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bermuda vs. zoysia ... what is it?

15 years ago

The lawn was in when we moved in 40 + years ago & I have no idea what type of grass it is though so many want to know.

It dies back in winter, has runners like bermuda, has seed heads that start between weekly mowings but is the most soft, green & delicate looking lawn that people are often afraid to walk on it ... but it is HARDY! The leaves are so fine & soft it is like walking on a plush carpet! Some think it is a variety of zoysia or an old variety of bermuda planted x seed. My neighbor wanted a similar lawn & ordered zoysia (came with no variety noted) but the blades on those new plugs (planted in March) are much wider & coarser & she is disappointed & she is going to plug some of my lawn now to try.

I guess my ? is: what are the varieties of either bermuda or zoysia that might fit the description of my lawn grass? Searching sites/pictures on each really haven't helped me much!

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