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Help! Overrun by weeds

17 years ago

I fertilized my lawn in early spring with Scott's Turf Builder Plus weed control and my lawn was dead less than a month later. Brown, Dead. I put on two small bags for about 8,000 sq. ft. of lawn. Didn't seem like too much, and I watered it a lot after applying the fertilizer as well. Not sure what happened. Anyway, in June we went on a two week vacation and when we came back we had weeds upon weeds and now the yard is just thickly overrun by weeds. I want to plant new grass, but I don't know how to go about it. Can I just reseed grass over the weeds with a seeder slicer? Do I have to kill everything that is currently growing and till it up and then reseed? I am really lost, but I know that fall is the time to do something. Anyone have any advice for me? Thanks.

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