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potting bench bragging rights !!!

14 years ago

Hello all, for years and years.......and years, lol, I have been potting up plants on the picnic table, the kitchen table, sitting on the patio.....you get the picture? Well, I have decided that I am going to have a dedicated ME area.... a few years back I TOOK a section of the garage to call my own so that I did not have to store all my garden craft stuff in my closet.... that has worked pretty well, but I want more !!!!!!!!! lol.....

Let me give you an image ..... we live on 9 acres in a rural county and I love it here... have been here for two years now and plan to be buried under that big tree in the front yard, lmao..... we have a large detached garage that houses tools and 'building supplies' etc.....another of those 8x10 'barn' type sheds that houses all the lawn care items and garden tools....and my plan is to build my own 'shed' an the front end of the property where I have my veggie garden ( our house sets about an acre and a half off the road)... I want to make it from old pallets so it will resemble a large outhouse.... or that is the vision today, lol....could end up looking like an English Tudor once I get going, lol..... currently I have an old pick up that I use for hauling feed etc and a huge tool box on the truck that I keep everything I could ever need anywhere in the gardens or yard.... it looks like I am packed to leave home, there is so much in that truck and it is all off limits to anyone else here, lol......

In my new shed, I will have my mantis tiller, hand tools, bamboo poles....all the stuff for the near by veggie garden but also, I want it to house all my potting supplies.....pots, trays, seed starters etc.... all of that stuff is now residing outside next to the grey barn shed and I am tired of pulling through it to find I always want the pot that is on the very bottom of the pile.....so organization is what I am after.....I also want to build a potting bench on the side of this new shed and I would love to see any pics of yours; hand made or purchased , and I would love to hear what you absolutely love about yours and what you would change if you could.....I love building things but I really hate thinking " I should have included ...." as an afterthought...... so give me all your creative energies and all your sage advice because I am so OCD that if it is missing one little thing, I will tear it down and have to come back and write another essay like this one if I do not get the feedback I need this time.....

Just in case threats help, I thought I would throw that in, lol.......

TIA for all your ideas and suggestions..... I am always awed by the things you guys come up with......

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