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Wild Springtime Edibles

16 years ago

Complete nature newbie post proceeding:

I'm currently living in southern Indiana on the banks / valley / hills where the flat part of Indiana drops down into the valley of the big River. Just signed up for these forums today =).

Which guide books would you all reccommend are the best for the guy who wants to go out in the woods and become farmilar with plants local to this region? Also, specifically, what should I be looking out for right now? If I spend a day out in the boonies, which edible plants are popping up this time of year? Yesterday, I tried eating some wild type of one leaf looking herb... it was a very small, viney thing with little one tear shaped leaves branching off all over the main stem vines. Most of the plants were about 8 inches diameter and stayed very close to the ground and popped up mostly alone in the woods, but there were some areas around people's lawns where it had become evasive and taken over a whole areas next to some little streams. I guess it would be classified as a ground cover in that case. The actual leaves were very tiny, like 4x8mm and all very uniformely sized. The smaller shoots had an onion like taste that was much more mild in the full grown plants. It grew in high areas around the cliffs here, before you got down into the more humid valley, and on top of mossy rocks in the valley area. Apparentally it was alright, and very tasty =). I'm sure it is a very common plant, but this gives you an idea of how much I actually know about local vegetation. I guess what it comes down to is this: I need to find the most practical / effecient way to identify and get information, in the field, of all living things that may catch my interest. Right now, I feel like my pack is missing a few important books, lol. Also, for someone as enthuiastic as myself, would a cheap digi cam be a good investment for things I can't seem to identify myself or describe adequetly? I realize I have a LOT to learn, so please bear with me =).

(background info / my introduction following, feel feel to skip if busy, haha)

Recently I've been trying to get back to nature... you know, long, long walks in the woods, taking my shoes off feeling the grass / mud get between my toes and feet, camping out, and generally trying to think about my energy usage and how out of balance with nature it currently is.... I know I'm not alone, I feel like there are so many ways we are all out of balance, but I'm ready to get back my severely severed connection.

I eventually want to learn some trapping techniques, but for now I figure the best thing I can do is become farmilar with the different plants, trees, flowers, and wild herbs / mushrooms that grow all over this humid area. The problem is identifying everything quickly and, rather than knowing if it is merely edible, recognizing other practical uses for each individual plant and being able to realte these uses to people other than myself.

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