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Deformed pears, cause?

10 years ago

Most of the pears on our pear tree that bore for the first time this year were deformed. They had pits, dimples, fissures and some were so one sided that the stem end and blossom end almost touched. There were corky and gritty spots inside under the dimples. We sprayed the tree twice for fire blight and still noticed some blackened twigs and leaves at harvest. Does fire blight affect the fruit as well as the twigs? Could this damage have been caused by stinkbugs? We live in humid eastern Oklahoma. The tree at my dad's place 15 miles from us had only a small percentage of deformed pears. My daughter's tree 15 miles in another direction also had only a small percentage. Ours were over 90% deformed. Anyone know what went wrong with our pears?

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