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Need Help with Transition from Scott's

17 years ago

I am trying to move away from the Scott's plan and my own poor over-watering practices and the brown/summer patch I have cultivated each of the last 3 years. From studying this and the organic lawn care forum I am planning to move to using Milorganite but have a couple of questions.

1. I am in the middle of an awful case of brown patch and last applied Scott's Summerguard in mid-July. When should I begin using Milorganite?

2. When should I overseed what will be the dead areas left by the brown/summer patch?

3. The Milorganite is 6-2-0. Should I be concerned about the lack of Potassium? If I am planning to move to a mid May, mid-September, early November schedule (depending upon the answer to 1, above) do I simply apply Milorganite each time or do I need to use something else as well?

4. All of these fertilizers claim to be non-toxic to pets (Scott's, too) but out of paranoia I keep my dog off for at least 24 hours after watering the fertilizer in. Is it wise to take the same precaution with Milorganite or do those of you who use it believe it different from chemical fertilizer?

Thanks for all of your posts I have learned quite a bit since beginning to peruse this forum last month.



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