of MS.

    Some great cards for Da-will she stop by to see them? Michelle you 'Goth' flower is very cool-Da will like that: )

    I don't mean to zip off here but it's my last full day of freedom since school lets out tomorrow...: )


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago

    DOUG! SORRY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Deanne is our speaker. She's presenting a talk on colour theory, no? That's been arranged for months now...

    Yes, Cynthia is a real loss. Yet, as I watched movie ads floating across the screen this morning and had to log in TWICE, as well as put up with the clippings and incredibly slow loading- I was totally disgusted with this site. * !#&^$%!*8!

    The sprinkler is running and the wheelbarrow loaded for action. Now breakfast with DH.

  • chloehoover
    17 years ago

    So much talk while IÂve been "out" Â

    Eden  Im sorry to hear about your MomÂs illness  itÂs so tough dealing with these issues isnt it?

    T- no wonder youÂve been melancholy  tough decision to make, even when the right one, will make you so sad  it truly is one of the hardest things to do, I think  have had to do myself a time or two....

    I see a new wave happening here  the mini gardens  Eden, so fun!
    Michelle I looooove your trough garden  IÂve tried a few pots of succulents myself  Im quite taken w/ aeoniums for some reason.

    Deanne  welcome back  I hope you felt very vindicated when you could just look down your nose (a very skinny one at that) & give those naysayers a drop dead look  theyÂre probalby just jealous they couldnÂt make the same kind of life changes! People are definitely weird. Congrats on your contract w/ Sams Club  wow, you may be on the way to Big Time!!!!!

    Marian  Im sorry to hear about your relatives troubles  it seems to be going around these days  not that that makes any of us feel any better  older, I think?

    Monique  congrats on OllieÂs win!

    I do believe exclamation points are contagious.....!!!!!

    Marie  those are the most unusual sounding plants  IÂve not heard of any of them  I look forward to seeing photos  they sound very cool (as is the Da Birthday card).

    Yeah  we finally got some rain here  itÂs actually a gentle deep rain for Monday!

  • chloehoover
    17 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Da -

    Hope it was memorable for you!

  • Sue W (CT zone 6a)
    17 years ago

    Deanne, tell Doug to reschedule the foot surgery again. You can't miss IU3.

    Sorry, no time this morning-gotta run. The party last night was fun but we didn't get home til almost 11:30-late for a "school" night. Between the concert Friday night, the garden tour most of the day Saturday, and the party yesterday into last night, I'm exhausted. And I just found out I have to go to a strategic planning meeting next Monday and Tuesday that involves staying overnight. That one falls under the "be careful what you wish for" category.


  • chloehoover
    17 years ago

    Deanne  no, no, no  IÂve made reservations for the Color Theory Talk  and youÂre it! What can we possibly bribe Doug with to get him to re-schedule (whatÂs one more time after all... LOL)....

    I have confess, June in this region has been quite a treat so far  this past weekend was absolutely glorious with no rain (altho I was unfortunately in Penna)  but so far, weÂve had lower than "normal" temps  low 80s or high 70s for the most part  and not much rain (not enuf rain in fact)... I confess I never know how much water to give the clematis  I donÂt want to waterlog Âem but they always seem pretty thirsty.

    Sue, Im really envious that you saw 7 marvelous gardens out of 8 Â thatÂs amazing. So what kind of garden party was it with the peony theme? Enquiring minds want to know.

    Taryn  Im sorry about the new home inspection problems  hopefully the owners will be amenable to your terms  boy, thereÂs nothing scarier than an overly confident electrician  yikes. By the way, I love that little garden marker  what a neat saying.

    In re-reading the posts that I only skimmed quickly before, I see Marie that you gave a link to the Centaurea  it's a BB plant, eh? Very neat  IÂll look up the others as well, Im curious.

    IÂve had good luck this year w/ my Salvia Black & Blue, Sue  itÂs huge this year  probably because of the mild winter. But Im thinking of trying to move a bit of it around to see if it will survive in some other spots as well, besides the protected spot IÂve managed to hold it in the last couple of years.

    I've decided I need more variegated shrubs/plants in my gardens to perk them up a bit - too much same "green" look right now (and Im one of those anti-yellow plant gardeners); I've noticed there are some good looking sedums in that category -- which ones would you suggest, Eden?

