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Anyone know what effect weird 'non-Winter' will have on sap run?

12 years ago

What is this bizarre weather going to do to the sap run on sugar maples?

Here, we had a little blast of winter Friday/Sat/Sunday, highs in the 20s to about freezing, lows in the teens.

Yesterday, it was back to about 45, and our dusting of snow melted. Right now, 45 and drizzle. Wed/Thurs/Friday back to the 20s/30s. Then a warm-up, and they say it will stay warmer for a while.

So, when might the sap run, and how long might the run last?

Enquiring minds need to know, last year wasn't a great year, the sap flow was mostly over when I tapped it, and I didn't get much made. The greedy vultures need their syrup!

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