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The frugal gardener

16 years ago

So it's 1:30am and im stuck in the bsl3 lab so what better thnan to do some online shopping! (no food or drink allowed..that would have been my pass time of choice).

I've finally decided to make the plunge for t5HO lights for my new orchidarium setup...and then I started calculating the money I've spent on this hobby alone in the past few months and I grew a little depressed...there's the 100dollar + order from H&R, the 75$ haul from the local orchid society show...and then of course, there's the $80 for the glass tank that I hope to house my new acquisitions in...and the computer fans and mister and adaptors I bought...WOW...and I'm supposed to be living as a poor student (I'm better off than the others..I get paid to study...below-the-poverty-line paid, but paid nonetheless)

I started thinking about my lifestyle and realized that most of the time, I actively try to compensate for my relentless sspending by cutting back in other parts of my I'll walk the 30 minutes to school instead of taking the subway which saves me a whopping 2 dollars (10 trips walked = 20 dollars more to spend on plants!)...I walk further just to go to the cheaper grocery store (and then I die hauling the cans back to my house but all the way I'm thinking - it's worth it!)

Now don't get me wrong - I'm not dirt poor...realistically all these little cut backs probably don't have much of an effect anyway, but somehow my self-imposed suffering seems to lessen the guilt of spending money on something as frivilous as plants.

and then I thought...holy cr** am I really that massochistic?

So from now on, I'm going rationalize it all to myself in another way: Hey this is only thing in my life besides rent, food, and the occasional boozing that I really spend money on. I don't really care about expensive cars, nor do I participate in any expensive why not enjoy myself before I'm burdened with things like family and kids (although with luck I'll part of one of those DINK families, not that I don't like children :)).

Do you ever find yourself cutting back in little meaningless things, actively thinking: aha more money for plants! I know most of you aren't in the same income bracket as me, but I feel like I'm going to be doing this even in 20 years (I think it's just in my nature!)

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