    --Cindy (who doesnt want to do real office work today)....

  • honey_mi
    17 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Da!


    Hi Idylls. IÂve been taking advantage of this fabu weather and working up a storm in the garden. Friday, I dug out 2 huge junipers. What a job. My goal was to get them out of here w/o leaving any traces so DH wouldnÂt have a fit. Mission accomplished. I moved tons of stuff and made great headway on my plant ghetto, too. I think that means I must buy more plants, donÂt you agree? Truly, I must get this plant ghetto down to zero before vacation in July.

    I also successfully moved a 3Â dia. Hosta Guacamole without destroying it by sliding it onto an old tablecloth and dragging it over to the area formerly occupied by a juniper. I was real proud of myself. There are a couple areas where the light conditions have changed. My trees have grown significantly and a neighborÂs Rose of Sharon has also, thus shading what was formerly a full-sun area. Both May NightÂs have flopped there. IÂve moved one but still have another to deal with. And IÂm still struggling with what to do with the back which is getting less and less sun. Most moves there must wait until fall.

    Sue, my hostas are on steroids, too. I split my 2 Sum and Substance in half this spring but youÂd never know it!


    This weekend DH and I finally got Zones 1 and 2 of the sprinkler system fixed. It turns out that one of the pieces of 2" conduit we put down to run under the new paver sidewalk was moved when the contractor put the paver base down. The conduit ended in the middle of the walk. We had quite a bit of excavating to do to locate and the lines, heads, leaks, etc. DH still has to replace a couple heads around the yard, but the lionÂs share of the work is done. Now I can move a couple plants out front to their temporary home.

    Eden, your containers and yard are lovely! You have such a great eye for texture and color. And the new pavers are gorgeous! IÂm so sorry to hear the news about your Mom. Are there any relatives close by up north to help out? Or is it possible for her to come down-state to have her treatment and stay nearby? Hugs to you and your family. That is such tough news.

    Marian, Babs, Michelle, thank you for the kind words on my containers. IÂm really loving these dahlias.

    Michelle, re copperheads, I think before you joined us, Marian took on a copperhead and won! The message is  donÂt trespass in this galÂs garden!

    Babs, thanks for the info on fertilizing JMGÂs. WouldnÂt bloom builder work? Today IÂm going to get some fishing line for the new obelisk trellis to weave a support for it. IÂve also emailed Jain from time to time and she said the same thing to me. OH, so sorry to hear the news about your friends DD with MS. How heartbreaking!

    Marian, IÂm so sorry to hear the news about your DN! How awful! You and...

  • just_t
    17 years ago

    Good morning. Fly by post. I've been out moving electric fencing so the horse can have more pasture (he's only getting a little bit of pasture at at time as the grass is so lush and he'll founder if I allow him free rein).

    This morning I'm going shopping with DDs for cribs and mattresses. They need mom for help with loading & unloading into the truck. It is drizzling and overcast. A wonderful day for putzing around inside.

    'bug, Babs is right, that waterfall is Multnomah Falls which is located east of Portland Oregon. When my (and Sue's) friend from Australia was here last August we made a trip to see the falls. I'd driven by them on the freeway but had never stopped to actually look at them. Babs, we didn't hike up to the top, I bet it is an awesome view from there.

    Okay, I'd better get out of this chair and shake a leg if I want to be out of here in 30 minutes.

    Hello to all!

  • babs_clare
    17 years ago

    WHAT? Get out of here-you can't miss IU3 Deanne!! Can't he re-re-schedule?? I am so sad: ( Please do what you can to change that appt. Give me the number and I'll call; )

    Sue Musa basjoo-of course,it's a banana: ) Who knew that could survive here-that's got to be an exciting one to grow at such a fast rate!

    Cindy I like that dark iris!


  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago

    No time to post....but I am so distressed!

    Deanne! It *will not be* an Idyllunion without you! Meeting you is one of the things I was looking forward to most. *And* I was so looking forward to your artist's eye...I *know* you would have great suggestions for me and you told me you would help me to choose some edging plants and I was looking forward to hearing your talk on Color Theory! *And* it will not be "right" without you there! *Everyone* will be *so* disappointed. You can't *not* come! Isn't there any way Doug could re-schedule his surgery? That sounds pushy doesn't it? I'm sorry, but I'm just so sad about it.

