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Sansevieria growing VERY slowly.

13 years ago

Hi there. I have several snake plants who are much adored members of my house jungle. However, they are growing incredibly slowly. Three of the plants of them only have two or three mature leaves, with one or two tiny little guys poking up from the base, and they seem to have hit a plateau. They've been in this stage of non-growth for at least two or three years now. Every now and then one will pop up a new leaf, but that is a really rare event. I've tried re-potting (and saw healthy roots when I did, but not loads of them), I've tried changing locations (although, they do stay indoors year round), I've tried watering various ways (on the advice of several different "experts"). I tend to fertilize every few months (rarely in the winter) and I am currently watering them sparsely (re: waiting until they are very dry.) With the exception of one, they are all in rather large pots for the few leaves each plant has, and I'm considering downsizing, but thought I ought to wait until spring. Oh, also, they are potted in just your standard miracle grow potting soil. I'm just not sure what to do at this point, other than wait them out. Am I treating them wrong? I would love to have them flourish, and to actually have them flower. I've never had that happen before!! I would appreciate any help and advice sent my way. Thank you!

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