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My dream garden is crushed!

16 years ago

I have been working on a large garden plot for two years getting raised beds built and planted. This year I covered all the pathways with wood chips. I was intending to put a 4 foot wooden white picket fence around it to give it a quaint country look this fall. I was going to tack hardware cloth inside for animals not to get through. But...the deer and woodchucks have foiled those plans.

They have eaten every bean plant in there, all the kale and broccoli, cabbages and are now working on the squashes. No black eyed susans, Jerusalem artichokes or other such flowers are left either. I basically have NO garden left and it was big to begin with. I am sort of resigning myself to the fact that I need deer fencing. I have a motion activated Scarecrow in the garden but it doesn't sense the woodchuck, which seems to be doing the most vegetable damage. I am really sad over this but I was hoping someone would have an idea of how I could still make a picket fence work. The area is smack dab in the backyard so it really does need to look nice. Our neighbors have the potential to see it from the side and I don't want it to look bad. Any ideas, anyone?

Thanks so much!

Below is a picture of what I was trying to achieve. This is not my house or garden but it is the look I wanted. I was planning on two arbors over my garden entrances complete with the roses grown inside. The deer fence doesn't even come close!

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