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too much water / not enough water

13 years ago

I just wanted to share my experience to see if anyone has any suggestions.

>I live in SE Michigan

>My lawn was started from sod (KBG) 3 years ago.

>Lawn is primarily shaded - the tree canopy which covers the lawn is very high (large, old oaks) which does allows some ambient and filtered light. I wouldn't call it dense shade.

>Every fall I have overseeded the sod with a shade tolerant fescue mix.

Lawn looks great in the spring & early summer, but by the second week of July, it is thinning and losing its color...this situation worsens until mid-September where it looks great again.

THIS YEAR, I decided I would try to keep the lawn looking great thru July & August....So I watered, a lot.

I watered 45 minutes every other day, this in addition to an unusual amount of heavy summer downpours due to the high humididty..I figured the lawn would look great.

NOT SO...mushrooms sprouted everywhere, a 2' x 3' oval dead patch formed, dark clumps of grass sprouted throughout the lawn & the grass still lost its color.

Didn't gain anything but an inflated water bill.

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