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Peach book opinion

13 years ago


I would like to tell this book what i found about peaches. Looks like not many have found this book. I got mine book from university of Florida. I mean i bought it from university of Florida. Book name is the peach

World Cultivars to Marketing. This book is which i got is 4th edition from 1988 and have 900 pages. It have 986 pages + 24 pages in roman character so it have 1 000 pages. I was little worried this book name because it says marketing on it, which i thought mean commercial growing peaches and then marketing peaches and making money from it and thought would that book be good for growing peaches in garden (I mean without that money thing.). I saw internet site saying what book have, it says it have varieties. University of Florida had book for sale for 30 $. I thought at that price i would like to buy it considering it had varieties and 30 USD is not bad value considering it have 900 pages. Then i asked shipping cost of book and after that i sent payment to University of Florida.

I have now got mine book. University of Florida internet site says it is most complete book on peach growing in the english language.

Let's look now look what was in the book. I found following text on book " dedication This peach book is dedicated to you readers interested in one way or another in growing, marketing, researching or teaching "Queen of fruits"." That sounded good so book have other things too than commercial thing. First roman character says book name (Roman character is before numbers in this book.) editors - contributors. Second page talks about John Howard Weinberger person and third has this person picture. It talks about his breeding career. 4 pages have more breeders names for example Stanley Johnston and their picture. 5 pages have text from editors saying how this book born. Page 6 have Acknowledgments. Pages 7-14 have foreword words peach world market, peach breeders meeting and picture of peach production of world.

Pages 14-22 is contents, pages 23 was above dedication. All those was in roman numbers, i translated it to normal numbers so number 1 will be indeed first chapter sorry for the confusion.

Book has more than 200 people who have wrote text (Cooperators says book.). I little bit change it, it says section i am more used word of chapter, so i change word section to chapter (You can say section in that place if you want.) Book have long titles (Chapters are divided titles in this book). Titles have people name who wrote that title and page number where that tile starts. Section have roman number i change it to normal numbers, so you know that i changed it. This book have long contents so i pick here some titles of it, not all of them, it would take quite a lot time to write all of them. This book have 27 chapters.

Chapter 1 Introductory

This chapter is small having pages 1-13 and 3 titles. Here i could pick up title named Peach Fruit Bud Development and Flower Biology.

