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HAVE: Night Blooming Jasmine

16 years ago

Just gathered about 1 cup of NB Jasmine seed from my friend's next door- tree I've given him is taller than mine ( he planted it in the potting soil mix) and blooming for the second time, so is mine..I just pick seeds off mine as soon as they're ready.

I'm looking for seeds of Edible Sweet Peppers -especially Hungarian Paprika, Gypsy, large mix Bell, others.

Large Ornamental peppers other than "Cherry" and cone shaped (ab 3/4 in).

Also wanting Impatients (for shade); Zinnia "Cut and Come Again" and Magellan; Plumeria; Momordica Charantia (bitter gourd/Serasee) and Yard Long Beans.

I can use more plain white larger labels and address labels, for recycling envelopes.

hope we can make a few good trades,


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