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have osage oranges-hedgeapples

12 years ago

O.K. I gathered a dozen hedge apples. Now what. The net says the way to extract the seed is to let them rot and strain out the seed in the spring. Fun! I dissected a dozen seeds from the fresh fruit which is filled with a lacquer like latex that needs rubbing alcohol to remove. I placed them in damp soil in the fridge. Last year I removed hundreds of seeds from a dried hedge apple and not one of them sprouted so I think they need to stay moist. one apple has graciously volunteered to rot quickly. The pretty light green and white pulp turns to an uninviting turd brown. Since Osage roots have been used for centuries as dye stuff I figure this is going to stain. Oh well at least it doesn't smell bad. So I should have some fresh rotted Osage seeds soon if anyone wants them. I can send you an apple for postage if would like to have all this fun yourself.Ric

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