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Wineberry Raspberries & Triple Crown Blackberries

14 years ago

This is my first year growing any type of fruit. I have 2 pots of Wineberry Raspberry plants (one of which is still a baby & won't produce for a few years), 1 Triple Crown Blackberry plant, some Everbearing runner Strawberries & a Dwarf Lime Tree. They are all doing quite well. My questions are this: Looking at the plant sizes below, when can I expect blooms to start appearing & fruit production? Also, what type of soil do you recommend for container growing of these berries (my only option)? I am well aware they are in very tiny containers & need to be transplanted. I was just awaiting today (payday) to get some supplies to do so. Any & all replies appreciated. =)

Thanks! - Steve


Triple Crown Blackberry:


Wineberry Raspberry:

The baby...


The bigger one...


Some other pics...

Everbearing Strawberries:


They continue to produce 1-2 of these new leaf sets (look towards bottom left corner of pic where stems meet soil together) every week, but no "runners" yet (any idea on when they will show up?)...


Dwarf Lime Tree (doing quite well! Almost twice the size of when it arrived about 2 weeks ago):


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