Chapter 2 Peach Cultivars, breeding and world industry

This chapter has pages 14-283. This chapter is divided 10 sections which are : North America, Canada, Central America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South Africa, Mid East, Ocenia and Far East. North America section has 30 titles. I have wrote here many titles here, from U.S.A. because many people here are from U.S.A. and might be interesting knowing those. This is long list of titles so it may take some time to read it. Here is many interesting titles, let's take closer look what is here. Peach and Nectarine Cultivars for Pennsylvania has peach varieties characteristics in table. Tables have following characteristics from left to right : ripe : days before (+) & after (-) Elberta, Ripe : days before (+) & (-) Red Haven, Flesh color, Pit freeness, Winter hardiness, Average fruit size, % red skin color, suspectibility to : Brown rot, Bacterial spot, Cytosphora canker and leaf curl." Fresh Market Peach Cultivars in Eastern North America title have peach varieties characteristics in table format from left to right in column " Ripening date (Compared to Elberta.), Color of flesh, Fruit size, stone freeness, Attractiveness, Flesh firmness, Dessert quality, Bacterial spot resist., Chilling require., Zone adapt.(US). This table if from New Jersey. Nectarine Cultivars and production title has some nectarine variety describtions. Peach Cultivars and Breeding, North Carolina title has North Carolina peach variety characteristics. Peach Cultivars and Breeding Objectives, South Carolina title has table showing how much some peach variety trees are planted in South Carolina. USDA Peach and Nectarine, Byron, Georgia title has 3 tables and they are follwing : USDA peach and nectarine releases from Fort Valley and Byron, GA, 1939-1985., Peach varieties recently tested at Byron. and Best nectarines for Byron. Low-Chill Peaches and Nectarines title had 5 tables. Table 1 have peach and nectarine cultivars developed by the Univeriity of Florida and their selection number and intended use at the time of release, Table 2 had some low-chill peach an nectarine cultivars that have been tested and are currently obsolote for commercial plantings in Florida and south Texas, table 3 had University of Florida selection numbers that have given cultivar names elsewhere and remarks on potential for commercial growing in Florida and table 4 had Peach and nectarine clones from the University of Florida and Texas A&M University breeding programs that show promise for grower tests, this table has following columns from left to right " Years in observation, Estimated chill units, FDP (days), Size (g), Stone freeness, Red color, Shape, Firm, Taste, Flesh browning and Bacterial leaf spot resistance". FDP is abbreviation and meana fruit development period. Florida Peach and Nectarine Industry, 1980's title had information about growing peaches in Florida, it have note saying "this discussion may be of interest to other countries with similar low chilling climates". The Michigan Peach Industry title had Michigan peach information, it have image showing information about haven peaches. Michigan Peach Production Outlook title had information about Michigan peach production for future at the time of writing. Peach and Nectarine Breeding, Arkansas tile tells about peach varieties growing in Arkansas. Peach Cultivars and Breeding Objectives, Lousiana and Texas title had 2 tables, table 1 had "Peach cultivars recommended for Lousiana" and table 2 "Peach cultivar varieties recommended for Texas". Peach Cultivars, Industry, Breeding, Colorado and Utah titile had 1 table. Table 1 had Peach trees by age and variety in Colorado. Peach Production in the Arid Pacific Northwest tile had peach growing information for that area. California Peach and Nectarine breeding Objectives, Cultivars title has information about California peach production. California Trends in Peach Cultivars and Production title had peach varieties growing in California. Objectives, Experiences of a California Private Peach Breeder has 2 charts, one chart have " Chart shows approximate ripening dates and a spread of a group of nectarine cultivars grown near Fresno, California. (From the nursery catalogue of the Burchell Nursery, Inc. Modesto, CA 95356,)." and second chart have " Chart shows the ripening sequence and spread over four and half months of freestone peach cultivars ripening near Fresno, California ( Courtesy The Burchell Nursery Inc., Modesto, CA 95356.)". Potential of Genetic Dwarf Peach Trees, Related Topics, (Abstracts) title had 1 table, table 1 had "Average yield of dwarf peach trees." Prunus Cultivar maturity Chart, California title is peach variety maturity chart as name says it. Canada section has 1 title : Peach Cultivars, Breeding Objectives, For Ontario, Canada. Central America section had 2 titles, title Peach Production in Mexico had table showing peach variety characteristics. South America section has 5 titles. Here can mention Temperate Fruits in the Tropics, Venezuela title which had information about "chemicals defoliants used". This means defoliating peach trees by using chemicals (Also chemicals used to break the buds according the book.) according the book and Peach Cultivars, Breeding, Cultuture in Brzil title had 2 tables, table 1 had "Cultivars for fresh market, Southern Brazil" and table 2 "Cultivars for canning, Southern Brazil. Western Europe had 5 titles. Here can mention Peach Cultivars, Breeding and Industry, Italy title, which had table "Main freestone peach cultivars in Italy." Eastern Europe section has 4 titles. Here can mention Peaches in Bulgaria title which had some peach varieties. South Africa section had 1 title : Peach situation in South Africa title had information about growing peaches in South Africa. Mid East section had 1 article : Peach and Nectarine, Culture, Cultivars, Israel title had table "Principal peach varieties grown in Israel". Oceania has 3 titles. Here can mention Peach and Nectarine culture in New Zealand title which had peach varieties growing in New Zealand (At least there is mention of varieties.). Far East chapter has 4 titles. Here can mention Peach Cultivars, Highlands of North Thailand title. Title has 3 tables, table 2 "Fruit character of peach varieties grown in Thailand (data averaged from 50 samples.), table 3 "Flesh quality of peach varieties grown in hill area of Thailand (Data averaged from 50 samples.).

Chapter 3 Peach sites, Planting

This chapter has pages 284- 301 and 3 titles. Here can mention Site selection To Planting - Southern USA title which had information about planting peach trees.

Chapter 4 Rootstocks

This chapter has 302-317 pages and 6 titles. Here can mention Root Influence on Tree Vigor title which had information rootstock (Title said root but i think it might meant rootstock as that is chapter name.) growing.

Chapter 5 Propagation, Nursery Managament

This chapter has 318-345 pages and 7 titles. Here can mention California Trends in Fruit Tree Planting title which had information about fruit tree plantings in California.

Chapter 6 Peach Bud Hardiness, Frost and Freeze Avoidance, Costs, Weather Prediction

This chapter has 346-379 pages and 12 titles. This chapter is interesting and let's take a look again closer look what is in here. Winter Hardiness of Peach Buds title have information about Peach bud hardiness, what is temperature buds survive, when are how hardy and process in hardening of the Peaches. Fruit and Vegetative Peach and Nectarine Bud Injury After -28 C Freeze in West Virginia title Had table which show vegetative bud injury, bloom and crop production following -28 celsius temperature. Peach Bud Damage Following a Freeze title had information about flower bud damage following freeze by variety and elevation at West Virginia.

Chaptet 7 Protected peach culture

This chapter has pages 380-388 and 2 titles. Here can mention Containerized Peach Culture - Inside/Outside title which had information about growing peaches in container to solve cold injury problem according to title.

Chapter 8 Training Systems

This chapter has pages 389-500 and 13 titles. Here can mention Basics in Open Center Peach Tree Training title which tells about open-center peach tree training, images of tree, effects of prunning, Prunning at planting and first summer training(I mentioned just a few things in this title.).