    P.S. I've sent you an email!

    Well, gotta go for now...TTYL! Ei

  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Monday is always a bear here, but I just needed to echo what everyone else is saying: Deanne, tell Doug he must reschedule. I want to meet you! Tell him IÂm going to cry!


  • taryn
    17 years ago

    Ditto Deanne! Or maybe DD or MJ or someone else could be on hand to cater to him for that weekend! Where there's a will there's a way...


    PS Thanks everyone for the support re Gigi (it was beautifl) and the good luck with the house. More later I hope...

  • honey_mi
    17 years ago

    Hey, T. We hiked to the top of those falls and back! Really, it wasn't bad at all -- alot of "S" turns and gradual inclines. Of course, I'm comparing that to one of the others that was brutal. To see anything we had to decend on a steep trail all the way to the bottom. It took us a half hr. to walk down but more than an hour to climb back up! My, it was steep.

    Cindy, what is the name of that dark iris? Gorgeous!

  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago

    Deanne - I agree - please tell your lovely husband there is NO WAY we can have IU3 without you!! Is there any other day they could reschedule him for? or have your daughter fill in for a couple of days? or come early and just stay part of the weekend... or something.....


  • mybrainhurts
    17 years ago

    I knew that I would have to come and look as soon as I was done recovering from the weekend off. I had a great weekend just spending time on my computer.

    The coolest birthday present of all was getting the wireless connection. Yes. I can finally sit out in the yard and type on the computer. Why I'm not doing that now, I'm not sure since I'd be fine if I were wearing a jacket and had my little blanket. That sounds so odd to me because it was always kinda hot on my birthday where I grew up. I spent my life in Kansas and Arkansas. Bentonville, to be exact. The home town of the company that became Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. It was much different in those days than it is now.

    Wait a minute, I'm old enough to say that about something. Argh! Ok, that was a joke. I'm not having age issues although a male friend of mine is still not having a very good time with 30. The poor bachelor is feeling the impending shackles of cohabitation. I try not to laugh. I'm sure that I'll feel that same panic eventually.

    I had a talk with a stranger five years ago. Well, he was a relative stranger anyway. He was a soldier who was home on leave for a month. I knew that he'd disappear out of my life forever and it made it very easy to confide in him. Never mind the fact that he was very cute, well traveled, and quite the gentleman. When he asked me where I saw myself in five years, I kind of shrugged and told him that I gave myself a 50/50 chance of still being alive.
    It's been five years and three months. I do believe that I made it. Ha!

    While some people might think that I'm not as "grown up" because of living with my husband's parents rather than having a house, I feel a deep inner contentment where I'm at. I feel more alive and ready to take on the world than I ever have. I don't mind the numbers (32) getting bigger because that means that I've just learned more and I'm still kicking.

    Now that, my friends, was me rambling and getting off an a tangent after a tangent after a tangent. Try saying that fast three times. Ha!

    The second coolest thing was coming here and seeing all of the beautiful pictures. I'll steal time this week to make a thread with some pretty pictures. There are so many and I won't bog this conversation thread with them.

    Thank you. Thank you and thank you. If I try to name everyone, I'll leave someone out unintentionally. So thank you.

    ~Da, the babbling brook

  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Tonight was the night to place the copper tuteur that I started months ago in the garden. In the garage the thing looked huge. Its 23" square and probably 9'tall to the very tip, but in the garden I think it adds nice height. You can't see very well, but I also planted 2 clematis on it and also a hyacinth bean vine.


    I have the day off tomorrow and plan to do mega gardening.

    Night all

  • gardenbug
    17 years ago

    Michelle is a tease!
    Michelle is a tease!

    So what ARE the clematis that you planted on your stupendously lovely tuteur?
    Do you take orders??

    (I took lessons on punctuation from Ei!)

    No real news here. I'm hoping to do some garden work today but first must buy rabbit food at the mill and cat food at the vet's. Oh, and I broke a thumb nail yesterday which is no big deal I suppose in the scheme of things, but it upset me. If I can't be skinny for Idyllunion, at least I could have 10 decent grimey fingernails, no? ;-)

    On the good news front, I heard from "Clematisintegrifolia" after a long delay. Some of you may remember our meeting at last year's Idyllunion...I always will!

