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Chicken flock

17 years ago

LOL, it's time to rehash the chicken flock. I have done my research, I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong, please). I am hoping to be able to order my first chicks in late spring. My goal was to have a varied flock, of various egg colors as well. I wanted a few ringers in the egg-laying department but really, even if they were merely average layers, I would have enough of them to more than supply my family. I bought the Storey book and one called "Living with Chickens." The latter was a bit more interesting so I've read that cover to cover but only broused the Storey. I think that is more of a reference to have.

I chose my roosters on personality (from opinions read here) and what I envisioned a rooster to look like, LOL. I thought perhaps a Black Australorp or Silver Laced Wyandotte would make beautiful roosters. I only want one and understand they can be noisy, etc. I want a crowing rooster:)

My list for girls include: Black Australorp, Delaware, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, a couple various Brahmas, and some Ameraucanas.

Is it strange to want such a variety? Is it a novice trait? I wanted to see all the colors. I think 16 or so hens and a rooster would be the size I wanted (not NEEDED) but eggs can be given away. As for meat, I was thinking the White Plymouth Rocks. A little more time than the Cornish X but I will just feel better about it after reading a few reports that were rather disgusting. Also thinking about a few guineas, knowing their down-points, to range after being oriented to a coop. What do y'all think? Lori

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