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First spring with Zoysia and battling the dead leaves, I think.

12 years ago

I had been keeping my Empire Zoysia at 3" (I know I know). Now it is down to 2" - cutting every four days in anticipation I may have to go even lower. I have read a bizzilian sites...okay maybe only 10-20 and several Zoysia cultivars can be cut to the 1-2" range. But what I have summed up is when using a rotary push mower on Empire in North Florida, I get the impression it is not recommended to go below 2", due to heat stress, drying out quickly, and trauma to the blade.

None the less, here is my mess now....




We have had temperatures in 85/65 range for the last 1.5 months (10 degrees above normal), I fertilized it about 3 weeks ago with Ferti-lome 24-0-4 + Iron 4% (containing about 16 fast release).

Based on the math, I spread it out as I should for my size yard. So I am not sure if for whatever reason, I did not spread enough as there are patches of green here and there, I am just being impatience and need two months of 85+ degree weather before the full yard turns green, OR, No matter what if I don't cut it down to 1", this is what happens...

All help appreciated

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