    Today is expected to be a perfect, hot, sunny, 75F day.
    Enjoy your Tuesday one and all!


  • gardeningmary
    17 years ago

    Michelle - that is GORGEOUS! What a fantastic addition to your lovely gardens. Did you have a plan to make it?

    These last few days before school ends feel like a race to the finish. Last night was David's Cub Scout Picnic then my Book group. Both were fun and somehow I ended up eating 2 dinners! Busy too the rest of the week.

    GB - hope Clematisintegrifolia is doing well. I too miss Cynthia and wonder if maybe she misses us just a tiny little bit....

    Enjoy your day


  • babs_clare
    17 years ago

    Oh Michelle-that looks exquisite in your garden(new word!-didn't use a thesaurus because it was exactly the word that escaped from my brain: ) It fits perfectly! You are SO creative. Was it hard to bend the copper for the top?? You did such a nice job!

    So who else is wondering if Deanne can arrange to be at IU3? Any chance Ms. Deanne?: ) : ) : )!

    Aj's last day of school-well a two hour day to get his grades and the promotion ceremony.

    Gotta go!

    Make it a fun one~

  • deanneart
    17 years ago

    Good morning all,

    Well, the day is starting out at 63 degrees and it is supposed to go up to 80 or so today. It is a bit cloudy right now but that is supposed to clear and we are actually going to enjoy a summer like day. Woohoo. IÂm going to spend it in the garden again. There is so much to do and every time I turn around I see another project I didnÂt get to yet or something that cropped up that I need to deal with. IÂm going to cut back all the roses today. The hybrid teas are such a mess that it isnÂt even worth seeing in any of the buds will open up. IÂm thinking if I prune them back severely and feed them I might get another flush of large flowers. (IÂm hoping)

    IÂve got some kind of strange insect type eating away through my coleus in the back yard. It is tearing the leaves to ribbons, literally. I canÂt for the life of me figure out what is doing it. It must be happening at night because no matter how many times I check them during the day I never seen anything munching on them. Have any of you ever experienced that? Where the leaves are just all tattered like they were hailed on but you havenÂt had any weather that would have done that?

    The lilies are all growing at an amazing rate this year and IÂm going to have to move a bunch of them after they bloom. The dwarf Asiatics I planted in front of the bird bath in the Sundial Garden are so tall they are covering that Hosta ÂWide Brim I have in there. You canÂt even see it at all anymore. IÂve got to grab a photograph of the hydrangea petiolaris soon. It really is lovely right now and IÂm enjoying the flowers tremendously, especially because it took years to get this full.

    The next door neighbor of the wisteria whacking fame was using his weed whacker around my front garden where my physocarpus is planted and IÂve got to get out there this AM to make sure he didnÂt wreck anything. I get nervous anytime I see him near the fence.

    OK, now RE the IU3 Â You are all so kind! IÂm a bit overwhelmed by your response actually. IÂm hoping that they can move the surgery date up, which is unlikely but possible. If that happens and Doug doesnÂt have any complications I might be able to come for a day or two. He just canÂt put the surgery off any longer. He still canÂt do a lot of walking, even mowing the lawn causes that toe to form a blister and he winds up with an open sore on it again. It is really horribly disappointing but I wonÂt be there unless we get lucky and they move the surgery date up. YouÂll all have to have a glass of wine or two (or three for me).

    Michelle, that copper tuteur is awesome! You continue to amaze me with the neat things you can make yourself. Your gardens are so pretty right now and that tuteur is going to be wonderful when the clematis are matured and blooming. Fabu-fabu!

    Mary, what did you have for your two dinners last night? I was so tired I almost didn't have the energy to eat one last night. An hour and a half...

  • wendy2
    17 years ago

    Good afternoon!

    A bit hot here, but some clouds so the sun isn't blazing constantly. At least it isn't raining!

    The party on Sunday was great - Mindy's garden is spectacular! You quickly forget you are in a suburban backyard - she has many water features and fountains to block out the street noise. Her lot is small (probably less than 1/2 acre) but VERY intensely planted - a cross between a botanic garden and a jungle - but in a good way. Her lawn is reduced to mostly paths, and a very small open area. Every time I walked around, I noticed something new. It was just beautiful. Seeing Sue, Tom, Les and Monique was a bonus - I didn't figure out that they were all coming until Sue mentioned a garden party. Deanne, you'll have to come down and see her garden, she loves to have visitors - told us we are welcome to come and wander anytime.

