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Ideas for large veggies to plant in a large open bed

10 years ago

Hi all. So I've been trolling the Web looking for ideas, and nothing has stuck with me yet. I have a bed that is around 30'x40', very good soil due to years of amending with horse manure. What is a good space-loving vegetable to plant there?

For several years I grew squash/melon in it, but they get devastated by bugs, so I've moved those elsewhere until the squash beetles diminish. Last year I planted popcorn in there, just for something to fill the space. I hate growing corn - raccoons ate most of it, and what they didn't get, the birds devoured while it was on the drying racks.

I grow all my other veggies in separate beds (tomatoes, lettuce, onions, kohlrabi, etc). I'd probably abandon this bed as it's a bit out of the way of my other stuff, but the soil is so good I hate for it to go to waste. I actually planted my garlic along one edge of it this fall b/c I i didn't get my main bed tilled...and this bed is so nice that I could furrow down 5 inches with just one swipe with a hand trowel, no tilling necessary.

Any suggestions welcome. My first thought has been "What is normally so big that you don't generally have room for?" But maybe i'm on the wrong track here. Maybe a fruiting shrub bed?


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