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Feijoa...Pineapple guava

14 years ago

Hi, I'm hoping that someone can tell me how long it takes for feijoa(pineapple guava) to ripen...how many months(appx)? Finally something good came out of a very cold winter for us in Florida(broke 30 yr record lows)and my feijoa bush seems to be holding a few fruits for the very first time since I planted it almost four years ago...although my larger tree had tons of blooms...NOT one single fruit set on that one. Thanks for any help!

These fruits set around mid to late June...they're about the size of a large globe grapes right now.

You can't hardly see them (not too many) but they hide very well...fruits being the same color as the leaves.


This large tree had tons of blooms...not a single fruit set :o(...any ideas why this one didn't set any fruits?


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