    Think maybe the dash is my favorite form of punctuation?!

    Michelle, the tuteur looks great in your garden - what a lovely focal point!

    Da, glad you could stop by. I miss Cynthia too.

    Deanne, I hope things work out so that you can attend IU3, I know you were looking forward to it. I have a rooted cutting of that phygelius 'Moonraker' that you can have - it pouted in my cold basement all winter, but it is taking off now. I don't really have a place for it in the ground, and I am running out of pots. Can't buy more pots, then I'll need more plants, and more dirt, then more pots, and so on...this could go on all summer! You are welcome to cuttings from the main plant too - anytime. We'll have to get together soon.

    Have to run to get some gardening in before picking up the kids. I'll wear gloves and be careful, in case the fingernail thing is catching!


  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Thanks for all the kind comments about my tuteur. The clematis that are planted on it are ÂMarmori and 'Franzishka Marie'. I also have one named ÂLaura that still needs a home. I wasnÂt sure if there would be room for 3. I sure had a productive day. It got up to 84 so I was fairly hot, but kept plugging along with lots of water breaks.

    Ei, I believe you asked about the "starfish" in my trough garden. I got it in the houseplant section.

    Deanne, what a bummer about your coleus. IÂm no help though.

    Babs, you get an "A" for the day. I saw a word on some gardening website that they were using to describe a plant. I wrote it down because I got such a kick out of it  unforgetamazable. Bending the top was the hardest part. I actually was going to have straight pieces meeting at the top, but the pattern that I got off the internet showed it like this. Rick just insisted that this was so much nicer. He even came home with the roll of copper.

    Marie, IÂm sure you could make one. It really is quite easy.

    I am beat so I'm off.


  • deanneart
    17 years ago

    Good morning all,

    It is a stunning morning here with sunny skies and mild temps. It is 64 degrees out right now and I can hear the catbird singing in the hemlocks. There is a possibility of thunderstorms later on today and it always seems so unlikely that there will be violent storms when its so calm and lovely outside. I finally finished cleaning out the pond yesterday afternoon and I was ready to put the fish outside today but when I checked it this morning the water level has gone down so IÂve got another leak someplace. GrrrrrrrÂ. I donÂt know what demon possessed us to put in a pond with five levels. LOL

    So here is a pic of one of the coleus with the insect damage. You can see that the plectranthus is eaten up also. Whatever it is is also eating the dahlias on the patio. The plants in other areas of the gardens donÂt seem to be bothered. The worst of this damage is on the patio containers.

    This pic is especially for Eileen. IÂve found a new coleus that I know you are going to love. It is called ÂApocalypseÂ. This one is like a ÂFelix on steroids. This dark purple with the chartreuse edges has great substance. The plants in this photo from the upper left are ÂMt. Washington  ÂPlum Frost  ÂApocalypse you can see a tiny bit of ÂCopper showing on the lower right and the chartreuse is Ipomoea ÂMargaritaÂ.

    Here is the Terrace Garden from my second floor window. The hydrangea on the oak tree actually goes up another ten to fifteen feet.

    Monique, thank you!!! This Persicaria polymorpha came from her and Les gardens. ItÂs really come into its own this year and is truly lovely. I was afraid it was going to be flattened by the rain but itÂs fine.

    IÂm in love with these ÂGlobemaster allium. They are wonderful this year and have been blooming here for two weeks. So neat!

    OK IÂve got to get to the gym and get my day started. Hopefully IÂll figure out what is going on with the pond today and IÂll be able to get the fish outsideÂ.

    Have a great day all,

  • chloehoover
    17 years ago

    Da  Im envious of your wireless connection present! ThatÂs really neat.

    Michelle  I love, love that tuteur  and the fact that you made it  amazing! It is going to be stunning filled w/ clematis & the hyacinth vine  the size is just right too  how ever did you manage to figure that out? Scale of things seems to be one of my real weaknesses, among many others. These are boring, many times repeated adjectives to describe your workmanship  I guess we will all have to start hitting the thesaurus to expand our adjectives.

