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Snake Plant - What's Happening?

12 years ago

I have a 36" tall Snake Plant that I've had since at least November 2010. It's been in the same spot ever since I bought it (pic attached to show the amount of light it gets during the day) and usually watered it once a month IF that. A few months ago I noticed some change to the leaves. Several started to fold up on themselves (while still staying upright with no color change) and eventually died. I thought maybe I wasn't watering it enough so I increased my watering to once every two weeks or so. Then one of the taller leaves started curling over, but hasn't done much beyond that. All the leaves are still their usual dark green color.

I immediately stopped watering, thinking I had now overwatered. When I pull the dead leaves out, the soil attached to the leaf is moist, even though most of the surrounding soil is very dry. I also found what looks like white mold on top of the soil.

I'm thinking there may be some residual damp soil that could possibly be causing root rot, but I really don't know. Should I pull the plant out of its pot, replace the soil and replant?

I'm also considering moving it to a darker spot in the house but worry that could further hurt it. Maybe I should just buy a new plant for that spot?

Thanks for any and all advice!

Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:86250}}

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