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WANTED: Wanted: Lots of foliage - Less- usual Philos, Monstera,

18 years ago

I'm looking especially for Philo Xanadu, Monstera (the run-of-the-mill one) and any Aglaonemas not listed below. I'd also consider any Syngonium I don't have, most Philos, and any non-succulent that's different but not too difficult to grow.

I have to trade:

Philodendrons: Sweetheart, Brasil (the yellow/green variegated) (Also Autumn, Black Cardinal and Ginny but they're not quite ready to be cut yet)

Aglaonemas: Silver Bay, Silver Queen, Jubilee, Commutatum

Syngoniums: Not sure - think they're Regina Red and Neon (not Tetris)

Dracaenas: Marginata tricolor, Sanderiana green and Sanderiana variegated (yellow-edged)

Hedera helix (ivies): Gold Child, Yellow Ripple

Peperomias - forgot the names - the red-edged "watermelon" variegated and the dark green round-leaved one (obtusifola or something like that)

Also Neon pothos, Variegated and solid spider, curly spider, zebrina, peace lily, burgundy ficus (rubber plant)



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