    Deanne, t hat Apocalypse coleus is very very restrained (maybe why I like it a lot) but definitely "has substance." Your terrace garden also has great "presence" and depth  it looks like mostly foliage at present but everything flows & is striking all due to foliage  the sign of a true master designer. IÂve been toying w/ the notion of trying to grow something up a large pin oak tree I have in my front yard  did it take you very long to get that hydrangea going and how much sun will it tolerate I wonder? I think it really adds to the layers of the border and the sculptural feel. As always, thanks for the wonderful color to greet my day!

    Honey  I believe that iris in the photo for Da is called Dusky Challenger  I might be able to get a piece off it in another month  would you like one? I think itÂs large enough that I probably should divide this year.


  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago

    Stacey Earle

    I don't need no diamond ring, I don't need much of anything
    You're a good man, I'll wear your golden band
    We've got a house with a porch and a swing
    And I will be your simple girl

    I don't need no fancy car, I'm not going very far
    That's OK, don't want to go anyway
    I can stay home and be your star
    I will be your simple girl
    I'll be your simple girl

    We don't need a lot, happy with what we got
    If we had everything, it would not be the same
    Turn out the kitchen light, let's sit outside tonight
    I'll be your simple girl

    Now we've got a house full of them sweet little things
    So much joy in the love they bring
    Why the boys and the girls, they are my world
    But, honey you'll always be my everything
    And I will be your simple girl
    Your sssssimple girl
    I'll be your simple girl

    "We don't need a lot, happy with what we got." "If we had everything, it would not be the same." "Turn out the kitchen light, let's sit outside tonight." Those words repeat in my head. Simple pleasures really are the best! It was the *perfect* evening. DH and I were sitting out on the deck last night after dinner and the temps. were in the mid-70Âs  still warm enough for me  perfect really; weÂre drinking a bottle of "Honeymoon Wine"; ScoutÂs has fallen asleep on his bed next to me in my "bouncy" chair; the lilac tree is perfuming the air all around us; the birds are flitting back and forth to the feeder...thereÂs a gorgeous cardinal couple - here comes the hungry robin tearing fruits off the Amelanchier - a tiny little bird sits on a branch and sings in tune with the stereo which is playing Stacey (my soul mate  if a girl can be another girlÂs soul mate in a strictly spiritual way). DH and I are chatting about "life" and moments - and I am listening and at the same time singing with Stacey. We talk about happy memories, like the time we stayed in Jackson Hole with our friends  the hot air balloon ride, the slow river raft at an eagle nesting site, the laughter and the peaceful moments shared sitting with our friends by the huge fireplace in the lodge; or the evening we sat watching a beautiful sunset and stared at the moon while visiting my best friend Anita in Arizona; and the night we drank too much but had a grand ol time with our tour group in Italy  dancing and singing till 01:00 in morning; or getting lost while in some little hamlet in England - how we just decided to pulled over to the side of the road and start walking; wandering really, how we found this lovely old church where we sat and took it all in... We sure have been lucky; and even luckier that we know it. And IÂm thinking, as we are talking about "life" - those moments were what life is really all about, and IÂm thinking that *this* moment - *right now* - *this* is life too...what itÂs all about...the moments...the times when you live in the moment. The reality is that you canÂt have those moments, every day, all the time. But when...

  • Full_Bloom
    17 years ago

    Good Morning Cindy! Just checking my post and see you've named your iris. :-) It *is* fabulous! Anyway off to the garden...Have a great day! Ei

