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HAVE: Have: new and unusual commercial seeds for 2013

12 years ago

I just received an order from Plant World Seeds and have enough of the following to trade:

Abutilon suntense

Androcymbium longipes

Globularia punctata

Impatiens Autumn Canaries

I also have a few of the following, harvested from my own garden this year:

Borago variegata (variegated borage)

Hesperis matronalis variegata (variegated sweet rocket)

Hibiscus gerainoides

Lunaria variegata alba (variegated honesty)

Rudbeckia Red Sport

If interested you can e-mail me from my member page, but please post here as well, since the GardenWeb e-mails don't always go through. Keep in mind that I usually only swap for other unusual types of seeds, such as those on my want list.

Here is a link that might be useful: Audrey's Trade List

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