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When to Kill Overseeded Rye and Begin Leveling New Bermuda Sod

11 years ago

I had about 3000 SF of new Celebration bermuda sod installed last Fall. The bermuda never grew after it was installed (I assume due to cool temperatures in Dallas), and was very thin. I decided to overseed it with Rye about 3 weeks after it was installed. When the bermuda was installed I requested that it be installed perfectly smooth without bumps, but that didn't happen and its bumby and unlevel. Now that the growing season is approaching, I would like to get the Bermuda in good shape and the lawn level. My questions:

1. When should I kill of the overseed Rye to allow the Bermuda to grow and recover?
2. Should I use Celsious to aid in killing the rye?
3. When should I scalp and level the lawn with sand?
4 Should I do that now, or wait until the bermuda is actively growing?
5. If I have to wait until the bermuda is growing before I scalp and level, I am concerned that scalping the lawn at that time might kill the Bermuda - is that a valid concern?

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