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Ants in my...plants!

I just went out to my vegetable garden for the first time in a few days, and it is completely overrun by ants! I can see where there are coming from, an anthill near a squash plant. There are so many that out of the corner of my eye the ground seems to be constantly moving, and if I stand still for a minute, they start crawling up me. Yuck! I'm all itchy and creepy-crawly just sitting here writing this!

My first question is, will they do any damage to the vegetables? That's the most important thing.

I can't seem to find an ID for them. They are large but not huge. The back end is black, and the rest of the body is reddish brown.

I'd like to get rid of them even if they are not harmful, just so I can sit down or even stand still for a minute without getting crawled on. I garden organically, so if anyone has any suggestions.

I thought of boiling water, but that seems so cruel. I guess though if I want them gone I have to be harsh, huh?

Thank you,


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