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New to lawn care, have Bermuda--will listen!

14 years ago

My wife and i just built our first home and moved in a month ago. The landscaper put down bermuda sod, i'm not sure if they watered it between laying the sod and us moving in as they should have. Our back yard seems to be growing great, i cut it for the first time this afternooon to a height of about 2-2.5". The front yard is on a slope down toward the street, and isnt growing nearly as well as the back. The sun rises on the front of the house and sets on the rear lawn, which has pine trees at the back.

I'm absolutely new to lawn care, and have very little knowledge or experience with the terminology and techniques for keeping my lawn healthy and beautiful--but i am very much dedicated to doing it and learning more.

My question is this: why would my back yard be growing so much better than the front? They both are hooked to the same irrigation schedule (initially twice a day for 15min, now once every other day for 15min at the recommendation of a friend who may or may not know what he's talking about). the lawn seems to be staying moist in the front and back, maybe a little drier in the front when i get home.

any ideas? i'm sure i havent given enough info, so feel free to pry.

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