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A few questions about onions

There's a little bit of mixed info out there regarding onions.

Having grown them before, I've never gotten some nice big ones and last year was a total waste, but i think the reason why THAT time was I just had them too shaded. I know they say spacing determines size, but that wasn't the case... i spaced them every 6".

So, hopefully, you guys/gals can set me straight.

Planting time --- My calendar says Mid Oct-Dec for short day. So, if I start indoors right now, that would be probably perfect, right? How many hours under lights? If I direct sow, can I still get decent size onions? I ask because I've heard SETS produce smaller bulbs?

Sowing -- how deep should my container be and how much space should i leave between seeds? I ask this because I've done them sprinkled in a 4" qt size before and 8 weeks later, the roots are pretty entwined. If I sow in a large container (1-2 gal), can I just leave this container out in the summer sun until October or do i have to limit the hours? Or will the potting mix get TOO warm? If I do a larger container, should i space the seeds farther apart to give the roots more room?

Sowing depth -- this one is all over the place online. I've read 3 ". I've read 1". I've read with the roots just barely planted and the tiny "bulb" above the surface. I did the last techniques last year and after planting/watering, the plants just fell over. So, clear me up on this one -- do I trim the roots? If so, how much? Do I trim the tops? if so, how much? And finally, how DEEP should i plant? Somebody want to draw me a picture that shows me exactly where the soil surface should meet the plants? Should I trim the tops for the 1st couple months to prevent them from toppling over?

Watering -- I've read you want to be pretty consistent in soil moisture until the tops start to brown. Hopefully, El Nino can help me out here.

Fertilizing -- High in N, I get it. Here's what i got -- i just tilled in 2" of compost where i plan on planting. I don't really want to use synthetics(sulfate of ammonia). But i do have cottonseed, bone and kelp meals. Should I sprinkle some of each in now? Should i just do the bone for now? When side dressing throughout the growing season, will the cottonseed provide enough N or should i go get a bag of blood meal since it's a bit higher in N and faster releasing?

Well, that will get us started for now. See what you guys/gals can do to help me. Most veggies that i grow are pretty easy, but onions still remain a slight challenge. Funny, because I've done pretty well with leeks and scallions.



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