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Mushrooms growing in soil

10 years ago


For the past two years mushrooms keep popping up in my soils. This is from top soils and I have used 3 different brands, and this year started adding compost. Here's one type and there's 2 or 3 types I've seen and a few beginning to grow next to the big one. The big ones center is pink... not sure if it shows in picture so well.

I'd dig it if someone can tell me what type of mushroom this is and why I keep getting them. I haven't added fertilizer in any start seed pots. I heard many years ago that if mushrooms grow on your yard that this is an indication you have great soil. Any feedback? I tested the soil PH on some things and indicate 6.7 but I haven't tested all nor that soil where the shroom is.

I'm sure the reason that mushroom got so big is due to my giving up on the seeds and had a pan with other seeds on top for 3 days. I just checked them and saw this mushroom and another beet has germinated.
The mushrooms only survive for about 2 days.

I began using toilet paper this year to start seeds in since far cheaper and also bio-degradable.. it works VERY well. That crap chit they sell for like 10 bucks to start about a dozen seeds in take years to break down... this is a fraction of cost and works....Incase anyone questions.

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