Chapter 9 Prunning Peach trees

This chapter has pages 501-527 and 5 titles. Here can mention Peach Pruning - 35 Years Experience in The Northeast USA title which has information about peach prunning for Northeast U.S.A. Training, Pruning Peach Trees in in the Southeast USA title explains dormant prunning, summer prunning and have a summary. had information about prunning and planting information for Southeastern U.S.A.

Chapter 10 Growth and Flowering Regulators of Peach

This chapter has pages 528-539 and 4 titles. Here can mention Chemical Delay of Peach Flowering title which had information about delay of peach flowering using chemicals.

Chapter 11 Girdling Peach Trees

This chapter has pages 540-548 and 2 titles. Here can mention Girdling Fresh Shipping Peach and Nectarine Tress, California title which has information about girdling, it says according to title girdling is common practice in San Joaquin Valley to increase size at harvest.

Chapter 12 Nutrition, Fertilizers

This chapter has pages 549-605 and 11 titles. Here can mention Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in World Peach Orchards title which explains symptoms of various nutrient if there is low of that like Low nitrogen, Low manganese and Low phosphorous. Peach Nutrition in Georgia has information about fertilizing bearing trees in Georgia.

Chapter 13 Irrigation, Orchard Floor Management

This chapter has pages 606-628 and 6 titles. Here can mention Peach Irrigation in Southeastern USA title which had information about irrigation, it tells about adequate water source and reputable iirigation firm to design the system for peaches according title.

Chapter 14 Weed Control

This chapter has pages 629-648 and 5 titles. Here can mention Chemical Weed Control in Southeastern Peach Orchard title which had information about chemicals used to cotrol weeds in Southeastern peach orhard.

Chapter 15 Fruit thinning

This chapter has pages 649-672 and 7 titles. Here can mention Thinning Peaches, Eastern USA title which had information about fruit thinning, according to title time of thinning is directly related to the size of fruit abd yield at harvest. This chapter also has Peach Thinning in California and Mechanical Thinning of Peaches, Texas titles.

Chapter 16 Diseases of Peach

This chapter has pages 673-706 and 9 titles. Here can mention Bacterial Spot of Peaches title which had information about bacterial spot disease and has list of some peach varieties and their resistance to bacterial spot disease.

Chapter 17 Peach Tree Short Life, Decline

This chapter has pages 707-730 and 3 titles. Here can mention Causes of Peach Tree Death in Pennsylvania? title which had list of major peach cultivars, this seems to be somekind of survey, according title industry started experince severe problems in 1970's and 1980's and Survey try to eclit the problem according title.

Chapter 18 Peach Insects, Nematodes, Birds

This chapter has pages 731-779 and 12 titles. Here can mention Bird Damage title which explains bird damages how they happen orchard crops.

Chapter 19 Pestice Application

This chapter has pages 780-793 and 2 titles. Here can mention How To Improve Pestice Application title has image of spray deposition to some forms of tree Avg permethrin ugm/site, Avg canopy volume/tree (m3).

Chapter 20 Harvesting and Packing Peaches

This chapter has pages 794-830 and 8 titles. Here can mention Harvesting Quality Peaches in California title has information about insuring a minimum level of quality which author try to explain some method used for this according title. Harversting and Packing Quality Peaches title had subject of A Riper Michigan peach - The key in one part of it.

Chapter 21 Peach Handling, Storage

This chapter has pages 831-841 and 3 titles. Here can mention Stone Fruit Handling and Cooling title which had information about cooling before or after packing.

Chapter 22 Peach Processing

This chapter has pages 842-850 and 1 title. Title name is Peach Processing, have one table for some fresh market peach cultivars adaptability for canning and another table for fresh market cultivars adaptablility for freezing.

Chapter 24 Marketing

This chapter has pages 851-896 and 16 titles. Here can mention Why People Buy and Don't Buy Peaches title which tells about why people buy peaches, needs of customers (So we can create their desire to buy peaches according of title.). and What Do People Want When Buying Peaches title is survey made to New Jersey (All but two counties accordi title.) which tells what is important to customers.

Chapter 25 Costs

This chapter has pages 897-946 and 9 titles. Here can mention Peach Cost Analysis in Georgia title which has table about estimated annual maintenance cost for peaches, year two, Georgia 1986.

Chapter 26

This chapter did not have a name. This chapter has pages 947-953 and has 2 titles. Here can mention Beat the Union by Making It Unnecessary title which had not Following are experiences with a farm union in California that could spread elsewhere in the US. According title We in California Agri-industry have been dealt a devastating blow : (1) We have literally lost the right to manage our operation. It have (2) too after that but i don't write it now here.

Chapter 27

This chapter did not have a name. This chapter has pages 954-986 and has 2 titles. Here can mention A Few Peach Reipes ; a contact for more title has few peach recipies.

Now i have wrote what was in the book, some chapters more detailed than others, it took quite long time to write this, many hours.

This book was good and it did in mine opinion have useful information for gardening without that commericial aspect. It did gave me good value considering book price.

Hopefully someone like this book review and find this information useful.

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