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Fertilizing KBG

16 years ago

Okay, so this will be my first year with KBG (thanks bestlawn) for helping me get my Award, Bedazzled, and Prosperity..I keep reading a couple of things that I would like some clarification on...everybody please feel free to chime in..

1st: I have read a lot on here and another forum that KBG requires more fertilizer than other grasses and that most people don't fertilize enough? So, what is the recommended fertilization (synthetic) for KBG and if it is so many pound per 1000sq feet, what is the proper way to read the ratio on the bag?

2nd: It is my understanding that KBG will spread like crazy...exactly what does this mean? I am coming from TTTF lawn and have no idea what to expect with the spreading capability of my cultivars? Any examples would be great!!!

I appreciate any feedback and am looking forward to a full growing season this spring :)


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