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Autumn Blaze Maple and River Birch Tree seeds...

14 years ago

This year, I noticed the seed trading thread. I thought it would be a great thing to use because we had so many seeds on our trees that it was choking off seed growth. So, I gathered seeds from our maples and River Birch, and I will be able to send them to anybody for just the price of one stamp. Just email me if you are interested.

I have a few pictures below, but the trees are growing so big, so quickly that it is hard to get a full photo.



Many have already germinated, so I don't have an endless supply, but I should be able to send to at least 24+ people if they just want one type of seed. I can get more, but I picked the ones most likely to germinate. So they may not be as reliable if I need to get any else.

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