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CHICKEN 'Fiddler On The Roof' for extra roosters! Success!

18 years ago

warning in advance, no farm here...less than 15 chickens...
"FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, rooster edition"

Spring 05: Came home with 11 baby chicks of various breeds, on a whim (they were cute). Some were from "mixed run" bins, some were from "pullets" bins. I knew I wanted A rooster, but I wasn't prepared for 5 of them to be roosters.

It seemed as though every week, another one revealed himself....Hand wringing and sighing, knowing that fate dealt the boys a bad hand.

3 of my favorites turned out to be boys: Jackie, Dorothy, Screebert...Only 1 of the chickens special enough to have a name, Quantess, turned out to be a girl.

roosters, 5 : hens, 6

[u]May 05[/u]: Bought a pullet, same age as my others (confirmed hen)!

roosters, 5 : hens, 7

June 05: My brother took the handsome Production Red, as the sole rooster for his 5 hens!

roosters, 4 : hens, 7

July 05: Bought 2 Black Silkie bantams crammed into a box, from a poultry auction. Paid $6 for the box of 2 chickens. Took them home, let them out of the box, they took turns crowing...yikes!

These Black Silkie boys almost don't qualify as roosters, because they are sort-of gay. They have no interest in the hens, and they are best-buddies, and, I have even seen them flirt with each other! And, they mimic the egg-laying call! But, they are just pals.

roosters, 6 : hens, 7

July 05: On in the "wanted" section, I stumble upon a "wanted: Barred Rock cockerel" post. New chicken owners, the couple had just purchased 6 Barred Rock pullets and wanted a rooster. There goes "Screebert's brother"! Hoooray!

They picked him up and they emailed me a week later to let me know that he, indeed, fit into the flock. Very nice people.

roosters, 5 : hens, 7

August 05: It's been obvious for a while that "Dorothy" is a 1st class jerk of a rooster, and the least attractive. (Dorothy was the cutest chick in the "Ameraucana pullet" bin.)

So..back to the auction, to sell roo-Dorothy. I fully expected young-n-tender Dorothy to end up in a oven/frypan/wok, but, to give him a chance, I put him in a big box, labeled him as "ameraucana rooster, 5 mos, lucky".

Someone actually paid $8 for him!!! I can't imagine who would pay $8 for a chicken they'd butcher, when you can buy one already roasted for $6. Maybe Dorothy really did get "lucky"!?

roosters, 4 : hens, 7

Late August 05: The Black Silkie gay-confused guys are very cute, but they intimidate all the other chickens, including Jackie and Screebert, the remaining favorite roosters. But they're so cute, I know someone will love to have them.

My funny post on craigslist got 3 responses.

This weekend I'm going to deliver the Black Silkie boys to a woman with 5 acres and a barn. She has no other chickens. SHE JUST LIKES THE SOUND OF CHICKENS!!! For these noisy little gay-confused guys, how perfect a fit is that?!

roosters, 2 : hens, 7


Screebert is a Barred-Rock, who developed curly tailfeathers early. When I brought baby-chick home, my rottweiler nearly licked him to death, and the chick was limp for a whole 2 hours.

I actually had the chick sleep in bed with me for a week. That made the chick think I was its mom, and so it'd scree when I wasn't around.

Screebert was a late bloomer. Mama's boy. He still sounds ridiculous when trying to crow. He's good lookin' though!


The only baby chick in the store wearing a pillbox hat! I cracked up when I spotted the Polish Crested black-body white-crest baby. Named Jackie, after Jackie Kennedy in the pillbox hat.

Because of the silly hat, I suppose, Jackie got picked on by the others. Jackie needed a pal in life, so I purchased bantie chick Quantess. Again, thank goodness Quantess is a hen.
THE NEW FATHERThe handsome Production Red that I gave to my brother is a new father! The hen is a medium size yellowish red/brown. All 12 chicks are red! (not like there's a paternity dispute, with only 1 rooster around).

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