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planning north Louisiana orchard

16 years ago

First post here, hope to learn a lot. My wife and I own 10.5 acres in Jackson Parish Louisiana. I am planning to plant a lot of fruit, nut, oak, and other shade trees on the property. The property has a few loblolly and shortleaf pines on it that I marked to leave when we had the rest of the pine timber harvested in the last 2 weeks. We are going to use the money from the timber to buy our trees for our orchard and landscaping. The area we are going to plant the trees is on the north and south side of a 4.5 acre pond. The ground is composed of a sandy loam soil that slopes gently down to the pond on both sides of the pond. The ground drains very well and it appears to be a very good soil. We plan on trying some wild plums (probably from Ken at Oiko's tree crops), mulberries, grapes, muscadines, apples, pears, and persimmons.

Just wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to design my orchard to where it will be really pleasing to the eye.


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