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Septoria leaf spot

14 years ago

I have septoroia leaf spot on my tomatoes. It all started with two overwintered tomatoes planted in the ground on October 25th from HD. They got septoria early this spring after very heavy rains and moderate temperatures. They are struggling along but still doing OK and have loads of tomatoes. Just have lost a lot of leaves/branches. They are well seperated (at least 100feet) from my other tomato bed which is planted from seed and transplanted on Feb 15.

Yesterday I went out to my tomatoes and they were showing some serious signs of having the same thing. We did have a heavy rain a few days ago. Unfortunately, I also have to go out of town early this AM so any intensive treatements wil have to wait. I ordered some serenade from last night.

Last night, in desperation, I sprayed them with bordeaux mixture and kelp, after cleaning off all affected leaves and disposing of them. None of the fruit appears to ever have been effected on the older plants or these younger ones. I have about 30-40 heirloom plants and every one of them is setting fruit. Help is desperately appreciated!!!

As soon as I get home on Friday I will be buying some more mulch to lay a very thick layer down and hopefully the serenade will be there too. I also ordered some Daconil but don't want to use it unless I have to.

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