  • babs_clare
    17 years ago

    That Ei is so eloquent; ) Well you are you know! I think you would be a very successful writer~philosophical or otherwise you'd be great at it.Thanks for sharing your moment! You have a way of making me feel like I'm right there: )
    I had an interesting 'moment' yesterday too(this won't be as eloquent lol)but it was with the kids. We had just eaten homemade pizza and were eating those little ice cream cups with the flat wooden spoons as Aj & I reminisced about last year's trip to a local botanical garden-maybe you recall the *giant* bug sculptures we saw. We started talking about how cool that would be to really make one. We brainstormed ways to do this as we slowly swung back and forth on our porch swing and savored each scoopful of chocolate ice cream. By the time we were done with dessert(those cups are pretty small)we had a plan to make our own giant ant using only natural materials just like the sculptor did. AJ got an insect book and we drew up how our ant would look and got started on the 'skeleton'. Do you know those campaign signs that are just a bent piece of steel wire with the plastic sign slipped over the wire frame? We used those sans the plastic sign as the legs and support for the spine which was a forked branch from a tree-complete with antannae! It REALLY looks like an ant already(newspaper will fill the body cavities and the cavities will be covered with possibly fall leaves or bark but despite any of that the whole moment of creativity and working side by side to figure out what we were doing was just priceless fun. Even Ryan was involved as he tried to color the wire legs with sidewalk chalk(hey, he felt useful; ) I think the thing that is so cool about our moment is that the kids are going to remember that and talk about it later just as we recalled the trip to the botanical garden a whole year later. It's not that hard to slow down and do this kind of stuff and I guess that's what I got from our experience and I know the kids did too. I wonder what the newspaper delvery person thought when they saw a 2-1/2'tall ant standing next to the drive this a.m. lol. It's about 5' long!
    (EI-that praying mantis stake came from the botanical garden we got this sculpting idea from)

    Michelle I was also wondering where you found the finnial ontop your tuteur tell! Even though bending the stuff was hard it looks 'unforgetamazable'(lol) with a curved top. Good move Rick! You're going to laugh at me(it's OK)but I am trying to make a small obelisk from a couple of the campaign sign wires-much easier to bend than the copper!So I'm assuming you had to use a blow torch to solder the pipe??(I would have burned the place down; )

    Deanne-sorry about your coleus. I know my coleus only just started looking better with the drier weather and slightly warmer temps. Still if the weather was affecting them I would suspect all the coleus would look tattered.I'm stumped.Do earwigs actually eat leaves of plants? Hey my Fuchsia'Beacon'...

  • michelle_zone4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Ei, what a special evening you had with Paul. I almost could feel the moment through your description. The peony is supposed to be ÂKarl Rosenfeld but that is supposed to be a double. This is the first year for it to bloom so maybe thatÂs the reason.

    Babs, the finial, I got it at Hobby Lobby (a big craft store) I got it for $6.00. I had actually looked around quite a bit for one. Most were much more expensive. So I felt it was a bargain. You too can build with copper ;o) Actually, you just need to bend the copper slowly. I did have to solder, but I have read on the internet that some people glue theirs.
    I would love to see a picture of the 5Â long ant. What a fun mom you are making such wonderful memories with your kids.

    Deanne, that container is luscious. ÂApocalypse is a beauty. I have ÂPlum Frost this year and I really like it. That was the one that I took 7 cuttings off when I got it home and they are really nice size already. All that rain has your garden looking very lush. I am envious of your allium. For some reason mine seem to be declining. Do they need replacing after a few years?

    I had a dream last night that I drove up to Canada and surprised Marie. I kept saying I wanted to see her gardens, but the dream was over before I did. I did see her kitchen cabinets though. LOL

    Have fun gardening

  • honey_mi
    17 years ago

    Hello! this will be a drive by. DH just came home sick. I've decided, "True love is holding the bucket" Poor guy.

    Deanne, I'm lovin' the Alliums, too:


    I've trimmed off the ratty foliage and am thinking I might use Les and Monique's idea with a can of spray paint. I just love the way they accent the garden.

    Your coleus are gorgeous as ever. You find such unusual ones. We don't have a great selection at nurseries here this year.

    Michelle, I had no idea you made that tuteur! Aren't you the talented one! I'm in awe. I'll tackle alot of things except those involving electricity or fire b/c I'm such a Klutz. You really outdid yourself. Tell me, will you have to string fishing wire for the clematis to climb?

    Babs, you MUSt post a pic of the bug you and AJ created. It sounds so cute. I concur -- what a great Mom you are. Your kids will have such great memories.

    Cindy, how sweet and generous you are! I'd love a piece of that Iris! It is truly special.

    Oh, gotta run help DH. I hope it was something he ate instead of a bug from his coworker's kids. TTYL,


  • Lara Noles
    17 years ago

    Hi Everyone, Well, I got Bella's bug and have been feeling bad since Sunday. Didn't make it to the garden conservancy open days and this afternoon's the first I've felt like eating anything. Bella's here this afternoon and the poor baby is still not herself. She's not wanting to eat much and just wants to be held, rocked and read to.

