Strawberry and Cream Rubber Ruby Rubber Tree Plant
11 years ago
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- 11 years ago
- 11 years ago
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Rubber tree Burgundy?
Comments (21)Thanks for all the info guy. :) Hey Toni. Sorry about your violets. Thats a big hit to take. Luckily I only had 3 indoor plants at the time of the mealy invasion. I ment that my variegated rubber tree has reddish young leaves that turn white and green when they mature. It looks like yours where the top leaves are reddish but not the bottom ones. That is an impressive tree! I hope mine gets that large someday. My tree seems a bit slow growing. I had never seen the Crassulas at home depot before so when I saw them I had to pick a few up. They are so interesting looking. I also grabbed a really nice kumquat tree for just $23.(sounded like a steal to me) I've never had a fruit tree before but from what I've read they're one of the easier trees to grow here in southern California....See MoreRubber tree leaf secretions + white spots
Comments (15)Plant Production in Containers II ~ Carl E. Whitcomb, Ph.D Water, Media, and Nutrition for Greenhouse Crops ~ edited by David Wm. Reed Growing Media for Ornamental Plants & Turf ~ K. Handreck and N Black You'll also want a good basic book that goes into some detail about how plants work (physiology). I can't recommend what basically amounts to an 'entry level' text, but if you want something that goes into a considerable amount of depth re the intricacies (university level texts), you might try: Plant Physiology (4th edition) ~ L. Taiz & E. Zeiger or Plant Physiology ~ H. Mohr & P. Schopfer The first 3 books cover media, nutrition, - basically cultural influences, and are fairly easy to digest, the later 2 are tomes, and cover the day to day workings of the plant. For those, some science in your background is pretty much a necessity, unless you are REALLY willing to commit to learning what's in the books, no mater the time investment required. Let me know if you need the ISBN #s. Al...See MoreRuby Supreme Guava Tree in Container
Comments (11)Kevin, Check your local Lowes and home Depot big box stores. Since you're in the northern CA, where there are lots of Asian population. Most of the local nurseries, including the local lowes and HD, seem to order from a southern Ca nursery, called laverne nursery. Laverne supply most of the locally available sub tropical plants/trees to most HD and Lowes through out CA and surrounding states. The carry mangoes, guavas, figs, passion fruit, loquat, white sapote, banana, papaya, avocado and a few, I can't remember atm. Check your local lowes/HD and surrounding big box stores. Not sure about ruby supreme, but the guava variety, I recalled laverne nursery carries, that are supplied to most big box stores were: Malaysian red, Mexican cream, China white, tropic pink & white, lemon and strawberry guava. Tropic pink isn't ruby supreme, but it is very close and some prefer it to ruby supreme. The only difference in ruby and tropic pink is the, ruby is a bit larger and has a neck, looks like a thick neck pear shape guava. Tropic pink is a more traditional round green fruit. Both are green with pink flesh and both very good....See MoreExotic Angels Plant! New? "Red Ruby"
Comments (14)So I was at Walmart last night(again) and found this ficus. All of them have the same "Red Ruby" tag. There were at least 10 of the varigatied ones and the solid ones so I know it wasn't a tag mistake. This one looks like the "Ruby" ficus I already have P.S. I bought the cutie of course! The husband isn't too happy though. Lol...See MoreRelated Professionals
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pinkgnome412Original Author