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help!deciding on trees for landscape that will not grow car galls

14 years ago

Need to plant a hedgerow of trees (deciduous) and plants but I don't want to plant cedar trees or junpiers that will spread CAR. My apple trees are 10 feet away from this hedgerow. I liked the look of cedar trees to plant, but why would any "sane man" do that to his apple trees. I've looked at different trees Cedar, Pines and others and I'm not sure if all will develop the galls of CAR or certain varieties. I have arborvitae growing in my front yard and guess what I just found...yep small gulls. So my question is...will all Cedars, pine, like...develop Galls and is there a way to tell on plant labels or Catalog's when buying them that they won't develop galls.

thanks for any input...


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