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Zucchini and beans dying in raised beds in Southern VA

13 years ago

I am trying to grow pole beans and zucchini and patty pan squash in 4x4 foot raised beds, well drained, good soil. They flourished and grew great but now are dying. The leaves are yellowing and falling off the beans, the squash looks like it's rotting at the point it grows out of the ground, leaves wilting, yellowing and dying. I have picked several squash but now nothing is growing. I hand water morning and afternoon, but nothing is working. It's hot, over 100 today, am I watering too much? Not enough? Do I need drip irrigation? I am a transplant from the north (Canada) and so don't know what to do with the full sun and heat. Please help, I want to cry everytime I look out there :(.

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