    Michelle, I love the tuteur. Very impressive and the perfect ornament for that spot. Can't wait to see it with the vines growing up it.

    Ei, what a great description of your evening with Paul. It's wonderful to be fully there in the moment and realize how special it is when it's happening isn't it? I so enjoyed reading your post today. Oh, in the picture the rose is Graham Thomas, and I lost the tag for the purple clematis. I planted it last year and it's the most beautiful dark purple. I wish I could remember it's name.

    Babs, I loved hearing about your first summer adventure with the boys. I'd love to see a picture! I used to love doing lots of craft projects with my kids too. We did everything from tie dying to once making paper mache cats. It's so great that you're enjoying these days with them while they're young. Believe me, they'll be grown before you realize it.

    Deanne, for a garden that's been flooded the way your's has you'd never know from the pictures. Your persicaria polymorpha is spectacular. Mine's blooming now too, it's in it's second year and isn't nearly as full as yours. As for what's eating your coleus, it could be earwigs. We've had a problem with them here for the last few years and they definitely eat leaves.

    Honey, I wonder if Tom has the same flu bug we've had. There must be something going around these parts. If he has the same thing don't expect him to feel back up to speed for at least a few days. Swing by Telly's if you want a great coleus selection. They have rows and rows to choose from. The best selection I've ever seen.

    Cindy, that iris of yours looks like it's made of silk in the picture. It's beautiful!

    One last thing, just to prepare you all. I hope things work out but I may be following in Deanne's footsteps and not be able to make it to IU3. Things are really up in the air about my mom's treatment right now but I may be needed here during that time. I hope I'll be able to come but I thought I'd better mention that it may not be possible.

    On that bad note, I have to scoot. Time for Miss Crankypants, my new nickname for Bella since she's been sick, to wake up.


  • gardenbug
    17 years ago

    Enjoyed my daily read and sharing with everyone. This is going to be a short one today. I'm not sick, but I'm weak, tired, not hungry...and been like this for several days. Not sleeping well either. Anyway, got a haircut this morning.

    Last night something (coon?) knocked over one of me containers and all the plants were lying on the patio. Stems were wilted and broken etc. I picked up a few more on my way back from the haircit expedition to fill in the blank spots. Hope the critter doesn't return! Grrr.

    Waiting to see AJ's ant!
    Ei, I'm not sure which variety, but Da's card was some form of Eryngium. It is now slowly turning blue.
    And here is the Centaurea 'Amethyst in Snow' that just moved to my house. :-)



  • Marian_2
    17 years ago

    Hi ! I haven't had time to read all the past posts, but I did see where Eileen and Bab are asking about me. I have had the computer off for the most part yesterday and today.
    Tim and the girls came yesterday afternoon and will be in the vicinity until Friday. They have gone swimming in the nearby river this afternoon.
    Also, I made the range trade, and have waited for the delivery of the new one today. I kept the computer off in case the delivery man needed to call. It was delivered this afternoon, after the kids left to go swimming.

    It is much more simple, as I wanted. As the deliveryman said, it doesn't have all the "bells and whistles" to go haywire. I will be content with it...regardless.

    Earlier today a friend from town brought me a secondhand computer ( a Dell ), and a monitor. Tim isn't too happy with them ( naturally we thanked her profusely) , but he would much rather I get a new one, and a larger monitor, (this one is smaller than my old one). I don't know if he will be willing to install them.
    She also brought us a new window air conditioner! I don't think it is big enough to do us much good...but what can you say? Her heart certainly was right!

    Ennyhoo, we are fine.

    I haven't heard from the relatives again, and hope to call my sister in the morning after the company goes to town to visit friends. I presume no news is good news.


  • Gigi4444
    12 years ago

    Hi, I am in Nothern Vermont zone 4. Have zone 5 plants that do well here. Love the CI. New Dawn (Weeks roses)a climbing rose...18' to 20'. Will it grow here in zone 4? Have a very hard time with roses. Last year bought a "on its own root" bush that is doing very well. But the "grown on its own roots" are limited. any suggestions will be great.

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