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help me find a substitute for mff - quick!!!

14 years ago

Well my Northstar is loaded with cherries and I've removed maybe 20-30 fruits that had BR.

I'd sprayed dormant oil on 4/12 at green tip, hit it with Chlorothalonil on 4/20, Bonide FTS on 5/2 and Immunox on 5/14. Now between yesterday and today I've had the 20-30 BR fruits appear.

I'm 25 mi North of Omaha and have been looking for MFF to no avail. The two locations shown when I use their product finder from the Monterey site don't have it. If I order it direct it'll probably take too long to get here.

So..., I was thinking the main ingredient in MFF is something called propiconazole and assume that some other brands may work.

What I like about the MFF from what I've read here is that you can spray it throughout the growing season.

So to sum it up, can anyone tell me a good substitute that I could go to a local garden center (Like Earl May, etc.) and say "I'd like a bottle of yada, yada" and be good.

I gotta say I was/am more than a little surprised that Immunox didn't control it. I mean I gave it a really good cover spray with that stuff.

Anyway, I thought if I knew of a fairly common product that would be like MFF that's maybe a little more common I could try that (ONCE THE RAIN LETS UP!!!)


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